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12 Days of Anime (2013) – Day 6 – 3 Year Anniversary and 500th Post


needless-13-setsuna-speed-shoujo_butai-girl_squad-leader-blue_hair-smile-happy-confident-serious-villain-antagonist-awesomeTo think, on December 20, 2010, Avvesione’s Anime Blog was nothing more than a wild idea derived from my passion for anime and my desire to express it.  It may have been 0 days old and have 0 posts, but I knew this idea would grow into something special.  Today, on December 20, 2013, my anime blog has triumphed through 3 long years and amassed a total of 499 posts.  With this post commemorating the 3 Year Anniversary for Avvesione’s Anime Blog, it also marks a great, new milestone, being my 500th post.  This is truly an exceptional moment for me and my anime blog.  Just trying to fathom all the time and anime and thinking and writing that occurred between these two time points is nothing short of remarkable.  Never did I imagine that my anime blog would ever make it this far.  And now, I wonder, where will it go from here.

needless-06-setsuna-speed-girl_squad-shoujo_butai-leader-serious-thinking-smart-tomboyAs I’ve done with my two previous anniversary posts, I am using this opportunity to consolidate it with my 12 Days of Anime and review any significant lessons, mistakes or achievements that occurred during the year.  However, since this is an anniversary post and my 500th post, I want to look back at something that has been with me since the beginning of this blog and is still a majority of the posts here.  And perhaps nothing is more notable than the disappearance of the individual anime episode posts that began with this blog.

needless-05-setsuna-speed-girl_squad-pointing-looking_up-spiky_blue_hair-tomboyWhat began as the only format of content on my blog, the individual posts were a staple and the only avenue I utilized in expressing my thoughts, reviews, opinions and critiques on the various anime I watched.  I would use these posts as a means of exploring a thought, an observation or belief that I assumed would be original or novel to readers, thus making my posts engaging or stimulating. The idea here was that each post would highlight something obscure or that would assist the reading in exploring an anime further.  Of course, this proved to be challenging to write after every episode of whatever anime I was blogging, but it became an exercise in testing my understanding and perception of these shows.  I enjoyed trying to find little details about the setting or the characters or the stories that I could extrapolate further or develop upon until it became a completed post.

needless-06-setsuna-speed-girl_squad-leader-determined-serious-tie-blue_hairHowever, I quickly began to yearn to write about more shows since there were a number of topics and subjects and ideas I had to forego since I was not blogging those shows.  It was then that I realized I could make do a format where I cover every show I’m watching weekly with a brief mention or idea or quip that I could document to fulfill this aspiration.  As the seasons progressed, my time became more restricted and the number of individual anime I could follow were steadily reduced.  It even came to the point where some episodes were several days late, a week late or even skipped.

needless-23-setsuna-speed-girl_squad-blush-embarrassed-comedy-panic-cute-adorableI began to realize I was not lucky enough to do both formats of writing and was faced with a decision to make: continue the individual posts and scale back on the weekly posts or to marry the two together and expand the weekly posts and write in greater detail.  Based on the amount of time these posts took and the amount of views that these posts received, I decided on the latter.  It was a difficult decision but one that needed to be made.  Although I’d like to go back and do the individual posts again, I realize I do not have the necessary time to steadily write these posts at the quality and length I hold myself by.  And because of such, the individual anime posts disappeared.

needless-07-setsuna-speed-dean_drive_fox_hound-girl_squad-school_uniform-attack-flyingThe last individual anime post I made (for the time being) was the finale of the first season of Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic.  The last paragraph is a very sentimental section to me and mirrors what I’ve written in this post.

To me, this post means more to me than the last individual anime post in the foreseeable future.  To me, this post symbolizes two characteristic of blogging an anime that pushed me in this direction, one being the perturbing lateness with my posts and the frustration that stems from it.  You see, I had the idea and theme for this post since midway through the very first episode of Magi.  However, instead of writing on this subject for the very first episode, I decided to save the topic for a later episode, one that’d be more appropriate and for one that’d be on time.  As the episodes rolled on, I began to juggle more on my schedule and subsequently, I began to struggle finding time to watch anime, let alone write about it.  Trying to watch over a dozen anime each season and write about them, even something as simple as a paragraph or two proved to be more challenging now than it was last year or even a few months ago.  And when I did find the time, I often found I was neither in the mood to watch or write about anime.  It had arrived at the point where I began to rationalize that I didn’t have the time in me to write individual posts like these anymore without sacrificing quality or value.  I do wish I could return to this format and style of blogging since it allows me to do develop ideas much better than my weekly posts, especially when exploring themes, explaining my opinions, and grasping certain practices and styles of anime and storytelling in general.  If you look back at the two-and-a-quarter years of which I have done these individual posts, you’ll see how my understanding, my writing, my voice and my appreciation for anime has evolved over these years from just this blog and these shows alone.  But it also represents a period of which I had more free-time than I do now which is why these posts are going to halt for now.  So when I think back to this post and this topic on ‘the romance of adventure in Magi’, I’ll always think of it more as the post that symbolizes what I want to do with blogging and the reality that I just can’t do it right now.

I did make an exception to this when I wrote about the final chapter of the Needless manga (spoilers), but that was it.  These two were the last two individual posts I’ve written and it seems like I won’t be able to write in this format again for the foreseeable future.  I do hope to return to this style again one day.  I also want to explore new formats and new style of content, too, in order to provide some diversity to this blog beyond the weekly posts.  Since this is an anniversary post, maybe I will look back here from December 20, 2014 and appreciate what I was able to do in this next calendar year.


Filed under: 12 Days of Anime, Anime, Me + Other Non-Anime Posts Tagged: 12 Days of Anime, Analysis, Anniversary, Blog, Comparison, Differences, Direction, Journey, Magi, Milestone, Needless, Observations, Real World, Writing

12 Days of Anime (2013) – Day 5 – Alternating Perspectives in Monogatari Series Second Season


monogatari_series_second_season-21-kaiki-suzuki-villain-suit-cell_phone-calm-cool-collected-suaveHave you ever wondered what an anime would be like if it were shown through the eyes of another character?  How might things be perceived or depicted if we heard it through someone else’s voice?  Would their priorities and preference impact the story differently?  How would their observations or presence affect the story, too?  Say, for example, if we saw Neon Genesis Evangelion through the eyes of Asuka or Code Geass from Suzaku’s point-of-view… how would these shows be affected?

monogatari_series_second_season-02-tsubasa_cat-pajamas-nekomimi-cat_ears-cat_eyes-white_hair-grin-light-awesomeIf you’ve ever wondered about this or if you’ve ever wanted to see this in an anime, then you and I share similar thoughts.  I always wonder about these irrelevant details and how an anime would be different if it were told through another character’s perspective.  Besides comedy episodes or OVAs or specials, anime rarely ever break their perspectives (and no, I’m not counting scenes where another character is doing something that is relevant to the story, those don’t count), and I’m left with only my thoughts on how things would go if the perspectives were switched.  Fortunately for me, Monogatari Series Second Season has blessed me with three arcs – that’s right, three! – narrated from the perspective of characters other than Araragi: Tsubasa Hanekawa in Tsubasa Tiger (Nekomonogatari: Shiro), Nadeko Sengoku in Nadeko Medusa (Otorimonogatari) and Deishuu Kaiki in Hitagi End (Koimonogatari).  This sudden and welcomed change in the series offered an outstanding experience for the viewers, providing us with opportunities to see and understand the world of Monogatari differently than if we were riding alongside Araragi again.

monogatari_series_second_season-10-nadeko-surprised-shocked-hair_blowingEach of these arcs were told in a way that felt wildly different than the norm, or rather, different than what we’d come to expect from Monogatari told from Araragi’s perspective.  This isn’t simply because the stories themselves were different but because each character brought their own personalities, energy (or lack thereof), and experiences to Monogatari when it was their turn to do the storytelling.  How Tsubasa would react to something is different than Nadeko which is different than Kaiki which is different than Araragi.  What’s important to Tsubasa is different than Nadeko which is… and so on and so forth.  It’s these differences in these characters themselves that were able to influence and change these stories into their own.  And because of these differences, there was a newfound diversity within this anime series.  With these different perspectives, we were offered a chance at seeing Monogatari in a whole new way.

monogatari_series_second_season-04-tsubasa-funny_face-tongue_sticking_out-pulling_eyelid_down-comedy-teasing-funPerhaps no difference is more stark than how the fanservice was handled between these characters.  With Araragi, the fanservice quickly becomes an opportunity for ecchi humor or perverted comedy.  With Tsubasa, the fanservice is nothing special and rather ordinary, whether it’s fooling around with Senjougahara in the showers or relaxing with Karen and Tsukihi in the bathtub.  And for Kaiki, he’d rather ignore the notion of fanservice altogether.  And that’s just one example of the differences between these characters.  Imagine now, for a moment, if you extrapolate this information to other factors in the series, from dialogue to personal commentary to reactions to objectives and everything in between.

monogatari_series_second_season-21-kaiki-suzuki-villain-diguise-hawaiian_shirt-thinking-pondering-personality-rationale-conflictingWhat Monogatari Series Second Season was able to provide this year was a chance at watching an anime through the eyes of another character.  Although this isn’t the first series to pull off such a feat, the fact that it did this three times is nothing short of brilliant.  I’ve always enjoyed seeing a story through the eyes of another character and I greatly appreciate Monogatari for doing this.  And since I do enjoy this method of storytelling so much, I suppose it’d be appropriate to mention a couple other anime who have done that this year, notably Space Brothers with Hibiki on the moon, Zetsuen no Tempst through Hakaze’s mini-adventure, and To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S (or really, that whole series) with the Sisters arc.  Each offered us a chance to see the eyes through a different character and each of these stories turned out to be some of the highlights in these franchises (with some even becoming my favorite part).  That being said, I wanted to give recognition to Monogatari with this 12 Days of Anime post since it was able to pull off this feat three times which is nothing short of impressive.  I am always delighted when an anime is able to do this for a significant duration of time and acknowledging this, especially after what Monogatari has done, is certainly deserving of its own day in the 12 Days of Anime.


Filed under: 12 Days of Anime, Anime Tagged: 12 Days of Anime, Analysis, Characters, Code Geass, Development, Differences, Direction, Emotion, Favorites, Interactions, Monogatari Series, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Observations, Opinions, Personalities, Perspective, Positives, Space Brothers, Story, Storytelling, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun, Writing, Zetsuen no Tempest

12 Days of Anime (2013) – Day 4 – Unexpected Character Development in Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C3-bu


stella_jogakuin_koutouka_c3_bu-05-yura-determined-confident-character_development-protective_lensesWith an overabundance of moe, slice-of-life anime produced every year, it’s a real challenge for each show to distinguish and differentiate themselves from each other.  In a genre that is oversaturated in mediocrity, a series will be required to employ a significant amount of creativity, originality or innovation in order for it to stand above the rest.  Even if it can’t shake the label of ‘cute girls doing whatever’, an anime can achieve excellence through a variety of ways.  For some, it’s comedy (Love Lab) and for others, it’s chemistry (Yuyushiki).  But for Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C3-bu, an anime about an all-girls airsoft/survival games club, it was a brilliant display of character development and introspection that allowed the anime to distance itself from the median and become one of the better, more enjoyable anime of 2013.

stella_jogakuin_koutouka_c3_bu-01-yura-survival_game-goggles-headset-forestYura Yamato, the protagonist of this anime, was integral to the success of C3-bu.  It was not due to her role as the main character, but rather, how her character impacted the series with her growth, maturity and fluctuating personality.  At first, Yura was an excitable, yet shy and timid lass who had grandiose dreams and a vivid imagination of a prosperous life in an all-girls high school.  After being persuaded by the charming and charismatic Sonora, Yura began to shed her shy nature and enjoy her time with friends, valuing her friendship and connection to others.  However, her nervous and introverted identity caused her some hardship, leading her to surrender during a match and losing Sonora’s respect.  Realizng her mistake, Yura than began to blossom further as a character and her newfound desire to restore her friendship with Sonora saw Yura cut her hair and become more proactive.  Oh, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

stella_jogakuin_koutouka_c3_bu-04-yura-choujirou-prince-divine_realm-dream-imagination-fantasy-romance-holding_hands-bow-airsoftFrom here onward, we witnessed extraordinary moments in Yura’s life, from her wild imagination materializing in the real world with tremendous visuals and unforgettable lessons, to her becoming the unquestioned leader of the C3 club, to becoming obsessed with her power at the cost of her friendship and happiness, to joining the enemy side, to losing it all and wondering where she went wrong, only to find her place in the sun within the welcoming arms of the C3 club.  Really, C3-bu’s main storyline isn’t so much an anime about a club of six girls obsessed with firearms and warfare; I’d say that those elements were secondary to the journey of Yura’s character.  Everything that we saw in C3-bu was related to Yura and her growth as a person.  Even all that unexplained and unexplored fantasy stuff, stemming from that dazzling and groundbreaking imagination of Yura’s, was really an off-shoot of Yura’s character development (and deserves recognition of its own for its innovation and imagination in the series).  Really, the whole point of the anime was to watch this one girl go through a rollercoaster of events, experiences and emotions which forced her to mature into the cheerful, beaming girl we see at the end of the series.  You hardly ever see a character with such an outstanding level of complexity and you’d hardly ever expect it in a moe, slife anime like C3-bu.  But instead, C3-bu defied its label and took on a challenge rarely seen in anime and make a story about its character growing up rather than saving the world, finding true love or doing nothing.

stella_jogakuin_koutouka_c3_bu-11-yura-crying-alone-depressed-rain-isolated-cuteWithout Yura Yamato’s character development, C3-bu would have been just another ordinary slice-of-life anime.  But with Yura, C3-but was something different as Yura was able to impact and influence every episode.  And every episode of the series impacted and influences Yura, too, as she displayed growth and improvement in every episode.  In fact, you can take almost any episode of the series and look at Yura at the start and at the end and see some significant change in her character.  Whether it was mending a broken friendship, gaining confidence through her exceptional imagination, or finding herself alone and miserable due to her obsessive nature, Yura demonstrated a remarkable amount of character development that made her character one of the most exceptional and enjoyable of the entire year.  And for that, C3-bu deserves some recognition and praise for how it was able to utilize its main character.  It deserves so much that it even earned its own day in my 12 Days of Anime series.


Filed under: 12 Days of Anime, Anime Tagged: 12 Days of Anime, Analysis, Characters, Creativity, Development, Emotion, Fantasy, Favorites, Friendship, Innovative, Love Lab, Moe, Observations, Opinions, Personalities, School, School Club, Slice of Life, Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C3-bu, Story, Storytelling, Themes, Weapons, Yuyushiki

12 Days of Anime (2013) – Day 3 – Image Search, Views and Understanding Anime Fans


psycho_pass-14-kougami-city-lights-society-urban-metropolis-night-crimeIn January of this year, Google Image Search (GIS) changed its structure and format to better accommodate its users in how they search and access images across the internet.  The most noticeable feature of this adjustment was that images would now expand within the window rather than opening the website and loading the page with the image on it.  This improvement was a welcome change among users, allowing them to access more previews quicker, completing searches faster and all without requiring pages to load on multiple websites.  However, as a direct result of this change, my blog and many other anime blogs saw a sharp decline in views due to the reduction in searches leading to page loads.  So while this moment of 2013 is not necessarily related to anime, this change in searches has had an unquestioned effect on this anime blog, perhaps the most significant change in its short history.

sasami_san@ganbaranai-10-sasami-bored-pajamas-hiding_under_bedAlthough there are certain to be differences and variations within the anime blog community, I expect all blogs were hit by this change.  For me, I had always employed a variety of images to enhance my blog posts, to provide pleasing and relevant visuals to accompany my writing.  I’ve found their colors and details to be eye-catching and I want them to stand out in my blog, a reason why the theme outside of these images is largely black and white.  And I structured my blog to have a variety of images since I know more anime fans search for anime images than anime opinions or anime blog posts.  As a result, my blog reached a wide variety of anime fans from across the globe and my view count grew steadily over the years.  I always knew, based on the search terms that people used to find my blog, that the images were how I attracted people with the hopes that people would scroll through the posts, read it and become interested in the writing.  However, I knew most people were searching for an image and wouldn’t bother reading a single word I had written.  Because of that, I always wondered how many people read my posts versus the people hunting and searching for certain images.  Well, in January, Google decided to help simply my question by dramatically reducing the amount of visits purely from searches alone.  And I was well aware of the change when it happened.

blog_views-declineAs you can see, the drop in monthly views is quite apparent.  But I realize I am not alone with this profound change in views as I have spoken to other anime bloggers who have also noticed a similar change in views when Google altered its image search.  Although different blogs may have seen different effects, I realized that this would change how I’d attract readers and how I’d promote my blog.  However, I also realize that the views I receive now are more accurate than the image search inflated numbers prior to the GIS change.  Now, I believe the views reflect a number closer to the real number of reads, though I do realize it’s nowhere near perfect.  It does provide me with a better sense of how much traffic I receive on this blog and how to better tailor my posts to my audience.  It also provides me with a better understanding of how many people actually visit my blog versus people looking for an image or two and then moving on.  So while I may be nowhere near the number of views from last year, I understand that my readership continues to grow without the data to verify it.

suisei_no_gargantia-01-red-protagonist-hero-looking_back-sunrise-spacesuit-helmet-mechaThis moment doesn’t really fit along with the lines of the other 12 Days of Anime posts, but it’s easily one of the 12 most significant moments of the year for this anime blog.  It really helps me understand more of the anime community, what anime fans are really after and what other anime bloggers are doing with their blogs.  Although people may be disappointed with the decline in numbers, it does reflect a better percentage of readers visiting the blogs and can be used to show what changes will increase readership versus people searching for images.  I suppose then, with this new data and information, anime fans and anime blogs may alter their habits or change their behaviors to better connect and communicate as a community.  So while this moment may not have been incredibly significant for me or even relate to an anime at all, it deserves its day in the 12 Days of Anime for helping improve my anime blog.


Filed under: 12 Days of Anime, Me + Other Non-Anime Posts Tagged: 12 Days of Anime, Analysis, Anime Fans, Blog, Data, Internet, Real World, Writing

12 Days of Anime (2013) – Day 2 – Matoi Ryuuko


kill_la_kill-08-ryuuko-protagonist-tomboy-serious-confident-kickass-awesomeCan you name your favorite anime character?  How about your second favorite?  What about third?  Fourth?  What about fifth and sixth and onward?

For some, naming a favorite character or ranking favorite characters is a simple exercise, assessing and evaluating individuals based on their appearance, personality, actions and quirks and ordering them based on their final valuation.  For others, it’s an impossible task; one that varies every time you ask due to differences in mood, memory and the fact that they do not have such a list written down.  For me, however, I do have such a list – a basic one, at least – that answers this question or me whenever I think about it and wonder what I like best about anime characters.  For anyone who knows me well, you’d figure that Matoi Ryuuko of KILL la KILL would immediately skyrocket up this list based on what we’ve seen.  You’d be right, in fact, especially since Ryuuko is second overall.  Considering how extensive this list must be considering the breadth of anime I’ve watched over the years, to have an anime character place second overall is nothing short of impressive and deserving of Day 2 in my 12 Days of Anime.

kill_la_kill-06-ryuuko-senketsu-transformation-yelling-figthing-dramatic-awesome-kick_assWhat makes Ryuuko so outstanding and desirable as an anime character is that she is the complete package.  Or rather, in terms of anime, her character matches my favorite archetype perfectly.  Her appearance, personality, role, acts, and qualities are all among my favorite.  She has the appearance of a rough, resilient teenage girl with short, spiky black hair (with a hallmark red streak in her bangs) mirrors her steadfast personality as an arrogant, stubborn tomboy who doesn’t know the meaning of fear.  But beneath this tough, aggressive layer is a rather sweet and kindhearted girl who looks out for her best friend, Mako.  The contrast is really quite fascinating in that Ryuuko never really gets to show off her sweet side since she’s constantly in conflict with everyone and everything around her.  You could say that Ryuuko’s true personality is more what we see with Mako but the fact that she keeps up the image of the rugged loner is really the identity she wants to present.  Still, her personality has some complexity and depth despite always appearing as a rebel looking for trouble

kill_la_kill-06-ryuuko-senketsu-life_fiber-victory-pose-awesome-kick_ass-dramaticIn addition to her appearance and personality, her role in the series is also beneficial to her character.  Although the series focuses on her standing alone against the totalitarian rule of Satsuki, she does have some decent comedy when presented with the opportunity.  It isn’t nearly as often as I’d enjoy but her few assortment of jokes and smiles are windows to her sweeter side and display that she can be rather fun when she isn’t constantly fighting or trying to stay alive.  And considering the appeal of the series is the excessive amount of fanservice, Ryuuko’s sex appeal is a positive for me, too.  Although the skimpy uniforms and transformations are a bit over-the-top, I don’t mind the more Ryuuko’s character in more of the traditional fanservice roles or even the silly ones like the tight pajamas or her striped panties.  And Ryuuko’s treatment of other characters, although this really is at a minimum, is quite encouraging.  Ryuuko takes great care of Mako, seen time and time again with how she spends her days with her, talking to her and rescuing her, but she is even kind to strangers when in need.  She really is quite gallant and magnanimous as a person, but the series is only able to show that in little snippets.  But overall, every quality about her is something that I adore or enjoy in an anime character.

kill_la_kill-04-ryuuko-bunny_pajamas-smile-happy-friendship-red_streak-short_spiky_hair-tomboy-cute_eyesBecause of all this and because of the nature of KILL la KILL, Ryuuko quickly became one of my favorite anime characters.  As KILL la KILL progressed and we were able to witness more of her character, I began to rank her higher and higher, passing other beloved characters of mine along the way.  KILL la KILL has done a fantastic job demonstrating her character to us and really making her one of the more memorable characters this year.  I wouldn’t be surprised to see her rank as one of the most memorable among anime fans for this year.  But for me, I’ve seen enough of Ryuuko to say she’s my second favorite anime character overall.  Just everything about her and the anime she’s in are enough to move her into second all-time.  Of course, KILL la KILL is not over yet and there’s still plenty of time for her character to settle into a final spot.  Additionally, there could be other characters who appear in anime soon that could usurp her spot as time goes on.  But for now, and for all the time we’ve had with Ryuuko this year, she’s sitting comfortably in second place.


Filed under: 12 Days of Anime, Anime Tagged: 12 Days of Anime, Appreciation, Characters, Comedy, Development, Ecchi, Evaluations, Favorites, Friendship, Hair, Interactions, KILL la KILL, Panties, Personalities, Rankings, Sex Appeal

12 Days of Anime (2013) – Day 1 – The Final Chapter of Needless, the End to my Favorite Manga and a Tale my Anime/Manga Revolution


needless-114-adam_neuschwanstein-blade-eve-finale-city-flame-gloves-naked-fanservice-ecchi-sequelOn May 19, 2013, the June issue of Ultra Jump debuted as any normal issue of a mangazine would.  However, this particular issue was noticeably different with an announcement following the 113rd chapter of Needless stating that next month’s chapter would be the final one.  Without any preparation or any proper warning, the sudden and abrupt ending was only a month away.  The announcement began to explain the accelerated pace of the last few chapters and the conclusions of many loose ends, but with so much more remaining and the peculiar developments of late, especially some of the absolutely shocking events in 113, you wondered just how the manga could end with an unfortunate amount of unanswered questions.  But one month later, Needless 114 debuted and so ended the serialization of my favorite manga.

But rather than recap Needless 114 (spoilers), my impressions and thoughts moving forward, which are all properly documented in my final post on the manga, I wanted to take a moment to remember just how important and significant the anime and manga were to me.

Needless was really the first anime that really got me into anime.  Prior to Summer 2009, I would only watch a handful of anime each season, maybe 2-3 depending on what my friends would recommend.  Back then, I wouldn’t even really watch PVs, search forums or blogs or even research shows.  And rightfully so, most of the shows I watched were rather lame or mediocre or not all that exciting.  In fact, I even passed over Needless (and Bakemonogatari and Spice and Wolf II) for Summer 2009.  It wasn’t until a few weeks into the season that I was desperately bored and wondering if any other anime were worth picking up.  Turns out that the Needless ED (yes, the incredibly ecchi one) was making quite a commotion online.  After watching it once, I figured that watching a fanservicey anime about three girls wouldn’t be so bad, but I wondered if I picked up the wrong anime when the OP and other preview images were about muscular, shirtless men and the three sexy girls almost nowhere to be seen.  But I tried the anime and was interested in it, only to slowly fall in love with it as the season continued.

needless-09-setsuna-speed-shoujo_butai-girls_squad-simeon-smile-school_uniform-blue_spiky_hair-tomboyIt caused me to drastically reevaluate how I research and watch anime.  With the Autumn 2009 approaching, I began to search around for more information on anime and reconsider what shows I should watch and which ones I enjoy.  Although I started the Summer 2009 season with only 4 shows, I began Autumn 2009 with 13 new ones, in addition to the handful that continued over from Summer.  The change was night-and-day for me and I began to enjoy anime at a whole new level.  And since then, I’ve always watched around a dozen or more anime each season, thanks to my newfound appreciation for research and the amount of time I have available to watch anime.  You could say that Needless really sparked an anime revolution for me considering I never really paid too much attention to anime before it.

needless-14-kuchinashi-silent-emotionless-sketchbook-confused-question_mark-staring-comedy-hilariousYou could also say that it even caused a revolution in how I understood the anime community, too.  In order to perform this research, it required me to expand my horizons and see what people were saying about the new upcoming anime.  But before that, I began searching around to see what people were saying about my new favorite anime, Needless.  This proved to be difficult considering that the anime was relatively unpopular, especially compared to some of the other choice anime airing these seasons, but I did stumble across two blogs that basically introduced me to anime blogging, chaostangent and The Cart Driver (though Scamp was writing for Bokutachi no Blog at the time).  Although neither blogger had anything positive to say about Needless, the bastards…, I did become interested in their presentation, their style and the ideas they were able to pitch about the anime they watched.  It was wildly different than anything I had seen or read before and I became slowly addicted.  From there, I began to branch out and read other blogs and began to enjoy the anime of reading several anime blogs.  As I continued to expand my taste for anime, I began to discover more and more anime blogs and began to learn more and think more about all the anime I was watching.  In fact, after a year of this continual growth, I decided to form my own anime blog, the one you’re currently reading, about a year after this discovery.  I recently celebrated my 3 Year Anniversary, a testament to how much I love and enjoy the anime I’m watching and how much I appreciate and value blogging and other anime bloggers.

needless-51-cruz-mio-girls_squad-simeon-friendship-happiness-holding_out_hand-pantiesTaking a step back, before watching the Needless anime, when I was barely watching any anime, I was never reading any manga.  Although I had tried a handful of manga prior to Summer 2009, I was never really hooked and always preferred to watch the flashy, colorful anime alternative than the static, black-and-white manga version.  But when watching the Needless anime, I became slowly addicted to the story and the characters and I quickly wanted more.  At the time, I never really considered reading the manga, but while searching for blogs to see what people were saying, I did notice a few scans of the manga from more recent chapters.  Perhaps the most shocking one was seeing Cruz dressed as a female, wearing the Shoujo Butai school uniform.

needless-56-cruz-setsuna-kuchinashi-yamada-trap-crossdressing-girls_squad-shoujo_butai-comedy-fanserviceI was immediately curious about how such a strange development could’ve happened, especially since I just learned that the three girls were antagonists in the anime (this was only 6 or so episodes into the anime).  I began to poke my nose around the manga but my efforts were largely fruitless since only 10 chapters were translated at that time.  I did discover a small but new community of fans of the anime who were trying to access the manga and eventually joined their tiny society when the manga was available.  At that time, there were only 70 chapters out, but I read through each one and spoiled the entire anime for myself.  But by then, I really didn’t care.  I just wanted more Needless.  Unfortunately for me, I didn’t realize that the manga was only monthly, but this was the first manga I truly read and I knew I’d be waiting for it every month until its finale.

needless-114-adam_neuschwanstein-mio-solva-teruyama-cruz-seth-disk-testament-striped_panties-crossAnd here I am today, or rather, there I was in June, reading the final chapter of my favorite manga.  Needless really sparked a revolution inside me that completely changed who I am today and where I am within the anime community.  Not only is it directly responsible for me watching more anime, reading anime blogs and starting my blog and becoming interested in the medium of manga but it provided me with the most enjoyable experience of any anime/manga that I’ve watched or read.

needless-74-cruz-blade-yamada-trap-crossdressing-girls_squad-comedy-cuteThe story of Needless is far from perfect and is even frustrating at times, but nothing else comes close to it in my opinion.  There’s that charm, that captivation, that thrill of excitement and delight with every moment that makes Needless so wonderfully enjoyable.  But beyond that, and beneath all the ecchi fanservice and brutish fights, is a very cerebral aspect to the manga that is among the best.  You wouldn’t think of a manga with such frequent pantyshots and absurd gags to be very intellectual, but Needless has had the best example of character development I have ever witnessed, the subject reserved for Day 1 of my 12 Days of Anime for 2012.  And while on that subject, just to reiterate how important this manga is to me, it also won Day 1 of 2011 when Setsuna reappeared after a lengthy hiatus.

needless-96-setsuna-kuchinashi-return-old_uniforms-simeonAs so, here we are, at the end of Needless.  After recounting just how much of an impact it has had on me, it’s somewhat sad to see the manga go, especially with such an abrupt ending.  And though it is sad, I do feel blessed to have had such a wonderful and memorable experience, all thanks to one anime/manga.  I realize how fortunate I am to have had this epiphany, something I feel is rather exclusive to me and is rare among other anime fans.  I don’t want to take this lightly, for that fact.  But beyond that, I should feel truly blessed that Needless is not over… the mangaka for Needless, Imai Kami, had always planned a second half to the series, Needless 2, which is connected by the story Needless 1.5 which actually debuted in Ultra Jump back in 2001, two years before the Needless manga was serialized.  However, with Imai Kami taking a break, we aren’t quite sure where or when Needless 2 will start, but we can always hope that it will be sooner rather than later considering that Needless ran for 10 years, from 2003 to 2013.

needless-100-cruz-yamada-protagonist-heroic-dramatic-eyes-blood-determinedSo with that, I wanted to reserve the end to my favorite manga for Day 1 of my 12 Days of Anime.  Without a doubt, this is the single most-important event of the year for me considering what Needless has done for me in my life.  Without it, I wouldn’t be where I am today and I wouldn’t have enjoyed anime or manga as much as I do with it.  Although I don’t expect anyone to love the series as much as I do, or even to enjoy it or tolerate it (it does have a high amount of ecchi fanservice), I do hope you take a moment to respect it for its profound and unquestioned effect on me.  And so with that, this concludes my 12 Days of Anime for 2013 and I hope you all had as wonderful a year as I did.  I can’t wait to see what 2014 has in store for me and everyone else… especially if that includes Needless 2.


Filed under: 12 Days of Anime, Anime, Manga, Me + Other Non-Anime Posts, Needless, Special Posts Tagged: 12 Days of Anime, Anime Fans, Art, Bakemonogatari, Characters, Comedy, Development, Ecchi, Entertainment, Favorites, Fighting, History, Manga, Memories, Milestone, Needless, Observations, Opinions, Panties, Respect, Society, Spice and Wolf, Story, Storytelling, Surprises, Themes, Trap, Writing

Autumn 2012 – Season Review


sasami_san@ganbaranai-03-autumn-fall-golden_leaves-red-orange-water-peacefulYes, you’re reading that right.  Yes, this is for 2012, not 2013.  Yes, this post is over an entire year late. Yeah… about that…

So, remember all those wonderful anime from 2012?  All the ones I forgot to provide my opinions and reviews and closure on?  Well, here it is, my final review for the anime of Autumn 2012.

Before we begin, the ranking of anime below was completed at the end of December after a majority of the shows were completed.  I did complete an evaluation of these shows at the time but never created a final review.  It’s also worth noting that some of the shows that continued into Winter 2013 may have different grades in that review based on how they performed in their latter half.  These are only the reviews from October-December for 2012.

Every anime receives a numerical score (between 10-5 as well as a D [delayed/dropped]) and is placed in position according to how they rank against each other from top to bottom, helping differentiate position among anime receiving the same score.  Each anime is paired with its own review which provides my overall thoughts and evaluation on the anime in addition to explaining my reasoning behind the score and ranking.  Any questions or discussion are welcome and encouraged in the comment section.

Psycho-Pass – 9

psycho_pass-01-tsunemori-confused-lost-newbie-rookie-explainingFavorite Character: Akane Tsunemori

Review – Psycho-Pass is the complete anime, satisfying me or going well above the norm in every category.  Of particular note is how well the setting is defined and utilized in the story and how the characters use the world they live in as a significant aspect of the story.  The cast is engaging and delightful and the art and animation are thrilling, especially with some of the visual effects demonstrated.  Akane’s character growth has been the real story in this anime and a significant reason why it sits atop the list as the best anime of Autumn 2012.

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure – 9

jojos_bizarre_adventure-10-joseph-crying-serious-manly_tearsFavorite Character: Dio Brando

Review – JoJo’s has been a phenomeonal rollercoaster of an anime, filled with touching moments, emotional peaks and harrowing valleys.  JoJo’s knows storytelling and how to make a simple plot be an unforgettable experience.  The characters ooze with charm and charisma making their dialogue both captivating and enjoyable to listen to.  And the fighting, especially the climax of Phantom Blood, has been nothing short of sensational.  I’ve been especially surprised with the brilliant and expressive use of art and colors in JoJo’s, something that continues to please me with each passing episode.  And the transition from Phantom Blood to Battle Tendency is keeping me excited for the second half, when this anime continues into Winter 2013.

Kamisama Kiss – 9

kamisama_kiss-04-nanami-tomoe-romance-shoujo-sparkles-bubblesFavorite Character: Natsuko Umibe

Review – As a lighthearted and charming anime, Kamisama Kiss may be a surprise for some at its elite position but, to those who watched it, this grade and ranking seems appropriate.  Kamisama Kiss was the embodiment of fun and amusement, an ideal presentation for a romantic comedy where Nanami is a luckless girl who serendipitously becomes the god of the Mikage shrine.  The story is about Nanami’s transition and the hectic and tumultuous lifestyle that awaits her but the anime puts on a happy face and makes everything amiable or amusing.  The cast is particularly enjoyable (though some males were obnoxious and annoying) and had excellent chemistry together.  And this is one of the few anime where the romance didn’t feel predominantly forced or annoying.  Although Kamisama Kiss may not look like a stellar or outstanding anime, it is easily one of the best anime I’ve seen all year.

Nekomonogatari: Kuro – 9

nekomonogatari-03-tsubasa-araragi-catgirl-nekomimi-white_hair-bra-panties-sexy_black_underwear-pose-sexual_tensionFavorite Character: Shinobu Oshino

Review – Although I typically only evaluate and grade TV anime in these reviews, the Nekomonogatari: Kuro OVA was four that snuck in right before New Year’s Eve.  And since I’m a slave to Shaft’s eccentric styles and the storytelling of the Bakemonogatari franchise, I felt it would be appropriate to include.

Nekomonogatari: Kuro was decent as a standalone series but it’s success derives from knowing how it integrates into the series and how it supplements your understanding of Bakemonogatari.  Without this knowledge and watching the story arc as a ‘flashback’, this anime would only have been mediocre for Shaft.  However, watching Nekomonogatari is like finishing the part of a puzzle that was left unfinished back in Summer 2009 and glossed over in Winter 2012.  It’s incredibly satisfying and the art, direction and storytelling made it even more enjoyable.  I’ve always been a fan of the Bakemonogatari franchise, thanks to its art, characters, dialogue and odd stories on oddities, but this has been one of the better examples of the franchise.  I’m thrilled that we received this OVA and its grade and position reflect that and its excellence.

K – 9

k-11-kurou-neko-yashiro-kukuri-battleFavorite Character: Neko

Review – K is a perfect example of style over substance, a rather thin, obtuse story with lots of stunning colors, choreographed fights and an uncomfortable blue filter over everything.  And while there were misgivings about the story, it was decent but it wasn’t what K was about.  K was a visual masterpiece of colors, kinetics, animation and expression that featured gorgeous fights and stylish action.  It really didn’t have a significant meaning, but as long as you didn’t care (and K certainly doesn’t), K is wonderful.  I’d love to see more anime mimic this style of art and animation, but not to the point where it saturates the industry like that certain blue filter.  The cast size was enormous and diverse enough that virtually anyone who watched it could find a character they liked, so I’m not sure whether that’s a positive or negative.  One negative was that the story was rather tame and anime-ish, but as long as you’re not watching it for the story, K will be worthwhile.  The whole point of K is to watch a fun anime with loads of action that dazzles and delights the eyes and, if you watch it with that in mind, K will be one of the better anime you watch.

Robotics;Notes – 8

robotics;notes-03-tanegashimachine_3S-hobby_robot-physics-fighting-robo_one_tournamentFavorite Character: Kona Furugoori (Frau)

Review – The strengths of Robotics;Notes is in its foundation: its characters, its setting and its charm.  With the story particularly lacking and the art and animation subpar, especially for Production I.G, the characters are what drives Robotics;Notes forward with their quirky behavior and ideal chemistry.  I can’t say I’m entirely thrilled with the pace and direction of the story but I do enjoy the subtle mysteries and elusive hints popping up at various unexpected times.  Still, the anime is best when it’s happy and it’s been relatively good at that.  The setting with robots and robotics and anime is nice but the use of technology and the location are what I appreciate the most.  Tanegashima is unique and plays well with the distinctiveness of Robotics;Notes and the use of the Iru-O system (how you see Airi) in the anime has been innovative and significant.  I hope the anime continues on this trajectory into Winter 2013 since it has been pleasant but could use improvement in its art and story.

Magi – 8

magi-03-morgiana-slave-fighting-combat-antagonistFavorite Character: Leila

Review – Fantasy and adventure reign supreme in Magi, allowing the anime to present both an enthralling story with exuberance and enthusiasm.  The setting has been engaging and exceptional with its labyrinths, djinns and exhaustive, minute details.  I’m particularly happy we’ve seen various cities from various characters and their perspectives to construct a proper understanding of this world and the magic within it.  The characters have been enjoyable thus far with the main trio featuring strong chemistry, especially between Aladdin and Alibaba.  The fights have been decent, too, though the best was shown in the first episode.  I’m curious to see where the anime goes from here knowing that this is a particularly long shounen manga, but the start has captivated me and hooked me in.  However, I can only hope the anime stays like this throughout.

Shin Sekai Yori – 8

shin_sekai_yori-07-satoru-saki-squealer-profiles-staring-listening-battle-warFavorite Character: Saki Watanabe

Review – Perhaps the most cerebral and intelligent anime of the season, Shin Sekai Yori leads strong with its fascinating characters, its shadowy story and even more enigmatic setting.  Maybe the most interesting aspect is watching the small circle of children grow and discover in this dangerous and frightening world.  Whether it is outside threats or an overseeing government, there’s the constant feeling of threat and fear.  The anime has been trending up with recent episodes and I’m intensely interested to see how this story continues and how everything resolves in the end.

Zetsuen no Tempest – 8

zetsuen_no_tempest-07-aika-yoshino-kiss-romance-passion-blue-stars-summerFavorite Character: Hakaze Kusaribe

Review – I’m not exactly sure what to think about Zetsuen no Tempest, but I like what I see.  The drive of the characters and the constant onslaught of logic and secrecy give the anime an appeal unique to Tempest, though I do question whether there is an oversaturation of it at times (the last few episodes where the characters just talked and talked and talked detract from this fascination).  The system and use of magic have also been interesting, especially with its emphasis on defense rather than offense.  However, the dynamic of the series with Hazke guiding two conflicting best friends via wooden doll walkie-talkie has been remarkable.  Having the guiding force be so far away and having each character work passionate for their own, different goals has made this anime enjoyable.  There are some misgivings and at times, it can be boring, but Tempest has been a charming anime and I’m excited to see where this anime will go and how everything will resolve with its latter half in Winter 2013.

Girls und Panzer – 8

girls_und_panzer-04-saori-scared-safety-tankFavorite Character: Mako Reizei

Review – Girls und Panzer is certainly an interesting take on a moe, slice-of-life anime.  Not only is it distinctive and matchless among its peers for its constant emphasis on warfare than overpowering theme of tanks but it has curious details too, like the schools being on aircraft carriers and the cast of 40+ girls.  It’s been surprising and enjoyable, but a few details got in the way to derail the anime.  Of particular note, are the stupid strategies that worked during the fights and the fact that the school would be saved ONLY by the girls winning the girly tank warfare tournament.  I can’t stand storylines like those, but thankfully it did not diminish from the rest of the fun and enjoyment of Girls und Panzer.  Some of the tank battles had particularly fantastic animation but for the most part, the series had median levels of art and animation.  The real strengths of the series were its fun, amusement and entertainment and certainly a worthwhile watch for those reasons alone.

Space Brothers – 8

space_brothers-opening-mutta-hibito-dancing-astronautsFavorite Character: Tadashi Hoshika

Review – What more can I say about Space Bros that I haven’t said in previous reviews?  The series has pretty much plateaued for me.  It’s still enjoyable but there’s nothing really exciting or new about it anymore.  The fact that these little story events repeat themselves in the same pattern over and over again has made the anime a little stale actually.  I’m hoping that as the story crawls closer to space, something fun or exciting will happen… but if the series keeps inching along at this pace, we might be traveling to the moon ourselves before Mutta does.

Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! – 7

chuunibyou_demo_koi_ga_shitai!-10-yuuta-rikka-cosplay-pose-comedy-eyepatch-fun Favorite Character: Touka Takanashi

Review – The comedy in Chuunibyou was more of an 8 but the romance and story was definitely a 6 meaning this romantic comedy ends up as a 7.  I really enjoy the anime as a mindless source of entertainment with gorgeous art/animation and a delightful cast but the topics and episodic content was actually rather boring, tepid or derivative.  Still, Chuunibyou is a solid anime but one that I’d recommend as a comedy more than anything else.

Medaka Box Abnormal – 7

medaka_box_abnormal-02-medakaFavorite Character: Yatsushiro (Absent)

Review – Although I thoroughly enjoyed Medaka Box Abnormal, the anime itself was pretty much mediocre.  What caught my attention and kept me smiling were the show’s surprisingly fun fights, its charming humor, its humorous characters and intelligent dialogue but nothing here was terrible impressive, noteworthy or innovative.  In fact, all of the strengths of the anime for me were good but not great.  Still, good is good enough for me, and I loved watching Medaka Box Abnormal for those very reasons since it did well in all these areas with no deficiencies.  The story of this sequel was a marked improvement over the original anime and the series was on a positive trajectory at the end, leaving me wanting more.  I wouldn’t mind watching another season of Medaka Box but I figure there probably won’t be another sequel based on its dismal reception and sales.

Little Busters! – 6

little_busters!-11-komari-rin-kud-screaming-panic-nekomimi-comedyFavorite Character: Kudryavka Noumi

Review – While I want myself to like Little Busters!, I really can’t.  There are just too many issues with the storytelling and story in this anime.  I realize the anime is based on a game but the transition between the two medium is virtually non-existent and the storytelling, pacing and enjoyment from the game are noticeably absent.  I also have to question the purpose or intent of these storylines, especially since they never really seem to build off each other and just end, much like going down different routes, reseting and then going down the next one.  Is that really the best direction for this anime?  Why not just play the game instead of trying to adapt it to an anime with this being the result?  However, when ignoring these major flaws, the anime does have some highlights, particularly its cast and its humor.  The anime continues into Winter 2013, so hopefully we can see some progress with the latter half of this series.

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo – 6

sakurasou_no_pet_na_kanojo-01-mashiro-calm-emotionless-morning-woke_up-bed_head-messy_hair-dress_shirt-cuteFavorite Character: Mashiro Shiina

Review – I’m really starting to wonder why I’m watching Sakurasou.  While the anime does have its enjoyable moments, the series has been largely boring to me.  It’s just too ‘normal’ of an anime to be anything exciting or original or worthwhile.  It’s really just a reminder of all the anime I watched back in the late 2000s that were of this similar style, of highschoolers spending their youth together and having fun.  It’s anime I feel like I’ve watched before and want to move away from.  But still, there’s a reason why I watched those anime previously and why I’m still watching Sakurasou now.  Sakurasou does have a magnificent list of characters which really makes the show worth watching.  The romance, story and comedy might be lacking but I do seeing the characters and their chemistry together.  I hope the series improves in its latter half, but I wouldn’t hold my breath for such a feat.

Jormungand Perfect Order – 6

jormungand-17-jonah-looking_back-cruious-calm-quietFavorite Character: Schokolade

Review – With every rocket launching high into the orbit, Jormungand Perfect Order saw its stock drop further and further.  What began as an insightful, entertaining and splendid anime, Jormungand’s series ended in one of the most bewildering and confounding finishes imaginable.  At first, the action was dumb but fulfilling and entertaining.  Yeah, there were guns firing and things blowing up… awesome.  But then the cast of characters became invisible and everything they did – everything as impossible as they did – was too damn easy.  It mean that one of my favorite aspects at the beginning of the series (the action/fighting) had become my worst enemy at the end.  There was no challenge or effort in this anime and everything was handed to Koko and company.  At that point, the series began to grow weary and tiresome… and that point was reached somewhere in season 1.  Nothing changed in this sequel and the characters and story felt like afterthoughts.  The fact that the sequel continued on this downward spiral and failed to make any of the necessary adjustments to revitalize the series or make it mildly interesting caused the anime to be a severe, severe disappointment.  And the ending was so stupid and infuriating that I can think of no better place for Jormungand.

Sword Art Online – 5

sword_art_online-24-kirito-asuna-alo-romance-reunion-together-loveFavorite Character: Keiko Ayano (Silica)

Review – Sword Art Online is a teenage boy’s fantasy.  It’s literally just a fanboy writing down his every desire.  Imagine being all alone every day (no parents, no siblings, no school, no homework, no responsibilities) playing virtual-reality video games with friends tons of hot girls in which you’re the best person ever at said video games and all your friends the hot girls are constantly wanting over your dick.  Then you save the video game worlds or something and meet your girlfriend in real life.  And everything’s gravy.  And while that does make for a good reality (to be honest, who wouldn’t want to go on that adventure), it makes for a terrible, terrible story.  There are no challenges.  There are no rewards.  It’s just a kid writing a Christmas list and getting everything he wants.  There’s no earning it in Sword Art Online.  There’s no value to what he’s doing.  And you know every challenge Kirito goes into, he’ll immediately prevail due to whatever bullshit the series wants.  It’s just watching a kid get whatever he wants, and that makes for a terrible, terrible anime.  As for the rest of SAO, it was actually fairly decent.  I did enjoy the characters, the backgrounds, the animation and the music.  All those factors were at the industry median to superb to even outstanding at times.  However, I could never get beyond the fact that the content of this anime was just miserable fanwank.  I really wish Sword Art Online could’ve received a better grade due to the features I enjoyed but this is really the grade the anime deserves.  Kinda sad to think about, really.

Achievements of Autumn 2012:

Best Art: K

Best Characters: Shin Sekai Yori

Best Entertainment: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

Best Setting: Psycho-Pass

Best Sound: K

Best Story: Shin Sekai Yori

Best OP: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

Since I loved the songs for this as well as K, Kamisama Kiss, Magi, Medaka Box Abnormal, Psycho-Pass, and Robotics;Notes, I had to find the one with the best visuals, which is easily JoJo’s. Second overall would be K followed by Medaka Box.

Best ED: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

I absolutely love it whenever an anime ending song begins playing during the final seconds of an episode and this one did it numerous times.  Although the visuals a pan over ancient Aztec carvings, I do like that they show all the characters and the song has developed into a personal favorite.  Psycho-Pass would be second and Shin Sekai Yori is third.

Biggest Surprise: Kamisama Kiss

What I expected to be a rather amusing but stereotypical shoujo reverse-harem romance turned out to be on of the best anime of the season, if not the year.  The characters, story and comedy proved to be impressive and delightful making this the most pleasant surprise of the season.

Biggest Disappointment: Jormungand: Perfect Order

Although I was growing tired of Jormungand at the end of the first season, I completely lost it with Jormungand in this continuation.  The action was awful and unbelievable, the characters felt flat and tedious and the story never really interested me, so Jormungand gave me nothing but dissatisfaction.

Best Finale: Medaka Box Abnormal

The episode proved to be fun and entertaining, especially since it was one especially made for TV [you couldn’t use that much color in a weekly manga] and with an entirely new cast of characters.

Most Hated Character: Otohito (Kamisama Kiss)

Also, I’d like to take a moment to apologize for the unreasonable delay in this post.  Hopefully you had some fun reliving the anime from 2012 here in 2014 (or later).

Filed under: 2012 Autumn, Anime, Season Reviews Tagged: Art, Characters, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!, Entertainment, Favorites, Girls und Panzer, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Jormungand, K, Kamisama Kiss, Little Busters!, Magi, Medaka Box, Nekomonogatari, Psycho-Pass, Rankings, Robotics;Notes, Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, Season Review, Setting, Shin Sekai Yori, Sound, Space Brothers, Story, Sword Art Online, Zetsuen no Tempest

Winter 2013 – Season Review


aria_the_natural-26-neo_venice-aqua-winter-snow-ice-cold-mars-clock_tower-canals-smokeSince I never wrote a season review for Winter 2013 at the end of the season, I’m finishing it up here at the start of Winter 2014.  Let’s take a moment to look back and revisit the anime of yesteryear and see what my final thoughts, opinions and grades are for these anime.

Before we begin, the ranking of anime below was completed at the end of March after a majority of the shows were completed.  I did complete an evaluation of these shows at the time but never created a final review.  It’s also worth noting that some of the shows that continued into Spring 2013 may have different grades in that review based on how they performed in their latter half.  These are only the reviews from January-March for 2013.

Every anime receives a numerical score (between 10-5 as well as a D [delayed/dropped]) and is placed in position according to how they rank against each other from top to bottom, helping differentiate position among anime receiving the same score.  Each anime is paired with its own review which provides my overall thoughts and evaluation on the anime in addition to explaining my reasoning behind the score and ranking.  Any questions or discussion are welcome and encouraged in the comment section.

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure – 10

jojo's_bizarre_adventure-14-joseph-caesar-poses-colors-dramatic-dododododoFavorite Character: Dio Brando

Review – What an anime.  What an anime indeed.  JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is more than just a bizarre one; it’s a brilliant, exceptional, inspiring, satisfying and remarkable one.  The series deserves applause and acclaim for its masterful work.  The stories, the fights, the characters, the art, the humor… just the whole experience of watching JoJo’s is unforgettable.  Every moment of watching JoJo’s was enjoyable and now I can understand and appreciate the distinction this series and this name has.  And really, considering its characters, humor, fighting and setting, I knew I was going to enjoy this anime but I never realized it would be this much.  In what is certain to be one of my favorite anime of all-time, JoJo’s  Bizarre Adventure ends at the top of Winter 2013.

Psycho-Pass – 10

psycho_pass-op2-makishima-villain-antagonist-awesomeFavorite Character: Akane Tsunemori

Review – Psycho-Pass is one of those few ‘complete’ anime for me.  Everything about Psycho-Pass was remarkable.  The technologic, police-oriented, cyberpunk setting was utilized well for both the stories and the characters, keeping the setting-enthusiast inside me elated.  The cast was a diverse array of interesting and intelligent characters who were well-developed and played meaningful roles throughout the series.  The story and themes of Psycho-Pass were always intriguing and encouraged a number of thoughts, opinions and feelings.  For an anime to do all those things, in addition to being a sci-fi thriller, makes Psycho-Pass one of the best anime in recent memory.  Without a doubt, Psycho-Pass deserves a revered 10 as one of the most distinguished anime that I have ever watched.

Chihayafuru 2 – 10

chihayafuru_2-03-chihaya-taichi-nishida-tsutomu-kanade-sumire-tsukuba-karuta-kimonos-tournamentFavorite Character: Shinobu Wakamiya

Review – Continuing where the original left off, Chihayafuru 2 takes the dangerous step of adding new characters to its cast but uses their inclusion to enhance the anime rather than detract or subtract from it.  Rather than ruining the chemistry or belittling the little characters, Chihayafuru 2 has done a brilliant job of integrating Sumire and Tsukuba into the Mizusawa Karuta Club.  That alone is an outstanding accomplishment but Chihayafuru excels in just about every area imaginable.  The cast has actually improved as a result of these additions and the stories associated with them are strengthening the anime.  The games of karuta are still exciting, the comedy is still witty and the series is still endearing.  The series is one of my favorite and I’m more than pleased to see the sequel is continuing where the first season left off.  And I couldn’t be happier with the series continuing into Spring 2013, too, for another wonderful run.

Shin Sekai Yori – 9

shin_sekai_yori-20-fiend-horror-shadowFavorite Character: Tsukuba Branch of the National Assembly Library, Mirror Terminal Number 008

Review – The latter half of Shin Sekai Yori is where the series made its mark and earned its distinction as one of the best anime of the season.  While the first half invoked thoughts of mystery and intrigue, the latter delieverd with a dazzling, magnificent conclusion that wrapped up the story, the characters, and the setting together in one complete package.  I billed Shin Sekai Yori as ‘perhaps the most cerebral and intelligent anime’ of last season, but it turns out, it’s one of the most satisfying and fulfilling anime, too.  There really isn’t any problem with the series, thought it some of the early episodes sometimes boring or wearisome (or confusing, like the historical flashbacks).  That can’t be said of the last story arc which is really one of the most rewarding and remarkable segments of anime of this entire season.  And the finale was just the finishing touches on this masterpiece.  I strongly recommend it to anyone curious or hesitant about starting this phenomenal anime.

Zetsuen no Tempest – 8

zetsuen_no_tempest-21-aika-death-still-calm-white-pure-innocent-mysteryFavorite Character: Hakaze Kusaribe

Review – Zetsuen no Tempest is really something.  What began as a rather intriguing anime, the second half ended with a rather mellow, relaxing, almost humourous tone with the events of the first half being critiqued through observations and witty dialogue.  Still, the anime never lost its soul with the second half changing styles and the anime retained its purpose in solving its central questions at the heart of its story.  Tempest is easily one of the biggest surprises for me and one of the most pleasant, enjoyable anime of the season.  Although I was concerned about how the show’s pattern changed at the midway point, I’m thrilled that it did since the anime showcased how versatile it could be without losing its focus.  Although I do wish there were some improvements in the story and how some of the characters and the setting were used, Tempest was a solid and gratifying anime.

Senran Kagura – 8

senran_kagura-05-ikaruga-katsuragi-asuka-yagyuu-hibari-ninjas-uniforms-fightingFavorite Character: Mirai

Review – No, Senran Kagura is not here because it’s a great anime or a huge surprise or anything.  Rather, it’s here because it delivers what it promised.  No one is going to watch Senran Kagura for anything intelligent or meaningful and no one should expect that from this anime.  Instead, you should expect a cast of busty, curvy ladies, numerous exciting fights, an unlimited supply of fanservice, and some clichéd anime humor because that’s what all these shows have.  And you know what Senran Kagura did?  It delivered on everything it advertised.  The cast of characters were nothing remarkable but they were a fun cast that fit well into the style of the anime and its forgettable story.  There were plenty of fights, meaning lots of action, meaning the anime was hardly dull.  And while there were plenty of upskirts, bouncy boobs, shredded clothing and other over-the-top fanservice, that’s what the series is about.  You wouldn’t expect Senran Kagura to be conservative, would you?  Furthermore, the anime knew what it wanted to do and glossed over character development and their backstories in 20 seconds in order to get back to the fighting and fanservice.  Really, the anime is nothing like the ones listed around it in this ranking but it deserves an unreasonably high grade because it’s one of the best at what it wanted to do: be a stupid, mindlessly fun anime with lots of fights and lots of fanservice.  And if you watch Senran Kagura for those very reasons, you’ll see it’s actually a pretty fun, pretty good anime.

Sasami-san@Ganbaranai – 7

sasami_san@ganbaranai-08-sasami-pajamas-hat-happy-otaku-hikikomoriFavorite Character: Edogawa Jou

Review – Sasami-san was an anime that depended heavily on its stories.  When the stories were good, Sasami-san was great.  When the stories were bad, Sasami-san was decent.  The fact that Sasami-san could keep its head afloat when the content of the series was dismal speaks volumes for how the great the other aspects of the series were, but to end as a 7 means the stories were more often bad than good.  While I usually enjoy casts of characters, this is one that particularly annoyed me with Sasami and Edogawa being the stars.  The others had their ups and downs although the older brother, Kamiomi, was a cancer to this anime.  The setting was mystifying and intriguing and played well into the cryptic stories of Sasami-san.  The art and animation were nothing short of amazing and one of the most likable of the season.  I’d say the art and animation were the most consistent and dependable aspect of the anime with the others bouncing between pluses and minuses.  In the end, however, the anime ends on a positive note and earns a satisfactory grade.

Magi – 7

magi-16-aladdin-alibaba-light-magic-forehead_mark-solomon's_wisdomFavorite Character: Leila

Review – The shounen is starting to show in Magi.  While I was thrilled with the fantasy and adventure in the first half of Magi, I’m beginning to see my favorite aspects wane away as the series turns into a shounen fighting anime.  And while these elements are still present, the whole Balbadd arc left me with a bad taste in my mouth.  Not only did the art quality go down but so did the quality of the characters and the story.  Really, what happened to the adventure and exploration?  Why are the characters so dry (haha, pun) and ordinary now?  Where is their magic (also a pun) that made them interesting to start?  Really, I don’t care so much about the magic or the fighting or the nations or the friendship as others (in fact, I am probably among the least to care about those factors) but they’re all decent.  I did kinda expect the series to go down this path but I never imagined its sacrifice the wonderful imagination that made me fall in love with the series to start.  Still, Magi is a solid anime and it’s a matter of my opinion on why it’s falling.  Nevertheless, its best episodes were in the first half of the series and I can’t help but wonder if that’ll be true for the series moving forward.

Space Brothers – 7

space_brothers-43-hibito-moon-spacesuit-doll-rock-touchingFavorite Character: Tadashi Hoshika

Review – I think I’m about done with Space Bros.  It’s been about a year since I started the series and, though it featured its best story, characterization and drama with Hibito on the moon, I think I’ve had enough.  I think this will be the last high point for a while in the series and I want to go out while I’m still enjoying it.  That’s not to say that the series is bad or going to become bad or anything but that I need to take a break.  The series has dragged on for so long that I’m beginning to feel weary and tired of it.  The pacing is way too damn slow and it’s just drawing the anime out further than it needs to be.  Maybe I’ll pick up the manga and finish it when it’s done, but for me, I’m signing out of Space Brothers.

Robotics;Notes – 7

robotics;notes-13-airi-iru_o-artifical_intelligence-robot-program-staring-spyingFavorite Character: Kona Furugoori (Frau)

Review – Yeah… there were quite a few problems with the latter half of Robotics;Notes.  What began as a rather enjoyable story of a group of friends building a giant robot got trashed for some non-sensible plot with more plot holes than spaces in this season review.  Really, if you can’t adapt a LN or video game or manga into the time frame of an anime, why not adjust to make it?  Seriously, the whole story, the storytelling, the pacing and the sheer boredom and uselessness of the events was a complete and clear catastrophe. Having that mess of a plot be the focus at the end just wrecked the otherwise positive start this anime had.  The characters failed to grow or develop in this second half, instead continuing to act and behave the same as they did at the start of the series.  I do appreciate the series trying to have some mystery and excitement but it really failed to deliver on both those aspects toward the end.  And the art/animation continues to be a struggle for this anime.  I never thought I’d call the anime a disappointment after watching the first 11 episodes… maybe a letdown at the most, but Robotics;Notes, as an anime, is best described as frustrating first and deplorable second.

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo – 6

sakurasou_no_pet_na_kanojo-16-mashiro-naked-towel-wet-hair_dryer-fanservice-ecchi-comedy-cuteFavorite Character: Fuuka Kamiigusa

Review – Sakurasou is an ‘anime’ anime.  It takes place in a highschool with a close circle of friends and they go through a rollercoaster year together with highs, lows and tons of laughs.  And while I did share in those highs and lows, I rarely shared in the laughs and found myself in the lows more often than not.  Sakurasou failed to impress me with its stereotypical cast of highschoolers, a male lead that lacked any defining character and a romantic comedy that elicited boredom as my only real response.  That’s not to say that Sakurasou didn’t have its moments but its were few and far between.  I’m happy I watched Sakurasou since it did provide numerous instances of joy and amusement but I’m also happy it’s over now.

Tamako Market – 6

tamako_market-04-dera-bird-gold-pose-ornament-festival-comedyFavorite Character: Kanna Makino

Review – To be honest, Tamako Market bored me.  It really, really bored me.  I never really appreciated or enjoyed the story and found Dera’s presence to be annoying at best.  The remainder of the cast was fun, especially the trio of main girls but they never really did anything special, memorable, remarkable or innovative.  The most innovative aspect of the anime, however, was the setting with the mochi shops and the marketplace.  However, I would’ve killed for it to be a fantasy world setting (like it was originally planned) instead of the real world.  Oh, just imagine how much better it’d be.  The art and animation were rather tame for KyoAni standards but even then it still ranks among the best of the season.  Still, nothing ever excited me about this anime and I felt nothing great from start to finish.  Sure, there were some laughs and other enjoyable moments but every anime does that.  Really, there isn’t anything to point to in Tamako Market to warrant a better grade.  It did, however, manage to avoid making major mistakes (besides Dera) which keep it above the anime placed below.

Little Busters! – 6

little_busters!-15-yuiko-haruka-mio-rin-kudryavka-komari-girls-smile-happy-friendshipFavorite Character: Kanata Futaki

Review – Little Busters! is one of the few anime in which watching the anime presents you with the same experience as that of the protagonist.  Like Riki’s narcolepsy, I too had to face the dangers of falling asleep randomly during Little Busters! episodes, not because of a serious medical conditions but due to sheer boredom or apathy.  And that is the direct result of the two most prevalent and damning problems with the Little Busters! anime: the stories were disappointingly adapted and unsuccessfully used.  Not only did every character are feel like it was rushed and butchered but the care that was handled with each was absent.  What was supposed to be the backbone of this anime was neglected throughout.  But perhaps the biggest issue with this anime is how every single chance the anime had to improve or develop its characters, especially with these lengthy and frequent story arcs, the anime failed to do so.  Not once did a character change in the anime, not even after their character story.  Virtually everyone remained static throughout the entire series which facilitates my point in that every story in Little Busters! was pointless and unnecessary.  Fortunately for the anime, it did provide some decent but forgettable comedy with a charming cast of characters.  The art and animation were meh, but that shouldn’t be surprising considering the expected production values with this show.  As for the setting, I find it strange how reliant the plot was on magic to solve so many problems yet it never sparked the curiosity of Riki or anyone else and yielded no investigation or insight.  The problem here is it littered the series with plotholes and deus-ex-machina mechanics which did more harm than help to the anime.  Overall, while the series did have some highlights with its comedy and cast, Little Busters! ultimately flopped due to severely inadequate storytelling and failing to make its stories meaningful or impactful in any way.  At least I did laugh or smile throughout some episodes, which is more than I can say for the two that follow…

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha – 6

maoyuu_maou_yuusha-06-maou-yuusha-romance-sad-worried-together-comfortFavorite Character: Maid Ane (Big Sister Maid)

Review – Perhaps the reason why Maoyuu is ranked here is because I hyped it as a potential favorite of the new anime this season.  Wow, what an error that was.  Maoyuu was really an excellent waste of time, offering nothing great besides the constant thought that the series might improve only to be met with more disappointment.  The story was really misused in the anime, the characters seemed lifeless and featureless, and the setting was just stereotypical fantasy land with random tidbits of history tossed in.  I shuttered at the fact that the inventions and discoveries in this anime were ripped directly from a history book and inserted without including the effort or significance behind such endeavors or events.  The art and fanservice were just abysmal and regrettable.  There were some positives in Maoyuu but they’re not really worth mentioning at this point.  Certain characters in the cast were decent to good and, although I was frustrated with the anime as a whole, I did enjoy its themes and what it tried to accomplish.  I just wish it was able to accomplish what it set out to do instead of turning into what we saw with Maoyuu.

Achievements of Winter 2013:

Best Art: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

Best Characters: Psycho-Pass

Best Entertainment: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

Best Setting: Psycho-Pass

Best Sound: Zetsuen no Tempest

Best Story: Shin Sekai Yori

Best OP: Psycho-Pass

Although this was not my favorite song (the honor belongs to Senran Kagura), Psycho-Pass has arguably one of the most stunning, gorgeous visuals of any OP I’ve ever seen. Easily my favorite out of all the openings this season, I find the combination of visuals and song to be strong enough to slightly end out numbers 2 and 3.  Senran Kagura also had wonderful visuals with its fighting while JoJo’s 2nd OP is third.

Best ED: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

Easily the best use of an ending, playing for 20 seconds during the final scenes of each episode and then… ‘To Be Continued’.  You can’t beat that.  And it certainly helps that Roundabout is a wonderful classic.  Psycho-Pass places second and Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo follows.

Biggest Surprise: Zetsuen no Tempest

Tempest came out of nowhere to become one of the best anime of the season last Autumn with its final few episodes.  However, what’s most surprising about Tempest now is how its second season performed.  The anime transformed to be more relaxed and entertaining this season while maintaining its themes and focus and continued to execute well from start to finish.  Never would have expected it to be like this after the Autumn season.

Biggest Disappointment: Maoyuu Maou Yuusha

Having high hopes for Maoyuu to be a follow-up to Spice and Wolf, Maoyuu proved to be nothing more than a jumbled adventure with no coherent story, pacing or direction.  While enjoyable at times, Maoyuu proved to be nothing what I had hoped or expected it to be.

Best Finale: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

What a wild ride.  What an absolute wild ride.  But the best part about JoJo’s finale?  Seeing the beginning to the third arc with Jotaro at the end.  The sequel to the JoJo’s anime can’t come soon enough.

Most Hated Character: Kamiomi Tsukuymoi (Sasami-san@Ganbaranai)

Again, I’d like to take a moment to apologize to everyone who wanted to see my scores and rankings and reviews at the end of the season.  There are no excuses for posting these reviews as late as they are, and I hope you took a time to read through them, revisit these anime and appreciate my thoughts and opinions on them.  Thanks again for making it this far.

Filed under: 2013 Winter, Anime, Season Reviews Tagged: Aria, Art, Characters, Chihayafuru, Entertainment, Favorites, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Little Busters!, Magi, Maoyuu Maou Yuusha, Opinions, Psycho-Pass, Rankings, Robotics;Notes, Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, Sasami-san@Ganbaranai, Season Review, Senran Kagura, Setting, Shin Sekai Yori, Sound, Space Brothers, Story, Tamako Market, Zetsuen no Tempest

Spring 2013 – Season Review


stella_jogakuin_koutouka_c3_bu-01-spring-cherry_blossoms-petals-clear-sunny-pink-trees-peaceful-school-creekSince I never posted a final review for the Spring 2013 anime season, I figured now would be better than later.  And while it’s not as late as some other season reviews, this one is a tad late.  Nevertheless, it’s always worthwhile to take a moment and look back at how the anime of Spring 2013 performed.

Before we begin, the ranking of anime below was completed at the end of June after a majority of the shows were completed.  I did complete an evaluation of these shows at the time but never created a final review.  It’s also worth noting that some of the shows that continued into Summer 2013 may have different grades in that review based on how they performed in their latter half.  These are only the reviews from April-June for 2013.

Every anime receives a numerical score (between 10-5 as well as a D [delayed/dropped]) and is placed in position according to how they rank against each other from top to bottom, helping differentiate position among anime receiving the same score.  Each anime is paired with its own review which provides my overall thoughts and evaluation on the anime in addition to explaining my reasoning behind the score and ranking.  Any questions or discussion are welcome and encouraged in the comment section.


Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) – 9

shingeki_no_kyojin-12-eren-flashback-fire-angry-rage-emotions-passionFavorite Character: Sasha Blouse

Review – The thrill and exhalation of Shingeki no Kyojin is what earns it the top spot for Spring 2013.  The raw emotion, the wholesome terror and the magnificently animated and choreographed fights were the driving forces behind this striking and powerful anime.  Beyond that, the setting is what stood out to me the most.  The world they live in, their culture, their technologies and how humans coexist with the titans quickly became my favorite aspects of this anime.  The cast of characters were a curious bunch, highlighting some of the diversity in the world and having good chemistry with each other.  I don’t think I care much for the story since I’m not sure exactly what’s going on but that’s really the least of my worries.  The biggest concern is if the anime will continue to keep up the fighting art and animation or if it will wane in the second half of the series.  Most of the series has been gorgeous and I appreciate the rough, defined art style, but I am concerned that the quality might drop eventually.  Other than that, it’s easily the top anime of the season for me.


Chihayafuru 2 – 9

chihayafuru_2-23-arata-shinobu-rivals-championship-karuta-competitiveFavorite Character: Shinobu Wakamiya

Review – Although the score of Chihayafuru 2 did dip toward the end of this sequel, I still find this intense and expressive series to be one of the best of the year.  What caused the drop from a 10 to a 9 was partially due to some fatigue with the series and how it’s charm diminished during the individuals tournament… largely because we already knew these characters and the matches became a bit too predictable.  To me, I always loved meeting new characters, learning their style, understanding their contrast to Chihaya and the others and discovering their love for karuta.  Secondly, I love how unpredictable the matches were in the first 40 episodes with there being an equal chance of the protagonists winning or losing.  With those points virtually removed in this latter half of the sequel, I began to lose my passion for the series.  So while it still is on perfectly fine in every category, from art to sound to story to entertainment to characters, I found these episodes to be the least attractive thus far and a step below the original.  However, I have high hopes that a third season would bounce back and maybe be the best that the franchise has to offer.


Suisei no Gargantia (Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet) – 9

suisei_no_gargantia-12-chamber-ledo-galactic_alliance-showdown-confrontation-robot-pilot-spotlight-discussion-philosophy-debateFavorite Character: Mayta

Review – Gargantia is another one of those anime that match my taste better than others.  Considering that the strengths of the series were its setting and the development of its lead characters, I think it’d be absurd if I didn’t fall in love with this anime.  Still, there were some faults with the series, particularly in the middle when it decided that girls in bikinis was more interesting than Ledo growing up, but it wasn’t as grievous or botched like some people made it out to be.  Otherwise, I found the story to be intriguing and motivating, especially in relation to Ledo’s character.  I absolutely loved the setting, how it depicted its numerous societies and how they heavily influenced Ledo’s character.  The character designs were a real strength in terms of the art and the animation was often excellent but it was subpar or merely adequate at times.  Nevertheless, I was thoroughly impressed and satisfied with Gargantia which justifies its lofty score of a nine out of ten.


Kakumeiki Valvrave (Valvrave the Liberator) – 9

kakumeiki_valvrave-08-haruto-valvrave_i_hito-module_77-jior-space-robot-pilot-colonyFavorite Character: Akira Renbokouji

Review – The unpredictability, sheer absurdity and ridiculousness of Valvrave is what made Valvrave such an engaging, electrifying and entertaining anime to watch.  Its use of parodies, twists, surprises and reveals helped catapult the series to the upper echelon of anime for Spring 2013 and I’m thrilled to learn the second half will be airing shortly in Autumn 2013.  Hopefully by then they can fix some of the minor issues, particularly with Haruto being rather lame and boring for a male lead (which for an anime is saying a lot).  If Haruto weren’t such a whiny puppet, Valvrave would likely have ranked higher among the anime this season but his character is the main fault I have with Valvrave.  The fights have been a bit underwhelming too, though that’s largely given to making sure the heroes always win with whatever deus-ex-machina they need that was relevant to the current episode.  That pattern of fighting has always bored me and trends seriously close to the absolutely dreadful Shounen Fight Syndrome that I detest.  The character designs were attractive, especially for the under-utilized female cast, and I always enjoy a good space setting (there aren’t enough of those in anime anymore).  I found myself genuinely happy with this first season of Valvrave and am excited to see how the series does when it returns in October.


Yuyushiki – 8

yuyushiki-03-yukari-yzuko-bikinis-swimsuits-pool-summer-excited-happy-playing-waterFavorite Character: Yui Ichii

Review – Enchanting, endearing and delightful, Yuyushiki is a charismatic and enticing anime that will please your eyes with its cutesy art style, warm your heart with its characters, and make you laugh with its random style of humor.  Yuyushiki triumphed with its calming set-up where the girls were in class, at their club or just hanging out and trying to make each other smile with their silly jokes, odd behaviors or commentary on whatever they found on the internet.  The surprisingly appropriate level of immaturity for these highschool girls was never overboard or unrealistic and helped the audience connect with the characters and their awkward but happy lives.  It also helps that the themes of this anime were carefree and cheerful and that the art was soft and pleasant.  It never really had any issues besides some jokes just missing me completely but that’s true for every comedy.  However, unlike most comedies, I was smiling throughout due to Yuyushiki being one of the most charming and enjoyable anime of the year.  If anyone is interested in a simple, lighthearted comedy, I’d strongly recommend Yuyushiki.


Hataraku Maou-sama! – 8

hataraku_maou_sama!-01-sadao-emi-meeting-rain-umbrella-romance-fateFavorite Character: Rika Suzuki

Review – Hataraku Maou-sama is an anime that had its ups and its downs.  Fortunately for us, it featured more ups than downs with its rather appealing and innovative take on the now popular Hero/Demon King (Yuusha/Maou) setting.  Of particular note for this anime was how well its humor and personality fit when the characters switched from their fantasy realm, Ente Isla, to modern-day, urban Japan.  What really impressed me to start was the comedy and, as that waned over time, I found myself enjoying the series because I had grown attached to the characters and enjoyed their company and growth together.  There weren’t a whole lot in the way of negatives for this series but its charm began to lose its luster toward the end when its comedy took a back seat to light novel plots.  Really, that final story arc did more damage than good for this series.  I also would’ve enjoyed seeing a segment where Chiho visits Ente Isla but maybe that can be saved for another day.  In fact, I hope to see it continue again someday since it turned out to be one of the most delightful and enjoyable anime of Spring 2013.


Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride – 7

hyakka_ryouran_samurai_bride-02-kanetsugu-love-maid-pointing-comedy-forgotten-underappreciatedFavorite Character: Kanetsugu Naoe

Review – The best kind of ecchi/fighting anime are the ones without plots or ones that don’t take their plot seriously.  It seems Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls learned its lesson with this sequel, Samurai Bride, since the anime introduced its plot in the first episode, then forgot about it for a good half of the series.  And if the sequel stayed that way, I’d be tempted to raise Samurai Bride up even higher.  What made this sequel significantly better than the original is that it wanted to have fun and fanservice be its primary focus whereas the first one took itself too seriously with such a ridiculous plot and even more ridiculous amount of fanservice.  The franchise took a step in the right direction with this move while increasing the wacky antics of the cast and their world.  As always, the art style is fashionable and memorable with its emphasis on traditional Japanese art but blended with modern moe character designs for a refined and stylish fusion.  The comedy seemed to be better throughout this series but that is probably due to Naoe being given more screentime which coincided with the anime wanting to be more fun and fanservice than serious and empty.  Overall, it’s still not a remarkable franchise or a great anime, but it is dumb fun and I was sufficiently entertained.  If there’s anyone out there who likes harems, swords, boobs and ink, then Samurai Bride is worth checking out.


To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S – 7

to_aru_kagaku_no_railgun_s-06-misaka_imouto-clones-sisters-head_gearFavorite Character: Frenda Seivelun

Review – I’ve never been the biggest fan of the Railgun/Index franchise, not because I don’t enjoy the shows, but because I never really feel hooked or all that engaged.  Unlike the other anime above it where I experience a list of emotions and enjoy the experience, I feel like watching Railgun is watching Railgun and nothing more.  However, this first half of the sequel to the spin-off of Index had some of the best episodes in this franchise and arguably the best that Railgun has offered.  The battles between Misaka and Frenda were actually clever and entertaining, something rare for me for in a Railgun/Index anime.  And with the anime heading to the Sisters Arc next, I’m thrilled to see it through Misaka’s perspective knowing what happened from Touma’s when it was shown in Index S1.  Otherwise, not a whole lot to comment on other than that the anime is trending up for me which bodes well for it heading into its second half next season.


Devil Survivor 2 The Animation – 7

devil_survivor_2-08-hibiki-apocalypse-end_of_the_world-sunset-bridge-water-alone-isolatedFavorite Character: Airi Ban

Review – Devil Survivor 2 really tore me in half.  On one hand, the anime had a phenomenal cast of characters and an intriguing setting, two things that are hallmarks of my favorite anime.  On the other hand, this is one of the worst trainwrecks of a story I have ever witnessed and am just shocked at how awkward this anime was from what I heard of the original game.  I can see why so many fans of the franchise were appalled with this anime considering its story alone, and it makes me want to pick up the game for myself to see what’s missing.  Hell, the game would have the same characters and setting, so it’s almost guaranteed to be better than this anime.  But still, the anime was my introduction to these characters, these battles and the scenario, so I did find positive there.  But still, the whole story, the plot progressions, the events and everything was just… bad.  Besides that, the only other points worth noting are that the art was substandard but the music was marvelous (one of the best this season, actually).  Like I said, I was torn on this anime but it feels like a 7 considering how much I enjoyed the positives coupled with how much I despised the negatives.


Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai. (S2) – 7

ore_no_imouto_ga_konnani_kawaii_wake_ga_nai.-09-kirino-kyousuke-family-siblings-happy-together-hug-petting-romanceFavorite Character: Sena Akagi

Review – OreImo is like two anime to me with one being one that I like and another being one that I hate.  OreImo S2 does have some intelligence, insightful and hilarious episodes.  In fact, I think I laughed out loud more with this anime than with any other this season.  And considering that comedy is my favorite genre of anime, that would predict a good score for OreImo S2.  But… the relationships, especially with Kirino, are really the bane of the franchise for me and the aspect I hate most about this anime.  Without it, if it were just an outsider brother observing otaku culture, watching anime and dipping into eroge or whatever, then this would be a significantly better franchise.  But no, like many anime, the “romance” feels wrong, feels forced and feels like an anchor holding this anime down.  I wonder how much more I’d like this anime if all those aspects were removed and we were left with genuinely good comedy and otaku references.  I think it would be an 8, maybe even a low/borderline 9.  But no, OreImo S2 is about the same as S1, scoring a medium 7, though I’d argue that I enjoyed this more than S1 (but only marginally).


Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W – 6

haiyore!_nyaruko_san_w-09-cthune-nyaruko-hastua-shantak-surprised-shock-dread-comedy-cute-round_eyesFavorite Character: Cthune

Review – Although Nyaruko-san is labeled as a comedy, it’s really not that funny to me.  When watching episodes of Nyaruko-san W, I never really recall myself laughing or smiling or really enjoying myself.  And more often than not, I’d just be bored from start to finish.  There were times when the humor was just banal and devoid of any amusement that left me jaded, especially during the relentless anime/otaku parodies that often felt forced or uninspired.  There were only a handful of characters that I liked but none that I loved.  And characters like Nyaruko and Mahiro got more irritating as the series progressed.  Really, I think I’m done at this point as the whole Lovecraftian theme in this anime is not played well.  Nyaruko-san is really just another normal, stereotypical anime that just mentions Lovecraft rather than utilize it or make it anything significant.  Had this been about magic or other aliens or anything, then I probably would’ve passed on this series long ago.  Well, after this one, it seems like I’ll be done with it now.


Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san – 5

namiuchigiwa_no_muromi_san-09-yeti-curious-cute-looking_up-ears-scarfFavorite Character: Yeti

Review – Like the anime mentioned above, Muromi-san was another anime I felt was never funny and never really enjoyed.  However, unlike Nyaruko-san W, Muromi-san made me feel irritated, a feeling worse than boredom, and had no redeeming qualities outside of Yeti.  The anime did feature some amazing animation but I couldn’t get passed the content of the anime which pissed me off more than not.  It was just agonizing to get through an episode, which thankfully were only 13 minutes each.  The main source of their frustration derives from the cast of characters more than anything else, with literally everyone (besides Yeti) pissing me off at one point or another.  Obviously there were some worse offenders out there than others, but if there aren’t characters I can enjoy, I’m not going to enjoy an anime no matter how good it is elsewhere.  That being said, there are no real qualms with the retro art style, the music or the setting, so we’ll end on that as a high note for Muromi-san.


Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge – 5

dansai_bunri_no_crime_edge-06-kiri-iwai-scissors-protecting-romance-fightFavorite Character: Nigi Ubusato

Review – Crime Edge is an abysmal, unpleasant and laughable anime.  Just about everything about it was stupid, from its nonsensical stories to its silly scenario (the Killing Goods, the Insteads, the Murderer’s Game) to its clichéd cast of characters to its unfortunate fanservice and beyond.  There were characters and plot points that were just bizarre and confusing with several that were never resolved.  I realize the manga that it’s based off of is continuing, but it could’ve worked on that rather than showcasing “assassins of the week” for no reason that had no real impact on the plot toward the end.  The art, animation, and fights were all forgettable, thankfully.  There really wasn’t anyone in the cast that I enjoyed though that was a minor concern with trying to rationalize or understand the plot or content of the anime.  Really, I can’t say anything good about this anime because there wasn’t anything good in it.  In fact, I think I can safely say I regret watching Crime Edge.


Achievements of Spring 2013:

Best Art: Shingeki no Kyojin

Best Characters: Kakumeiki Valvrave

Best Entertainment: Yuyushiki

Best Setting: Suisei no Gargantia

Best Sound: Chihayafuru 2

Best Story: Suisei no Gargantia


Best OP: Shingeki no Kyojin

Both the song and the animation are spectacular in Shingeki no Kyojin’s OP.  As soon as I first watched it, I knew it would be my favorite, it’s just that good and that powerful.  Devil Survivor 2 and Muromi-san also has great openings.

Best ED: Devil Survivor 2 the Animation

The way the song builds up with the flashing realities (normal world/destroyed world) is enough for it to be my favorite of the season.  But the climax of the song as it pans through all the characters in their normal lives is hands-down one of the best EDs I have seen. Valvrave, Gargantia and Titan all deserve some recognition for their solid EDs, too.

Biggest Surprise: Yuyushiki

Yuyushiki didn’t seem all that impressive before the season started and had a lackluster first half of episode 1 but really came on strong thereafter.  In a season with no strong comedies, this slice-of-life anime made me smile through its charm and chemistry.

Biggest Disappointment: Suisei no Gargantia

Gargantia earns the distinction for being the biggest disappointment, not because of its content or performance but because I hyped myself up too much for this anime.  While it still places third for the season and will be among the top for this year, I was thinking this could be the best anime all year.  It’s up there but there are already several that have passed it with two more seasons to go.  Not really a disappointment like others but one that frustrated me the most because of how much I cared for it.

Best Finale: Kakumeiki Valvrave

The strengths of Valrvave were highlighted in this finale with so much unpredictability, twists, and plot reveals that you would kill to start the second half once the finale ended.  Not only that but the action, dynamic and fighting were at their best in this episode, too.

Most Hated Character: Oarfish (Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san)


As you probably noticed, I’m trying to finish up all the Season Reviews I missed in 2012 and 2013 before I finish my Final Review for 2013 and start my preview for 2014.  I hope to have all these out soon though I can’t make promises, especially considering that this post is 6 months late already.

Filed under: 2013 Spring, Anime, Season Reviews Tagged: Art, Characters, Chihayafuru, Comedy, Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge, Devil Survivor 2, Disappointment, Entertainment, Favorites, Haiyore! Nyaruko-san, Hataraku Maou-sama!, Hyakka Ryouran, Kakumeiki Valvrave, Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san, Opinions, Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai, Rankings, Romance, Season Review, Setting, Shingeki no Kyojin, Slice of Life, Sound, Story, Suisei no Gargantia, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun, Yuyushiki

Summer 2013 – Season Review


suisei_no_gargantia-12-summer-sunset-ocean-clear-calm-clouds-peaceful-serene-view-flyingThe Summer 2013 anime season wasn’t too long ago and featured a number of wonderful anime.  Since I never provided my thoughts, opinions and reviews for the anime at the end of the season, here is a late review that encompasses the entire season and provided my final reviews for Summer 2013.

Before we begin, the ranking of anime below was completed at the end of September after a majority of the shows were completed.  I did complete an evaluation of these shows at the time but never created a final review.  It’s also worth noting that some of the shows that continued into Autumn 2013 may have different grades in that review based on how they performed in their latter half.  These are only the reviews from July-September for 2013.

Every anime receives a numerical score (between 10-5 as well as a D [delayed/dropped]) and is placed in position according to how they rank against each other from top to bottom, helping differentiate position among anime receiving the same score.  Each anime is paired with its own review which provides my overall thoughts and evaluation on the anime in addition to explaining my reasoning behind the score and ranking.  Any questions or discussion are welcome and encouraged in the comment section.


Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! – 10

watashi_ga_motenai_no_wa_dou_kangaetemo_omaera_ga_warui-03-tomoko-pressure-underwater-drowning-direction-art-color-beautiful-symbolismFavorite Character: Mother Kuroki (Tomoko’s mother)

Review – What fascinates me most about Watamote is how people come to different conclusions about this anime based on their differencing perspectives.  To me, Watamote was a hilarious comedy with some brilliant and beautiful character growth spread evenly throughout.  It provided countless laughs, uncomfortable moments and heartwarming scenes that really provided an emotional experience that is unrivaled in the comedy genre.  To me, watching Tomoko grow as a person despite her frequent hardships, narcissism, laziness was a triumph for her character.  That’s the real story here and that’s undoubtedly my favorite aspect of this anime.  Second would be the comedy which is now an all-time favorite for anime.  I don’t recall ever laughing or smiling this much at an anime which means it will fit nicely among my other all-time favorite comedies.  Furthermore, Shin Oonuma is my favorite anime director and for good reason: his vision, presentation and elegance are unequaled in anime today.  His use of imagery, motifs, colors, and lighting have varying degrees of influence in his works, emphasizing or changing the atmosphere, mood and emotion in every scene.  His directing style can literally change the outcomes of a scene it’s so powerful, and he uses it to draw out more passion and impact which was demonstrated vividly in Watamote.  Easily my favorite anime of the season and a strong candidate to be my favorite anime of the year.


Monogatari Series: Second Season – 10

monogatari_series_second_season-05-tsubasa-araragi-neko-fire-pose-dramatic-awesome-conclusionFavorite Character: Hitagi Senjougahara

Review – With Nisemonogatari growing rather stale and Nekomonogatari being rather tame, Monogatari Series really needed some magic to revive itself to the former glory and acclaim that it earned under Bakemonogatari.  Consider that job done and more.  Monogatari Series is quickly becoming the best anime in this franchise thanks to its variation, its diversity and how it the stories are actually stories and how the characters are actually characters.  Before, the pattern of the franchise was merely Araragi meeting a girl, solving her problem and the girl falling in love with him.  Now, Monogatari has evolved from that and is using these same characters in their own stories to show their own growth, progress and life beyond that of being just a girl in a harem.  The most noticeable and significant difference has been the anime taking the perspectives of Hanekawa and Nadeko for their arcs and letting these characters direct their own lives.  The end result has been phenomenal, an outstanding touch on this franchise that really makes it more impressive than what Bakemonogatari was able to do back in Summer 2009.  Additionally, the stories continue to build off each other helping the characters out immensely by making them feel like real people instead of anime stereotypes.  I will never get tired of Shaft’s art and directing styles, so those are also positives for me, especially for Monogatari which features those unique stills of words providing valuable insight into a character’s mind.  I’ve rediscovered my love for Monogatari with this season and I’m thrilled to see it continue into Autumn 2013.


Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) – 9

shingeki_no_kyojin-17-titan-sasha-horse-attack-scary-fearFavorite Character: Zoë Hange

Review – The second half of Shingeki no Kyojin was a noteworthy change from the first half, leading the anime down a different but equally impressive path.  Rather than sustaining itself on fear, adrenaline and animosity, the second half of Attack on Titan saw a much calmer, slower pace that displayed intelligence, cunning and creativity on its already intriguing plot.  Sure, the action was noticeably decreased and there was no longer that rush of epinephrine every time a titan appeared but the strengths of the latter half of Shingeki no Kyojin were parallels and helped balance the series out.  It certainly was different but much appreciated.  The summer season of Titan delivered significant contributions to the characters and plot, helping push the story along and using its fights more tactfully rather than as a tool for fear and death.  The quality of animation did fluctuate more so in this half than the first half, though that might be due to working overtime on the fights and leaving the rest to stills of talking facing.  Otherwise, no real faults to note with this anime, unless you are maybe anticipating it becoming too shounen soon (though it’s not there yet).  The anime is a high 9 which is where it placed at the end of Spring 2013, so it hasn’t gained or lost any ground with this continuation.  I do hope to see more of this anime again soon, especially since its popularity in Japan might equate to even better production values next time… and could you imagine this with better production values for fights?  Now that would be a sight to see.


Uchouten Kazoku – 9

uchouten_kazoku-08-yajirou-souichitou-father_and_son-dinner-drinking-family-restaurantFavorite Character: Mother Shimogamo

Review – Uchouten Kazoku is a visually striking and gorgeous that illustrates the beautiful story of a family trying to hold itself together in the aftermath of their father, the one who held everything together, passing away.  The anime was ripe for character growth and certainly delivered, making it one of the more enjoyable anime this season for me.  Furthermore, the character designs by Kouji Kumeta (Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Joshiraku) were an absolute delight, especially since created a rather a unique visual identity for the anime.  I enjoyed the cast for the most part, though I was never really engaged or terribly concerned about the brothers at any point.  Can’t say I was terrible interested in the plot itself, either.  Instead, it was their character development which really drove this anime, creating an experience that showed how each cub grow into an adult tanuki (or, for some, closer to an adult tanuki).  Uchouten Kazoku is a fun, enchanting anime that, as a whole, was both very fulfilling and satisfying.


Love Lab – 8

love_lab-01-natsuo-huggy-dakimakura-hug_pillow-kiss-saliva-comedy-embarrassingFavorite Character: Riko Kurahashi

Review – The magnetic, resplendent anime that is Love Lab really astonished me considering how charming, entertaining and enjoyable it turned out to be.  At first, I thought the anime would focus primarily on the romance with comedy being the afterthought but, lo and behold, the comedy reigned supreme and made this one of the most entertaining anime of the season.  Secondary to that was the amazement in how the chemistry worked between the five girls.  Usually in wacky school anime, full of gags and slapstick humor, there are one or two characters which steal the spotlight.  For Love Lab, the spotlight spent equal time with each character and the humor highlighted their personalities as they continued to play off each other.  No one character was too strong.  No one character was too weak.  The balance here reinforces how appropriate the comedy is and highlights the strength in its writing and how it uses its character, in addition to the content of the humor also being hilarious.  Beyond that, the romance angle was slightly mundane but provided for numerous instances of comedy which is something I appreciate.  The art style is colorful, vibrant and energetic which matches the personality of this anime.  I’d love to see this series continue since I know it can keep going with it characters and its comedy, so hopefully this will receive a sequel soon.


Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C3-bu – 8

stella_jogakuin_koutouka_c3_bu-08-rento-karila-yura-yachiyo-honoka-stella_girls_academy-c3_club-airsoft-survival_game-guns-military_uniforms-cute_beretsFavorite Character: Yura Yamato

Review – A common theme this season has been character growth seeing as I’ve mentioned it as a positive in every anime above this one.  However, I don’t think there was any better demonstration or progression in the growth of a character than Yura Yamato in C3-bu.  In fact, it even become the subject of a post of mine for the 12 Days of Anime on Yura’s character development .  This unanticipated and unforeseen story was really the biggest surprise for C3-bu and easily made it one of the most remarkable and fascinating anime of the season.  In fact, focusing in on Yura the entire time is probably what made this anime fascinating and worthwhile to me since the other aspects were only mediocre.  Gainax did a wonderful job with some of the art and animation, especially with how it depicted Yura’s imagination and how it integrated those scenes into the real world.  The other cast members were fair to great, great being reserved for Sonora and Rento, and the theme of airsoft/survival games was fun and original for an anime.  Still, C3-bu couldn’t really shake the label of ‘cute girls doing whatever’ with this being a school club that focused on guns instead of anime or music or tanks or the occult or doing nothing or whatever.  But among that popular and middling genre, C3-bu is among the best of its peers which is largely thanks to Yura Yamato.  I can only hope that other anime within this genre follow in C3-bu’s footsteps and use character development to drive its franchise.  Imagine how much better anime would be in general if everything took that advice.


Tamayura ~more aggressive~ – 8

tamayura_more_aggressive-03-fu-kanae-friends-photography_club-memories-character_developmentFavorite Character: Mutsuko Shimokamiyama

Review – Like the two anime above this, Tamayura ~more aggressive~ was a surprise this season, though this one is more personal due to my dissatisfaction with the previous TV series, Tamayura ~hitotose~.  In fact, this was also the subject of another 12 Days of Anime post, this on how well the sequel performed against the original.  It’s as if Tamayura was listening to my concerns and addressed each one, thus warranting the much higher and appropriate grade of an 8 versus a 6.  This time, the characters were used much better with Fu asserting herself more with independence and decisiveness.  Additionally, Kanae and Shimokamiyama were added to this series and quickly became my two favorite characters. Kanae provided a contrast to Fu while sharing a similar passion in photography but pursuing her own interests and Shimokamiyama was supportive and encouraging despite being new to the area and photography.  The trio of Kaoru, Norie and Maon were better utilized, too, though this may be since their interests were developed further instead of being Fu’s groupies the entire time.  The anime retained its pleasant art style and calming, tranquil feeling earning it the rare distinction of a healing anime beyond just the general label of slice-of-life.  The content of stories this time around was an improvement too, being more directly related to Fu and really helping her character out instead of wandering around the city.  Overall, I was thoroughly impressed with Tamayura ~more aggressive~ and hope that the series continues again someday.


Danganronpa The Animation – 8

danganronpa-01-monobear-monokuma-prinicpal-mascot-sweat-comedyFavorite Character: Aoi Asahina

Review – I didn’t realize until the very end that the whole point of Danganronpa is the very end.  The whole anime, the whole experience is building up to the finale in which everything about the series is revealed and every loose end is wrapped up nicely and neatly in a way that should be satisfying to most but infuriating to some.  To me, I found the whole finale to be the true masterpiece of the series, erasing most of the disappointment and disinterest that I felt during the course of the anime.  In fact, the finale itself is what bumped the anime from a high 7 to a low 8, so it really signifies how much I enjoyed it and how much of an impact it had on the rest of the series.  Speaking about the rest of the series, it was largely slow and mundane and ordinary save for the classroom trials and the mystery about Hope’s Peak Academy.  I tend to enjoy mysteries, so which might be why those two aspects stood out to me as positives when the rest felt like average anime stuff.  The character designs are outstanding and exceptional and the characters themselves were impressive, though some where more commanding, persuasive or fun than others.  The soundtrack of the game was doubled as the soundtrack for this anime and turned out to be one of my favorite this season.  If you’re into video game music, it’s worth your time.  As for the anime being worth your time, that depends on how much you enjoy mysteries and big twists/reveals.  If that’s your thing, then Danganronpa is definitely worth watching.  If not, don’t lose sweat over this.


Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou – 7

genei_wo_kakeru_taiyou-01-ginka-luna-seira-temperance-moon-stars-tarot_cards-magical_girls-bow-halo-cat_ears-lolis-iceFavorite Character: Meltina Melvis

Review – Obviously heavily inspired and influenced by Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou is a somber and gloomy anime about magical girls fighting against an unknown force that preys on humans.  I often categorize the anime as something that someone wrote after enjoying the dark, depressing moods of Madoka without ever really understanding what Madoka was all about.  It was never going to be the most original anime out there considering how derivative it is of Madoka, but that’s not to say I didn’t enjoy the anime despite it never being really that great.  What I did appreciate about this anime was the effort that was put into it, especially in the motifs and themes used with the tarot cards.  From color coordination to ornaments to personalities to weapons to their own tragic stories, the anime thrived on its efforts to incorporate various themes and symbolism throughout.  It didn’t make up for the shoddy story and clichéd characters but I enjoyed noticing these distinguishing characteristics and details throughout the series.  I think I liked the character designs when my eyes adjusted but I definitely enjoyed the art beyond the motifs and themes and colors mentioned previous.  It was low-budget but had some really inspired moments and scenes, though some were direct rip-offs of Madoka (doesn’t mean it is bad just means it is unoriginal).  The music was the other significant bright spot of this anime with several memorable, pleasant tracks.  Even though I enjoyed Genei Taiyou, I’m not sure who I’d recommend this to since its content and characters were two large weaknesses and others would be put off by the character designs.  If someone doesn’t care about those details and thinks they can enjoy the art, the symbolism and the music, then it might be worth their time.  Otherwise, it might be best to skip this.


Silver Spoon – 7

silver_spoon-01-yugo-unhappy-horse-saliva-chewing-comedy-farmingFavorite Character: Aki Mikage

Review – One of the more popular anime of the season, Silver Spoon did well with its noteworthy and distinctive setting, but what held it back for me was a main character who got on my nerves early and never really improved.  Hachiken’s personality really turned his character off for me with this perpetual moping personality.  What made things worse is his attitude toward his parents which was never really explained.  All we saw was him being an absolute dick to his family, so until that’s explained, I see no reason why I should like him.  Really, the rest of the cast was largely underwhelming too but that’s mainly because Hachiken is the real focus since he’s a complete greenhorn when it comes to agriculture.  I fell in love with the setting and appreciate all the detail and effort that has gone into it and I do enjoy how the stories are building off each other, such as with Pork Bowl.  Maybe my favorite part is how Hachiken’s inexperience and perspective has influenced some of the other students but it’s more along the lines of “oh, that’s interesting” than “I’m going to change how I live thanks to you”.  The art and animation are solid but nothing impressive.  I’m looking forward to the second half when it returns in 2014 since I’m predicting the second half will be stronger overall, but it’s not one of the shows I’m terrible excited about.


Gatchaman Crowds – 7

gatchaman_crowds-07-berg_katze-crowds-villain-antagonist-shart_teeth_smile-lipstick-wild_flamboyant_pink_hairFavorite Character: Utsutsu

Review – Gatchaman Crowds was an anime with an abundance of potential but failed to deliver due to a number of small and silly mistakes.  Unlike most of the people who dropped or hated this anime, I actually enjoyed Hajime’s character and her personality.  She was like a toddler on a constant infusion of sugar but her bright, cheery and sociable personality won me over.  What I didn’t care for was that her character was virtually unchallenged throughout the series.  While I did enjoy her being happy, she was never put in a situation that forced her to change or forced her to grow.  She’s pretty much had no character development throughout the anime; her character remaining no different from the start to the end.  That really disappointed me.  And save from some developments that felt incredibly forced at the end, virtually no one was developing as a character.  The only one that was would be Utsutsu since that was addressed early on and a constant emphasis on Hajime’s part throughout.  The storyline about the MESS was a bit of a mess, being dropped after the first couple of episodes to focus on GALAX and Berg-Katze, so I’m not really sure what to think about that besides maybe they forgot it or dropped it due to time constrains.  The whole social media aspect, CROWDS and saving the world did nothing for me either, so I can’t say I really enjoyed the plot.  What I did enjoy, was the art and animation but that alone was not enough to deliver a strong anime.  I’m hoping a second season will help resolve these problems and put Hajime’s character in an uncomfortable place because that might be what’s holding the series back for me more than anything else.


Servant x Service – 6

servant_x_service-09-lucy-happy-smiling-reminiscing-sparkles-bubbles-glasses-long_nameFavorite Character: Lucy Yamagami

Review – Servant x Service is really the no-thrills, basic-package anime.  There really wasn’t anything special about it.  Nothing with its characters, with its story, with its art or its setting. Sure, the anime was set in the health and welfare section of the local government but it was still a modern, urban Japan without any significant impact on the story or characters.  You could use this same dynamic and characters at a school or a meat-processing plant or a hospital or a cruise ship and the anime would be unchanged.  My response to the comedy varied from no response to smiling and I could count on my thumbs the number of times I actually laughed out loud.  Then again, the anime didn’t really do anything bad besides bore me.  I didn’t hate any of the characters, I didn’t hate their stories and found the art to be somewhat cute despite it’s plain appearance.  Really, it’s hard to have an opinion on this anime when it didn’t do too much for me but I suppose I enjoyed the series overall since what I do recall are the jokes that amused me the most.  But if presented with a second season, I think I’d politely decline.


Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya – 6

fate_kaleid_liner_prisma_illya-01-illya-ruby-magical_girl-transformation-wand-cuteFavorite Character: Sella

Review – For whatever reason, I just never found myself enjoying Prisma Illya.  The anime was fun for its parody of the magical girl genre and offered some genuine humor with its characters, but maybe there wasn’t enough to hook me like other comedy anime.  The actual content of the anime was pretty simple and uninspired but nothing that I’d really dock points for, especially since it was intended to be a parody.  It’s just I lost interest in it once I got tired with the joke.  It just so happened that the series decided to be serious then too, which really didn’t help.  I can’t say the art/animation/music were negatives since I thought the art style was cute and the battle animation was outstanding.  The fights were rather long, spanning a number of episodes when it felt like they could’ve been faster and I didn’t really care for or pay attention to the school life that kept interrupting the magical girl parts.  Not really sure what it was about this series on why I lost interest in it but I did.  I still finished the anime and will probably continue it again in 2014, so hopefully I will rediscover my interest in this anime again when it returns to the airwaves.


To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S – 6

to_aru_kagaku_no_railgun_s-16-misaka_imouto-bandages-injury-healing-silent-headgear-cuteFavorite Character: Misaka Imouto 10032

Review – What dropped Railgun S to the bottom of Summer 2013, after placing near the middle of Spring 2013, is how it adapted the Sisters Arc.  At the start of the arc, I had high expectations in anticipation of this story arc since I love seeing stories through multiple perspectives.  But with the arc just repeating the story of Index with no real additional insight, feeling or worth from Misaka, it felt disappointing and fell well short of my expectations.  That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy it since it did offer some outstanding scenes (like the first battle with Misaka Imouto 00001) but it was just too much of a retelling for me to enjoy it as much as I would with something new.  As for the rest of the series, it fluctuated between a 6 and a 7.  I would expect this anime to have been a 7 with the retelling portions removed, though, so I was happy and pleased with the new content.  Still, I feel Railgun could have done a much better job adapting the Sisters Arc which is why Railgun S dropped to a 6 and, unfortunately, to the bottom of Summer 2013.


Achievements of Summer 2013:

Best Art: Uchouten Kazoku

Best Characters: Monogatari Series: Second Season

Best Entertainment: Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

Best Setting: Shingeki no Kyojin

Best Sound: Gen’ei wo Kakeru Taiyou & Danganronpa The Animation

Best Story: Uchouten Kazoku


Best OP: Uchouten Kazoku

This season could have three OPs be the best but I decided on Uchouten Kazoku since its song had the best climax.  It also had some of the better artwork and direction.  Watamote had a better song overall but I didn’t care for the visuals.  Gatchaman Crowds had a good song and would place 3rd.

Best ED: Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C3-bu

This comes down to the visuals being more impressive in C3-bu than in Watamote.  While Watamote has the better song, I enjoy watching C3-bu’s ED more.  Or to put it another way, C3-bu’s song is better than the visuals of Watamote.  It’s tough and I should probably list them as 1A and 1B but C3-bu is 1A for me.

Biggest Surprise: Love Lab

A charming, charismatic, endearing and entertaining anime, Love Lab was significantly better than what I expected it to be.  I thoroughly enjoyed all the characters and every episode which is remarkable for a comedy anime.  Really happy to have picked it up after it after hearing so many positive reviews from others.

Biggest Disappointment: Gatchaman Crowds

Another anime that ends as a disappointment due to its hype, Gatchaman Crowds just had too many negatives, not enough positives and never had a chance to meet the expectations I set out for it.

Best Finale: Danganronpa

The whole point of Danganronpa is that it slowly building up the drama and mystery for the finale and, once we got there, the series delivered with its twists, reveals and other essential information.  I felt very satisfied with it and it really put the whole anime in a new perspective to me.  The anime really made its finale count and I appreciate that for a series like Danganronpa, especially in an era of light novel stories never find a true end.

Most Hated Character: Kou Sawatari (Tamayura ~more aggressive~)


And with that, I’ve caught up from all the seasons that I neglected for 2012 and 2013.  All that remains is the final season review for Autumn 2013, the Final Review for 2013 and the Winter 2014 Season Preview which… I guess is now already late since the shows are already airing.  Oh well, just another post for me to be late on!

Filed under: 2013 Summer, Anime, Season Reviews Tagged: Art, Characters, Comedy, Danganronpa, Entertainment, Fate/kaleid linear Prisma Illya, Favorites, Gatchaman Crowds, Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou, Love Lab, Monogatari Series, Mystery, Opinions, Rankings, Season Review, Servant x Service, Setting, Shingeki no Kyojin, Silver Spoon, Sound, Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C3-bu, Story, Tamayura, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun, Uchouten Kazoku, Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui!

Autumn 2013 – Season Review


poyopoyo-34-autumn-rain-downpour-cat-cold-dark-weather-waterFinally, a season review that’s not awkwardly late.  With the anime of Autumn 2013 still fresh in our mind, there is no better time to review the shows, evaluate their accomplishments, and assign grades before moving onto the anime of 2014.  So here it is, my final review for the anime of Autumn 2013.

Every anime receives a numerical score (between 10-5 as well as a D [delayed/dropped]) and is placed in position according to how they rank against each other from top to bottom, helping differentiate position among anime receiving the same score.  Each anime is paired with its own review which provides my overall thoughts and evaluation on the anime in addition to explaining my reasoning behind the score and ranking.  Any questions or discussion are welcome and encouraged in the comment section.


KILL la KILL – 10

kill_la_kill-06-scissor_sword-half-red-iconic-weapon-murder-alone-dust-aftermathFavorite Character: Ryuuko Matoi

Review – What KILL la KILL accomplished this season is nothing short of exhilarating, astonishing, magnificent and dazzling.  It’s a sensational and thrilling adventure teeming with emotion and electricity.  It’s a stimulating anime that caters to exceptional entertainment and an intriguing story.  And KILL la KILL has intangibles in its cast thanks to one of the greatest anime duos in history.  What I’m saying is that KILL la KILL has everything… and then some.  The animation and directing make every fight something to behold; each is a fun masterpiece that features humor and fanservice but also influences the story and carries lasting implications.  Ryuuko and Mako are easily two of the greatest characters I have witnessed all year due thanks in part to their passion and personalities.  They illustrate a genuine friendship where both sides support each other which makes their chemistry unparalleled.  In fact, Ryuuko become my second favorite character of all-time thanks to her efforts and endeavors in this first season (appearance plays a big role, too).  The fanservice is wacky and sometimes excessive but it fits the personality and style of this anime.  And the comedy and humor completes the anime, supplementing the story with pauses and helping show that the anime wants to be fun, not entirely serious.  It’s like someone wrote down all of my favorite things about anime and put them into this spectacular and magnanimous show.  KILL la KILL is the best anime of 2013… and I wouldn’t be surprised to see it be the best anime of 2014 either as it continues into the new year.


Monogatari Series: Second Season – 10

monogatari_series_second_season-18-shinobu-vampire-blonde-sleeping-immortal-garden-art-beautifulFavorite Character: Deishu Kaiki

Review – The Koimonogatari (Hitagi End) arc that concluded Monogatari Series is unquestionably my favorite arc in the Monogatari franchise and a significant reason why this is one of my favorite anime of the year.  After lulls in Nisemonogatari and tame reactions from Nekomonogatari, I feel that the Monogatari franchise was successfully revived in this sequel thanks to some alternative perspectives and storytelling, some riveting storylines that depended upon and developed its characters (especially those outside Araragi) and that same vivid, pictographic Bakemonogatari-SHAFT-style that supplements these story through its phenomenal directing and insight into character’s thoughts.  It seems that all that Monogatari needed to take the next step was to step away from Araragi and explore the characters for who they are without him.  It’s no wonder that some of my favorite arcs were those with Tsubasa, Nadeko and Kaiki as the storytellers.  And the stories that were explored this season were much deeper and fascinating than those of previous seasons.  And all the familiar aspects of the Monogatari franchise that made it wonderful, such as the delightful cast of characters, the stunning visuals and powerful music made this one of the best anime of the year.  I strongly recommend that anyone interested in this series make it a goal to finish Monogatari Series: Second Season at their earliest convenience.


Kyousogiga (TV) – 9

kyousogiga-06-lady_koto-mother-black_rabbit-drawing-profile-traditional_japanese_art_style-beautifulFavorite Character: Shouko

Review – Kyousogiga finally made it into a TV series after previous releases as an OVA and ONAs.  Fortunately for fans of the franchise, the anime retained the same level of brilliance and excellence that makes this series so enjoyable.  However, what this was able to do that the previous versions could not was include a complete story, develop its cast and its setting and answer questions that were asked but never answered.  Unfortunately for me, I do have to wonder how the themes of this series changed, especially with the dominant Alice in Wonderland motifs and influences.  It seems those parallels were ignored or forgotten when the story itself was in full gear.  Still, despite that grievance and dispelling the mysteries of the series, I am happy to understand the history, events and characters of Kyousogiga now.  The success of clear communication through elaborate and expressive stories really stood out to me with this series, though it could’ve done without the fights and action toward the end.  The art was dramatic and colorful and the music was some of the best this season had to offer.  The only other negative I have with this series is that the cast really never impressed me like they did in the OVA/ONAs, though it might’ve been tough to raise the bar after falling in love with the series then.  I wouldn’t mind seeing a sequel to this story though I do wonder where it could go from here if it did continue.


Kakumeiki Valvrave S2 – 9

kakumeiki_valvrave-13-cain-villain-eye_patch-evil-smile-grin-mecha_pilotFavorite Character: Akira Renbokouji

Review – Valvrave has been an electrifying and exciting adventure with way too many over-the-top and excessive moments to count.  The series succeeded and thrived on these moments, making it one of the more entertaining and amusing anime of the season.  The cast began to grow on me more than in S1 since it began to broaden its scope, especially with some of the female cast members.  I can’t say the story was really a strength for me but the numbers of twists and turns certainly kept it stimulating.  I’ve always enjoyed mecha battles, especially those in space, but these were pretty mediocre for that genre and actually a bit disappointing knowing that this is a Sunrise anime and that should be one of the show’s strengths.  I’m not sure whether I liked this season or the first half better.  Both halves grade out about the same but they both grade out extremely high after doing extremely well.


Nagi no Asukara – 8

nagi_no_asukara-03-manaka-ena-laughing-playing-happy-splashing_water-wet_clothes-blue_sky-clouds-gorgeous-beautifulFavorite Character: Miuna Shiodome

Review – How could I not love an anime with a dichotomous and symbiotic setting that heavily influenced every aspect of the show from its societies to its histories to its conflicts and its resolutions.  Nagi no Asukara is an anime that’s driven by its setting as the first and foremost aspect of everything.  Whether we’re in the picturesque and gorgeous underwater village of Shioshishio trying to retain its families and traditions or wonder what life would’ve been like if choices were different in Oshiooshi, the setting always found a way to push the narrative or the characters one way or the other.  I always love a vivid, imaginative setting like Shioshishio but to have it drawn as magnificently as it is and to see it have this impact really wins me over.  And while I could keep going on the setting, there are other aspects of the anime to talk about.  Characters are good and fun; story is nice with the two societies fighting; art is great; music is fine.  Okay, let’s get back to the setting shall we?  And thankfully, we will with this anime continuing into 2014.  Is anyone else excited to see how the setting will continue to be the driving force in the anime?  You know I’ll be interested, although I can’t help but feel that the romance will take over as the main focus shortly.


Little Busters!: Refrain – 8

little_busters!_refrain-08-riki-rin-friendship-light-acceptance-happiness-cuteFavorite Character: Kanata Futaki (Absent)

Review – Wow, what a turn-around.  Who would’ve thought that focusing on a story that incorporated its characters and moved forward would be what Little Busters! needed to become a great anime?  With the first season being saturated with irrelevant stories that were immediately forgotten upon whatever girl’s problems were resolved, the continuation of Little Busters! erased that mess by honing in on Riki and Rin and working a narrative that significantly improved their characters and moved the Little Busters! story to its end.  Now, I can finally understand all the acclaim and popularity the series has.  And while the series was far from perfect, I am very fortunate to have watched these 13 episodes to finish out the series on a positive note.  So while I still am miserable and bitter about the first season, I can’t help but like the series as whole now thanks to this season.  I am thoroughly satisfied with Riki as a main character, as well as most of the cast, all the explanations that occurred in the end and how the series resolved itself in its finale.  Bravo, Little Busters!: Refrain, you’ve done something that only a few anime have done and improve by 2 points between season.  That distinction is nothing short of astounding.


Freezing Vibration – 8

freezing_vibration-07-satellizer-pandora-fighting-wings_of_light-blonde-sad-regretFavorite Character: Charles Bonaparte

Review – Like the anime above it, Freezing’s sequel as saw a marked improvement over the original.  Rather than continuing as a series about “girl of the week” and having nonsense fights, Freezing Vibration included a surprisingly decent story to its focus on fanservice and fighting.  I’m rather surprised by the improvement in the cast too, especially since Freezing took the time to develop these girls and help you connect with them before their brutal and sometimes gory fights.  The ecchi components of the anime were unashamed and frequent, but it never felt too excessive, forced or inappropriate though there were bouncy boobs, torn clothing, panties or uncensored bare breasts in every episode.  I suppose that might be the case considering that Freezing is rather renowned for its ecchi fanservice.  The fighting was rather tame in this season compared to the first, though that could be a result of there being a narrative in place and character development that usurped the time where girls would fight each other.  Can’t say I’m complaining about it when the story arguably better than the fights themselves.  Overall, Freezing Vibration was actually a pretty great anime with a decent story, fun characters and some satisfying entertainment.  Although I couldn’t say I was terribly interested in the franchise when the first season ended in Winter 2011, I’m actually curious to see where the series goes from here and am looking forward to there being a possibility of another sequel.


Non Non Biyori – 8

non_non_biyori-05-renge-stare-curious-twintails-cute-ramen_houseFavorite Character: Renge Miyauchi

Review – Non Non Biyori is a wonderful change-of-pace anime.  If I had to choose a show where I wanted to sit back, kick my feet up and relax for 24 or so minutes, then there’s no question I’d choose Non Non Biyori.  Non Non Biyori is an anime that understand what makes a slice-of-life a good slice-of-life.  Rather than boring the audience or wearing out its welcome, Non Non Biyori is infectious with is cast and comedy.  The series does offer some emotional highs and lows which helps you identify with the cast.  And watching the girls spend their days in a quiet rural setting certainly calms you down more than an urban or other setting.  The art is vibrant, colorful and beautiful, especially the various backgrounds.  Non Non Biyori is a delightful, charming anime that is ideal for anime fans of all-types.  Anyone can pick Non Non Biyori up and enjoy it for what it is, and I can only hope more people pick this anime up and give it a chance.


Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta – 7

yozakura_quartet_hana_no_uta-08-akina-hime-serious-meeting-cherry_blossom_petals-calmFavorite Character: Ao Nanami

Review – Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta is a fine anime but something a little too shounen for me.  While I feel in love with its cast of good characters, I couldn’t help but hate everything about the story and its cyclic pattern of fighting enemies and then accepting them as friends as though nothing happened.  I don’t think I liked any of the villains (which is probably a first), as they all felt too idealistic and romantic.  That is to say, none of them really had a plan and were evil just for the sake of being evil.  The fights were exquisitely animated and exciting to watch, but you always knew how the fight would end based on who was fighting.  I mean, everything in this anime was predictable, not just the stories.  The art and animation was easily the greatest strength of this anime and was demonstrated during the fights, but I thought it had superior animation and art throughout.  I wasn’t expecting such a high level of fanservice coming into the anime and was slightly disappointed that it kept shoving it in your face throughout but it was never too vulgar and often played up for jokes or lame humor.  The setting with the two dimensions blending together was certainly interesting but unfortunately was ignored along with the plot for fighting various villains.  Overall, the anime was enjoyable and entertaining but had some deficiencies and difficulties along the way, particularly on how shounen it was and what that meant for the characters and the story.  Still, seeing how it ranks compared to the other anime on this list, I must say it did pretty well.


Magi: The Kingdom of Magic (S2) – 7

magi_the_kingdom_of_magic_s2-03-aladdin-alibaba-morgiana-hakuryuu-friendship-flying-magic_carpet-happyFavorite Character: Hakuei Ren

Review – Magi continues its series by featuring some of the best episodes since its beginning and offering the series a chance to reinvent itself with its characters pursuing their own goals.  With the latter half of the first season of Magi becoming stale, tedious and eventually boring, I’m pleased with how Magi redeveloped its sense of magic and adventure instead of droning on and on about made-up politics and societal troubles (that have now been completely forgotten by everyone).  And now with the characters branching off, Magi is providing us with the experience of seeing each character on their own and highlighting their strengths and how far they’ve come as characters.  Not only that, but we’re beginning to explore the world and can see the foreshadowing of global events to come.  This has been a surprisingly decent and pleasant are of Magi and I hope it continues this way into 2014.  With the events playing out like this, I can’t wait to see a colossal war or event break out between the various nations where Aladdin, Alibaba, Morgiana and Hakuryuu are.  This season has certainly been a positive for Magi as a franchise and I hope this trajectory continues as we begin the second half of S2.


Samurai Flamenco – 7

samurai_flamenco-04-flamenco_girl-samurai_flamenco-mari-hazama-heroes-masks-partners-smile-happyFavorite Character: Jouji Kaname

Review – Samurai Flamenco began as an intelligent, insightful and though-provoking series that touched on the topics of justice, adventure and the purpose of one’s life.  Now, it’s just a humorless satire of Hero and Sentai that has removed all thought, intrigue and cleverness from its.  It’s a shell of itself.  It has now become a parody of the anime it once was, but it’s not even a good parody at that.  Everything that Samurai Flamenco had going for it is now gone and what’s left are memories of what could’ve been.  Sure, there have been some highlights since the infamous Guillotine Gorilla scene, but it’s been far more bad than good.  I’m hoping the anime can correct itself soon before we’re too far into the second season and we find Hazama waking from a coma in the hospital and it all being a dream.  I think something as terrible and cheesy as that would be the perfect way to cancel out everything wrong with this series.  I couldn’t imagine watching another 11 episodes of this garbage otherwise.


Gingitsune – 6

gingitsune-02-gintarou-fox_spirit-herald_to_the_gods-divine-spiritual-religious-shintoFavorite Character: Gintarou

Review – Gingitsune accomplished something that no anime has really ever done before: Gingitsune defined what the baseline for an anime should be.  Why?  Because Gingitsune did nothing for me as an anime.  With Gingitsune, I never feel really excited or found anything positive with itself.  The heralds weren’t doing anything, there were no major conflicts and all the characters seemed pretty content with their lives.  On the other hand, I never hated anything or felt disgusted by what’s going on.  Although I felt bored during the anime, it never really got to the point where I wanted to drop it and spend my time doing something better.  In fact, everything about this anime was average.  Nothing in this anime was ever good or bad.  Hell, the anime had about the same level of originality or innovation that I expect from an anime, too.  Everything about this anime was plain, ordinary or average.  And while this anime is well below my median for anime, I can’t help but wonder if this is like a tool to measure anime in terms of whether I like them or hate them.  I mean, a high 6 is pretty much where I envisioned the cut-off being for liking and hating an anime, so it shouldn’t be surprising to see an anime of this caliber end up here.  Maybe the lasting impression of Gingitsune will be to create the “Gingitsune Test” where I evaluate whether I like or hate an anime more than Gingitsune.  Maybe I’ll develop such a test if this anime is the least bit memorable.


Galilei Donna – 6

galilei_donna-08-kazuki-hozuki-hazuki-sisters-family-playful-happyFavorite Character: Kazuki Ferrari

Review – Well, if we’re going to apply the “Gingitsune Test” to anything, let’s start now with Galilei Donna.  Yes, I hated Galilei Donna though not passionately or feverously.  The story of the anime was, to put it nicely, one of the worst trainwrecks I have ever watched.  The story was an arbitrary collection of nonsense that formed a cohesive mess that held this anime down like a battleship’s anchor.  Yes, I know the anime was originally planned for 22 episodes and cut to 11 but there is no excuse for this catastrophe of a story.  Literally, nothing important in this anime was resolved.  Why the hell even include those bits if you weren’t going to resolve them in some way or some capacity?  Ugh, moving on… although the anime was about three sisters, it ended up being about Hozuki and two pieces of extra baggage that occasionally talked.  The setting was about an energy crisis and Galileo hiding the answer in various places around the world (that he could never have possibly visited) for his great(x20)-granddaughters to circumnavigate the globe to find and save the world.  Yes, that’s literally the basis of the story and it might’ve been the best part this anime had to offer.  The art and animation were fine though at times inadequate and subpar.  I can’t help but wonder what this anime would’ve been like had it doubled its time and had 22 episodes to flesh out a story instead of 11.  Considering what we saw with these 11, I could consider myself lucky that it was trimmed in half to get this trainwreck over in half the time.


BlazBlue: Alter Memory – 6

blazblue_alter_memory-01-noel_vermillion-NOL-officer-salute-military_uniform-beret-cute-blonde_hairFavorite Character: Noel Vermillion

Review – Why would you make an anime about a fighting video game and make it about a story and not the fights?  Really, the disappointment that was BlazBlue was not its shoddy and incomprehensible story but the fact that there were only a handful of fights throughout the anime and that none of them were particularly good or interesting.  The cast was completely underutilized and many characters had no place in the story despite being significantly better than the story.  Seriously, why did this anime need to have a story and why did the story have to dominate throughout?  The anime would’ve been much, much better had it just been random characters wandering through their days and fighting each other.  I hate to say it but Queen’s Blade had a better story and better fights than this anime.  And while we’re on the subject, better art and animation, too.  Often times, the careless art would be inadequate for the fights and the style was rather flat or plain when it was just characters talking.  Really, this series was a letdown and frustrating to watch.  It’s too bad you can’t fight against this anime as a character in BlazBlue since I’m sure every fan of the franchise would love to beat this up time and time again.


Coppelion – 5

coppelion-03-ibara-aoi-taeko-schoolgirls-gun-hiding-dangerFavorite Character: Ibara Naruse

Review – The failure that is Coppelion has to beg the question: how do you mean an anime this bad?  The only was the story a disaster on part with the nuclear reactor exploding but it was so dodgy and schizophrenic that I couldn’t tell whether it was supposed to be like this on purpose of if the director was a dog that got distracted by a squeaky toy every episode.  No one in the cast was enjoyable and may characters were insufferable, especially Aoi who always screamed or complained or whined about everything.  She should never have been put in this anime.  The setting was a decent idea but the execution was appalling, and the science used to explain it was shameful.  The anime just made-up whatever it wanted for whatever reason and, most of the time, it was laughable like the 10-minute timer to live complete with a countdown timer in the corner.  The action was hilarious because it was so hilariously bad and the fights were just a series of haphazard events strung in a sequence and unfortunately animated for our torture.  Really, the main issue with Coppelion is that the nuclear disaster didn’t kill everyone there, which would’ve saved us from watching this anime.  I can only hope that others don’t make the same mistake I do and watch Coppelion.


Achievements of Autumn 2013:

Best Art: Monogatari Series: Second Season

Best Characters: KILL la KILL

Best Entertainment: KILL la KILL

Best Setting: Non Non Biyori

Best Sound: KILL la KILL

Best Story: Monogatari Series: Second Season


Best OP: Monogatari Series: Second Season OP4

That parody, that song, that animation style; everything was spectacular and outstanding in Monogatari’s OP4.  They left no detail untouched, even going to the effort of including the karaoke at the bottom for fans to sing along.  There is no question that this was the best opening of the season and for one of the best anime of the season, too.

Best ED: Kyousogiga (TV)

I’ve always had a thing for endings that begin to play while the episode is still showing and Kyousogiga’s ED frequently began during a touching or moving moment.  The song is also one of my favorites and it is more than enough to make up for the basic and unexciting visuals.

Biggest Surprise: Little Busters!: Refrain

The sequel to Little Busters! helped reverse my opinion of the whole franchise from negative to positive.  I never expected the anime to perform such a reversal but now I like Little Busters! and have positive memories of it.  I’m really impressed with what Little Busters!: Refrain was able to do and happy to have watched it this season.

Biggest Disappointment: Samurai Flamenco

Samurai Flamenco is the greatest disappointing because it was at one point good and then became bad.  And bad might be generous because it’s really, really, really bad right now.  I had considered BlazBlue and Coppelion for this spot since both are worse than Flamenco right now but it’s rare to see an anime go from an 8 to a 6 in the span of one episode.

Best Finale: Monogatari Series: Second Season

Kaiki is my favorite character in the Monogatari franchise and witnessing his story and the pinnacle of his character and performance was an unforgettable experience.  Listening to his final speech was more a reflection on himself and his life than anything else and painted a beautiful portrait of one of the most fascinating antagonists in anime history.  To see a character with such profound depth and insight is what made this finale my favorite and helped elevate Monogatari to a 10.

Most Hated Character: Aoi Fukasaku (Coppelion)


Thank you for reading through my review for Autumn 2013.  Next, I hope to move on to 2014 after completing a final review that take into account everything that happened in 2013.  I hope you’ve enjoyed this post despite being well into Winter 2014 at this current moment.

Filed under: 2013 Autumn, Anime, Season Reviews Tagged: Animation, Art, Characters, Comedy, Coppelion, Direction, Disappointment, Ecchi, Entertainment, Favorites, Fighting, Freezing, Galilei Donna, Gingitsune, Kakumeiki Valvrave, KILL la KILL, Kyousogiga, Little Busters!, Magi, Monogatari Series, Nagi no Asukara, Non Non Biyori, Observations, Opinions, Perspective, Rankings, Samurai Flamenco, Season Review, Setting, Slice of Life, Sound, Story, Storytelling, Yozakura Quartet

Top 13 Anime and Top 13 Characters of 2013


jojo's_bizarre_adventure-23-cars-pillar_men-pose-blade-hair-dramatic-awesome-fantastic-flamboyantHere is my final review for the anime that aired in 2013.  Focusing only on the most excellent, most remarkable and most memorable of 2013, this review will document and explain my favorite 13 characters of the year and my favorite 13 anime of the year, too.  It’s been a rather exciting year of anime, especially with the recent publications of my season reviews for 2013, so let’s see how everything comes together with one last look at the anime of 2013.

Just a quick note before beginning: the list is just on the television anime of the year and does not include movies or OVAs.  Furthermore, it includes any anime that aired over the year regardless of when it began or when it ends, so some of the anime and characters from 2012 will be appearing again.


Top 13 Characters of 2013:


Honorable Mention: Yeti (Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san)

namiuchigiwa_no_muromi_san-09-yeti-curious-cute-looking_up-ears-scarfHad Yeti been given more screentime, she might actually rank on the list.  Had Yeti been given more screentime, Muromi-san would have definitely been a better anime.  Had Yeti been given more screentime, I’d be happier.  It’s rare to see a character have such an impact, but Yeti’s limited screentime isn’t really enough to warrant keeping her on the list.  A real shame since nothing came close to Yeti in Muromi-san.


13. Aki Mikage (Silver Spoon)

silver_spoon-01-aki-horse-equestrian_club-farmer-smile-short_black_hairA pure and gentle heart, Aki is always found with a smile on her face and her hand extended, willing to help anyone in trouble.  Not only is she adept and knowledgeable about the agriculture business, she also has initiative and is willing to do what it takes to keep her family business alive or to help her friends.  Her personality is heartwarming and it’s no wonder why everyone around her enjoys her sincere company.


12. Kona “Frau” Furugoori (Robotics;Notes)

robotics;notes-16-frau-pokecom-awe-stunned-twintails-blonde-hat-scarf-winter_coatThe second half of Robotics;Notes demonstrated the depth, complexity and fears of Frau turning her character from a charming comic relief to one of the most interesting in Robotics;Notes.  Still, her personality never faltered and actually grew as a result, keeping her humorous demeanor intact while also playing a vital role in the story and to the other characters.


11. Hakaze Kusaribe (Zetsuen no Tempest)

zetsuen_no_tempest-02-hakaze-rags-bikini-sun-proud-arrogantHakaze was the mysterious and sexy princess/witch who singlehandedly drove much of the story of Zetsuen no Tempest.  When she was rescued, her role greatly expanded and we saw every bit of her character including her comedy, her intelligence, her passions and her fears.  When she was around the other characters, she really shined as a protagonist, especially with the relaxed, comical atmosphere in the second half of Tempest.  Easily the best character from a rather solid cast in Tempest.


10. Zoë Hange (Shingeki no Kyojin)

shingeki_no_kyojin-24-zoe-scouting_legion-leader-crazy-sword-perspective-goggles-scary-shadowsThe Scouting Legion’s Squad Leader, Zoë was an obsessive and fanatical girl who had a passion for understanding the Titans that preyed on humanity.  Her quest for knowledge and understanding was unlike anyone else in the series and the distinction of her character would influence the story and characters in tremendous ways.  Not only that but she turned out to be the funniest character, too, with frequent jokes based on her and her manias.  She was the only one of her kind in Shingeki no Kyojin and really brightened up the series for me.


9. Tomoko Kuroki (Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!)

watashi_ga_motenai_no_wa_dou_kangaetemo_omaera_ga_warui-01-tomoko-calm-staring-school_uniform-light-artYou can’t help but feel bad for Tomoko but it’s hard not to laugh when you realize how silly or stupid or narcissistic she is.  And everything that’s miserable or deplorable about her or her actions comes across as cute or humorous.  It’s what makes our lovable loser who she is, and it helps us develop an honest connection to Tomoko, even if you haven’t experienced the same number or same types of failures as her.  And when she has those small, little victories, her smile is sincere and you can tell how elated and cheerful she is.  Her emotions and reactions are what make her and what make Watamote an unforgettable experience.  Now, if only she didn’t care so much and was like that rare, happy Tomoko more often…


8. Yura Yamato (Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C3-bu)

stella_jogakuin_koutouka_c3_bu-07-yura-smile-goggles-marker-line_art-stylish-dramatic-awesomeThe growth and maturity of Yura Yamato is one of the best stories of any anime this year and a huge reason why Yura grew to be one of my favorites of 2013.  She began as nothing more than a cheerful and naïve schoolgirl, hoping to have fun and makes lots of friends at school only to be swept up in fear, regret, selfishness, scorn, obsession, loss and isolation.  And let’s not forget her overactive imagination which was also fascinating to behold.  Fortunately for Yura, her story ends on a happy note thanks to her wonderful cohort of friends, but the journey to how she got there is what makes her one of my favorite for this year.


7. Joseph Joestar (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)

jojo's_bizarre_adventure-22-joseph_joestar-bandana-fighting-rippleJoseph was a significant improvement over Jonathan, thanks largely to his hilarious personality and his creativity.  Joseph really dominated the Battle Tendency arc with his eccentric and wild behaviors, often turning serious scenes into jokes without any hesitation.  And his creativity during battles made every fight intriguing and unpredictable.  JJBA really improved during the Battle Tendency arc thanks to its characters and none were more influential than Joseph Joestar.


6. Hitagi Senjougahara (Monogatari Series: Second Season)

monogatari_series_second_season-03-senjougahara-alternative_hairstyle-short_hair-looking_back-smiling-happy-friendly-cute-sexy-hoodieSenjougahara has always been my favorite girl in the Bakemonogatari franchise, but I often felt like her character was underutilized in the various stories.  With this sequel taking the perspectives of various characters, we saw multiple layers to Senjougahara’s character, painting her character much deeper and more complex than ever hinted at.  She also showed how much of a true friend she is when rescuing Tsubasa and how she supported her through her struggles.  Her character shined brightest during Hitagi End and revealed just how troubled she is when paired with the confident Kaiki.  She really is a fascinating character and I’m thrilled we got to learn more about her and see more of her in this sequel.


5. Mako Mankanshoku (KILL la KILL)

kill_la_kill-07-mako-fighting_club_president-two_star_ultima_uniform-delinquent-conflicted-friendshipMako is the essence of pure energy.  Not only is she cute and fun to be around but she is always doing whatever she can to help Ryuuko out, even if it means putting her life in danger.  She is the very definition of a ‘best friend’ and supports Ryuuko any way possible.  She’s always smiling and hyper and bouncing around the scenery making her the best source of comedy in KILL la KILL.  She really provides a spark that no one else possesses in KILL la KILL and her role in supporting Ryuuko is irreplaceable.


4. Akane Tsunemori (Psycho-Pass)

psycho_pass-01-akane-detective-inspector-police-salute-rain-rookie-naiveWatching Akane develop as a detective and as a person in Pscyho-Pass is nothing short of astonishing.  Her character began as a blank slate and was carefully molded and sculpted into a strong, confident woman who developer her own philosophy of justice and stuck to it.  Although she eventually conflicted against her friends and her society, Akane remained strong.  Additionally, she was still a sweetheart on the inside and worked to make her life and everything around her better.  I can’t wait to see what happens next when Psych-Pass returns in 2014.


3. Mother Kuroki [Tomoko’s mother] (Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!)

watashi_ga_motenai_no_wa_dou_kangaetemo_omaera_ga_warui-08-mother_kuroki-hahaoya-tomoko's_mom-caring-loving-family-shocked-surprisedIf you know me well enough, you know exactly why this minor character is my third favorite for 2013.  Like Tomoko, you can’t help but feel bad for everything that happens to Tomoko’s mother.  Not only does she have to take care of a disconnected family with her father working late and her son busy at school, with sports and having a social life, but she has an ungrateful, lethargic daughter that constantly causes her trouble.  But everything she does for Tomoko, even when she’s smacking some sense into Tomoko, she’s doing it with motherly love.  She’s really the only character who genuinely cares about Tomoko and tries to help her thought Tomoko constantly resent hers, never thanks her and fails to listen to her advice.  Still, she continues to help and support her troubled child whenever she can.  And for that, I can’t help but admire Tomoko’s mom for her compassionate personality, her unyielding resilience and her love for her family.


2. Deishu Kaiki (Monogatari Series: Second Season)

monogatari_series_second_season-21-kaiki-suzuki-villain-suit-cell_phone-calm-cool-collected-suaveWith Kaiki transitioning from antagonist to protagonist, Monogatari Series explored this fascinating character further adding to his complexity and even going as far as to completely reverse the perspective of his role in the series.  Not only do we view Kaiki as a tragic hero now but we begin to understand his personal philosophy and how he justifies or rationalizes his actions and behaviors.  Beyond that, Kaiki is a suave and sophisticated gentleman who incorporates dry humor into his conversations and intelligence into his dialogues.  He’s easily the most mesmerizing and remarkable character in the franchise and I’d love to learn more about him if given the chance.


1. Ryuuko Matoi (KILL la KILL)

kill_la_kill-06-ryuuko-senketsu-life_fiber-victory-pose-awesome-kick_ass-dramaticRyuuko was unrivaled as a character this year thanks due to the constant dichotomy of her character.  Her passion and determination for revenge illustrates her character as a hot-headed tomboy though this is an exterior she constructed due to her troubled past and fragile nature.  Her quest for vengeance and bloodlust is really an excuse for her to get to know her father since she regrets never having done that when she had the opportunity.  Ryuuko constantly struggles and fights and projects a tough image despite the fact she just wants to live a happy and comfortable life with family and friends.  She’s really torn between two worlds and doesn’t know how to exist or thrive in either.  Not only that but she’s a perfect match for my favorite archetype and appearance in anime and the constant fanservice is a plus, too.  It’s no wonder that she became my second favorite anime character and I’m excited to see what happens to her when KILL la KILL continues into 2014.


Favorite OP and ED of 2013:


OP: Psycho-Pass OP2 (Out of Control)

If Monogatari Series: Second Season OP4 were done in the retro style throughout without reverting back to the modern style, it would have won.  But instead, my favorite opening of 2013 is one which used a gorgeous retro style throughout with brilliant overlays of color on a pencil sketch world.  The shading, lighting and texture really bring out the visuals in this.  Plus the song is catchy, too, and one of my favorite from this year.


ED: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (Roundabout)

I always love it when an ending song begins playing during the finale, climactic moments of the episode and no ending did this transition better than Roundabout from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.  Although this was a carryover from 2012, the visuals were improved by overlaying a flashlight on mysterious ruins rather than blood flowing through a sculpture.  I also like this latter part of the song, so I found what was one of the best EDs of 2012 had become the best of 2013.


Top 13 Anime of 2013:


Honorable Mention: Death Billiards

death_billiards-bartender-otoko-roujin-bar-cigarette_smoke-alcohol-stained_glassI was thinking of putting Teekyuu or Garden of Words here but decided on Death Billiards, an OVA from the Anime Mirai 2013.  While Little Witch Academia stole the spotlight from this year’s Anime Mirai, being the most popular thanks to its charm and spirited animation, it was Death Billiards which stood out to me as the best of the four Anime Mirai anime.  Not only did it have a superior story and fascinating characters but the style and focus of the animation caught my attention and made the experience memorable.  Keep an eye out for Yuzuru Tachikawa and Shinichi Kurita.


13. Love Lab

love_lab-01-riko-the_wild_one-tomboy-salute-admired-cute-awesomeLove Lab was a delightful surprise thanks largely to its charming nature and the chemistry between its cast of characters.  I always expected the series to go stale or to focus too heavily on romance, but the comedy was always fresh, hysterical and always endearing.  I’m often hard on grading comedies, so the score and ranking may seem low, but this was one of my favorite anime of the year and would rank above several anime ahead of this if I were ranking on that scale alone.


12. Uchouten Kazoku

uchouten_kazoku-08-souichirou-tanuki-nise_emon-leader-father-caring-loving-farewell-fog-shadowThe beautiful story of a struggling tanuki family, Uchouten Kazoku ended up being a favorite through its memorable cast of characters and its detailed, dazzling art style.  The anime was also humorous, captivating and intellectual.  Furthermore, the culmination of events and storylines at the end finished the series with a heartwarming message and left me extremely satisfied.  I’d love to see what happens next but it ended so well, I don’t want to disrupt this content feeling.


11. Kakumeiki Valvrave (Valvrave the Liberator)

kakumeiki_valvrave-05-haruto-shouko-jior-friends-smile-happyWhat helped make Valvrave memorable were its unexpected twist and turns and shocking developments.  The series was a wild and entertaining ride with frequent mecha fights, an extensive cast of appealing characters and a vibrant and excellent art style that brought everything to life.  The ranking here is a ranking for both the Spring and Autumn seasons together, though if they were separated, they’d be about this ranking with not much separating the two.


10. Kyousogiga (TV)

kyousogiga-02-koto-inari-master-fox_mask-childhood-memories-cuteKyousogiga is a remarkable anime that features a solid cast, an intriguing, mysterious story and an unforgettable world where everything takes place.  The whole series is entertaining and enjoyable, a delightful adventure that explores the setting and closes with some beautiful characterization while revealing the story itself.  The themes and parallels are robust in this series and the art is imaginative, energetic and fun.  Easily one of the best anime of the year.


9. Suisei no Gargantia

suisei_no_gargantia-05-chamber-galactic_alliance-mecha-mobile_suit-humanoid-descending-falling-blue_skies-awesomeAlthough I do have some complaints with Gargantia, the anime is still one of my favorites thanks to its outstanding cast of characters, the influential art style and a magnificent setting that proved to be one of my favorite in 2013.  Ledo and Chamber really drove the anime with their constant efforts in exploration and understanding, especially when the two allies would quarrel with each other based on their growth or lack of comprehension.  The setting itself is extraordinary and one that I cherish, especially with its high-level of detail and how it was emphasized in the story.  If it had addressed a few issues with some of the story and some episodes, this could’ve been much, much higher.


8. Chihayafuru 2

chihayafuru_2-19-mizusawa-tsutomu-tsukuba-taichi-kanade-nishida-chihaya-sumire-champions-victory-hug-emotionsChihayafuru 2 continues its tradition of being one of my favorite anime with a sequel full of fascination, charm and two exciting, new characters.  The second season featured numerous more karuta matches and made them more exciting, thanks largely to the characters themselves getting better and playing against better competition. The sequel also helped develop the cast further, continuing where the first season left off.   I can’t wait for a third season to start since everything about this anime has been fantastic.


7. Shin Sekai Yori

shin_sekai_yori-16-maria-saki-drawing-art-farewell-memoriesCerebral and astute, Shin Sekai Yori was an absolutely remarkable anime with a profound and insightful cast of characters, a series of harrowing and gripping stories and an innovative dystopian setting that instilled fear through both its society and its unknown.  This drama/horror was represented by an exceptional and unique art style that helped give the anime a serious, somber style.  And the final story arc was a thrilling and powerful journey that tied everything together.  Shin Sekai Yori is also my second favorite horror anime of all-time.


6. Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan)

shingeki_no_kyojin-05-colossal_titan-wall_titan-muscles-teeth-steam-heat-smoke-staringThat sheer rush of adrenaline and excitement, that satisfaction that comes with a downed titan, these are the feelings of Shingeki no Kyojin, an emotional rollercoaster that rushes the audience through terror, panic, rage, and exhilaration.  This powerful series had some of the best fights, both in terms of animation/direction and how they impacted the story and the constant struggle of humanity made every fight a decisive one.  The setting with its steampunk mechanics and horrific (sometimes hilarious) titans also helped make this series memorable.  The adventure, emotion and enjoyment of Shingeki no Kyojin are reasons why I want to continue the anime and I want to continue it now.


5. Psycho-Pass

psycho_pass-22-kougami-gun-pistol-renegade-maverick-detective-suit-tie-huntPsycho-Pass really developed in its latter half, revealing shocking secrets about the setting, turning characters and organizations against each other and creating one of the greatest anime of 2012 and 2013.  I absolutely loved what Psycho-Pass was able to accomplish with Akane and how she struggled against the criminals, the society and even her friends throughout the course of the anime.  Not only did this have my favorite setting of the year but it was used routinely throughout and heavily influenced everything that occurred.  The dialogues were often profound and thoughtful and really painted the characters as dynamic humans instead of lame stereotypes.  There’s also a good chance of seeing this anime reappear next year as one of the best anime of 2014 when the sequel returns to television.


4. Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

watashi_ga_motenai_no_wa_dou_kangaetemo_omaera_ga_warui-11-tomoko-megumi-hug-mascot-balloon-school_festival-sunset-heartwarming-encouraging-beautifulWatamote is an insightful and entertaining comedy with a slice-of-life story of a troubled, young girl who’s struggling over her own unpopularity while failing to address her narcissism.  Often times the series played these out as jokes for laughs but it were the heartwarming triumphs of Tomoko that were the most memorable and produced the biggest smiles.  Shin Oonuma directed this masterpiece and incorporated his unique visual style in this anime with numerous effects, colors, transitions, lighting and perspective to influence the scenes and draw out the raw emotion or to make the joke more hilarious.  This is one of my all-time favorite comedies and I’d love to see this series continue.


3. Monogatari Series: Second Season

monogatari_series_second_season-09-hachikuji-araragi-shadows-together-ghost-loli-twintailsMonogatari Series: Second Season is easily the best the Monogatari franchise has had to offer.  Not only was the performance masterful with its characters, its art and its directing but the stories were significantly improved and they continued to build off the foundation left behind from previous Monogataris.  The differing perspectives and alternative storytelling augmented the series and provided the chance to see characters in new ways.  These differences were more than enough to warrant the high grade and ranking and end the franchise at a new, all-time high for me.


2. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

jojo's_bizarre_adventure-14-joseph-caesar-poses-colors-dramatic-dododododoJoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is one of the most riveting and spellbinding anime that I have ever seen.  In addition to the extravagant and tremendous fights that caught the attention of the audience, the series had some rather perceptive and remarkable dialogue and storytelling.  There was genuine and original comedy, too, which helped make the series be delightful beyond the frequent unnerving action sequences.  The cast was outstanding and the art style was distinctive and matchless, especially with its liberal use of colors.  JoJo’s never stopped being thrilling or breathtaking and was an experience that showcased how entertainment and storytelling can be and should be intertwined.  I’m looking forward to seeing the series continue in 2014, seeing as this is one of my favorite anime of all-time.



kill_la_kill-03-ryuuko-senketsu-honnouji_academy-students-opponents-star_uniforms-pointing-dramatic-awesome-sideboobIt’s like KILL la KILL was designed for me.  Everything about KILL la KILL, I love.  From its flamboyant and entertaining battles to its over-the-top and deliberately excessive fanservice to its wonderful characters who achieve excellence in their specified roles to its simple story of revenge to its distinctive and uncommon art style, everything about KILL la KILL is perfect.  You really have to experience the anime in order to understand why it’s so perfect, why it’s so ideal and why I love every second of it.  The series has everything I look for in an anime and it does everyone at excellent or above.    It’s a phenomenal experience that is still only half-way over.  I can’t wait to see how this anime concludes when it finished in 2014 but this is one of the few anime that can reach the upper limits of excellence and quality in anime.

Filed under: Anime, Season Reviews, Special Posts Tagged: Animation, Art, Characters, Chihayafuru, Comedy, Comparison, Death Billiards, Development, Direction, Ecchi, Emotion, Entertainment, Favorites, Fighting, Garden of Words, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Kakumeiki Valvrave, KILL la KILL, Kyousogiga, Little Witch Academia, Love Lab, Memories, Monogatari Series, Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san, New Year, Observations, Opinions, Personalities, Positives, Psycho-Pass, Rankings, Robotics;Notes, Romance, Setting, Shin Sekai Yori, Shingeki no Kyojin, Silver Spoon, Sound, Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C3-bu, Story, Storytelling, Suisei no Gargantia, Teekyuu, Themes, Uchouten Kazoku, Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui!, Zetsuen no Tempest

Winter 2014 – First Impressions (Part 1)


space_dandy-01-dandy-blaster-gun-space_suit-smile-awesomeThis post reviews: Buddy Complex, Space Dandy, Nobunaga the Fool, Noragami, and Tonari no Seki-kun.

Considering that we are already two weeks into the anime season, there really is no point in publishing a Season Preview since all of the shows have aired 1-2 episodes by now.  And considering that the previews are mainly geared toward my tastes and preferences, it sorta doubles over here into these First Impressions where I document my opinions based on these first episodes.  So in short, I’m starting the season off with my First Impressions for the first anime that aired this season.



Space Dandy

space_dandy-01-dandy-qt-shocked-surprised-comedy-robotDespite the hype and acclaim for Space Dandy received prior to its release, I had my reservations for a series of this style and caliber.  While I am enthralled with the prospects of watching another anime directed by the distinguished Shinichiro Watanabe (Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Sakamichi no Apollon) and am intrigued by the collaboration with international broadcasters (including an English dub airing on Adult Swim), I never felt invested in the story or the characters.  For whatever reason, whenever I saw promotional artwork or PVs, it felt like Space Dandy was too much of a parody or too satirical.  Fortunately, the first episode dispelled these worries with a style unparalleled in anime today.  The style of the show, both in terms of its art, its personality and presentation, is amazing in how it utilizes retro details, like its characters and story, to embellish its charm.  Furthermore, it has updated these retro appeals to interject enough parody into the genre that it feels original rather than a comic mockery of fantasy space exploration.  There is some genuinely humorous comedy too, which is always a plus.  I can’t say I’m thrilled with the story or characters at this point, but those are always details that develop over the course of the series.  That and my original worries about them being too much of a parody were quieted when seeing their relationship and how they go about their adventures together.  One other point is that Space Dandy has a real deep space setting which is an automatic positive for me, especially with how rare space anime are now.  I still have some reservations with the anime but I won’t let that get in the way of enjoying this spectacular anime.  I must say, I am impressed with the series and finally starting to buy into the hype and excitement that I passed over before the season began.

space_dandy-01-honey-boobies-waitress-blonde-drinks-cleavage-sexy space_dandy-01-dandy-passion-emotion-flames-art-animation-style-retro-sideburns



noragami-01-hiyori-yato-romance-meeting-shove-push-surprisedNoragami failed to impress me with its premise, its characters or through its PVs largely due to how generic or derivative it felt.  However, when watching the first episode, I found there to be some value in a series that feels like a cliché.  While unenthusiastic about the story of an impoverished god looking to make it big, I did find myself enjoying the female lead character, Hiyori, particularly her sincere and strange personality and her legitimately comical moments.  Often times, in these types of shounen anime, you see female characters being serious and sensible while the male character plays the fool and generates all the laughs.  It’s refreshing to see Hiyori be the awkward or abnormal one, like jumping out of bed and unexpectedly hissing like a cat or her reactions to her out-of-body experiences or during the fight against the giant, demonic toad.  She really impressed me with her personality and I’m excited to see what happens to her with her outlandish problem of becoming a cat-girl spirit.  The art and animation were never spectacular or magnificent (besides the opening scene) but there’s nothing wrong with being mediocre when it gets the job done and I enjoyed the style and directing.  The mild fanservice was a bit of a surprise but the panty shots were only really noticeable if you were actively searching for them.  I do wonder if my interest in this anime will last for the season, but the anime is off to a good start.  I’ve always liked Bones as a studio and think of them as one of my favorites, so it shouldn’t be shocking to see me picking up both of their anime this season.

noragami-01-yato-minor_god-5_yen_coin-happy-smiling-confident noragami-01-hiyori-schoolgirl-waking_up-carrying_on_sholders-romance-scarf



Nobunaga the Fool

nobunaga_the_fool-01-oda_nobunaga-toyotomi_hideyoshi-friendship-partners-fist_bump-smilingNobunaga the Fool is the first anime of the season that I truly feel conflicted with.  On one hand, I loved the setting of this anime with its fusion of arbitrary historical figures in a fantasy world with distinctive mecha robots.  The style is noteworthy too, with attractive character designs (who doesn’t already love Leonardo da Vinci?) and fluid animation during battles and action sequences.  I must say I’m enjoying those aspects of the anime.  But on the other hand, I was honestly bored throughout the entire episode.  The pacing was insufferably slow, the episode heavy with too much dialogue and the story seems painfully plain and unoriginal.  It’s never a good sign when I stop caring about the characters/story near the beginning and stop paying attention toward the end… but I’m willing to give the anime another episode to see if it can salvage this wreck and produce an entertaining anime worth watching and enjoying.  It’d be a shame if I dropped this anime since the setting and art are two unquestioned strengths but the mundane characters and tepid story might keep this anime grounded if they don’t improve significantly by the end of episode 2.

nobunaga_the_fool-01-oda_nobunaga-protagonist-smoke-battlefield-war-rain-shocked-disturbed nobunaga_the_fool-01-jeanne_kaguya_d'arc-joan_of_arc-blonde-blue_eyes-heroine



Buddy Complex

buddy_complex-01-aoba-hina-romance-catch-holding-awkward-embarrassed-blushI’d like to start off with saying something good about Buddy Complex but I can’t.  The premise features no creativity or innovation in the mecha genre with a normal Japanese high school boy becoming a heroic mecha pilot because whatever.  Then there’s the lead female who has a secret crush on him and is also a mecha pilot and, though she can’t bring herself to confess her feelings, she’s able to rescue him from generic evil teenage boy and his giant mecha.  Then there’s like a school and a military and a war and probably other mecha pilots.  And if I’m wrong about any of these details, it’s because I only watched the first 8 minutes and fast-forwarded until the end.  There is literally nothing about this anime that makes it worth watching.  The only difference between this anime and all the other mecha anime you’ve watched recently is that those anime were good and this one is bad.

buddy_complex-01-aoba-lead-protagonist buddy_complex-01-hina-mecha_pilot-cockpit-smile


Tonari no Seki-kun

tonari_no_seki_kun-01-yokoi-shocked-gag-comedyUgh, what a letdown.  I come into the anime with no expectations whatsoever and was still disappointed.  The anime is about what I figured it’d be with the main character goofing off, the girl overreacting to literally every little thing that happened and shouting about it (note: shouting should never be the punchline of a joke, ever) and then getting caught by the teacher for another non-joke.  But what made it worse was that the “joke” was so drawn out that it consumed the whole first episode.  Why not divide it up and fit in two or three stories, especially since the final scene in this was the definition of anticlimactic.  Thankfully, I only wasted 7 minutes of my time.

tonari_no_seki_kun-01-yokoi-screaming-comedy-gag tonari_no_seki_kun-01-yokoi-scared-hiding_under_book-comedy


Before moving closing this post, I really want to bring to your attention the Witchcraft Works ED.  It’s so adorable (especially how they sing out the word “activity”) that I am actually thought about watching the anime just to see what it’s like.  Then I reread the synopsis.  Yup, still not watching it despite probably being the best ED for Winter 2014.

Filed under: 2014 Winter, Anime, First Impressions Tagged: Adventure, Animation, Art, Boring, Buddy Complex, Characters, Clichés, Comedy, Cowboy Bebop, Direction, Disappointment, Entertainment, Fantasy, First Impressions, Mecha, Nobunaga the Fool, Noragami, Observations, Opinions, Panties, Perspective, Retro, Romance, Sakamichi no Apollon, Samurai Champloo, Setting, Shounen, Space, Space Dandy, Story, Tonari no Seki-kun, Witchcraft Works

Winter 2014 – First Impressions (Part 2)


toaru_hikuushi_e_no_koiuta-01-kal-claire-romance-fall-catch-water-wet-staring_into_eyesThis post reviews: Nobunagun, Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta, Hamatora, and Hoozuki no Reitetsu.

I realize that I’m pretty late on everything since the second episodes of all these anime have aired, but these are still just my thoughts on the first episodes alone.  I’ll have some thoughts, opinions and whatnot on the second episodes when my Weekly Anime post comes out, hopefully sometime this weekend.



Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta

toaru_hikuushi_e_no_koiuta-01-claire-surprised-emotional-scared-cute-hair_in_windWith great potential to be the best new anime of Winter 2014, Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta flies high with it first episode thanks to an tremendous, creative setting, a powerful and intricate story, and a sophisticated cast of characters that are based on emotions and personalities rather than clichés and archetypes.  There were literally no faults or negatives with this first episode and, prepare yourself for this shocker, I actually enjoyed the genuine romance between Kal and Claire.  Really, it was somewhat sudden and forced but the scene was innocent and heartwarming, especially sailing through the clouds and playing in the water after crashing the bicycle.  Moving onto the setting, I doubt I will see a better setting than this for 2014.  Not only is the world gorgeous, with its dazzling scenery, and detailed, with it cryptic history and steampunk-ish aviation, but the way the setting is used in the story is phenomenal.  I absolutely love the floating island and searching for the ‘End of the Sky’ and whatever secrets it will reveal.  The setting is a strong reminder of one of my favorite anime with Last Exile, so there’s no doubt I would fall in love with this when there are so many parallels.  The cast thus far has been outstanding and the chemistry between the characters is perfect, especially between Kal and Ariel.  The anime isn’t terribly heavy either, despite the dramatic implications from the beginning and from when Kal saw Nina Viento, but The Pilot’s Love Song has been somewhat lighthearted and fun.  There’s no doubt in my mind that I’ll continue this anime, though I do wonder if 12 episodes will be enough for a series of this caliber.  I guess we’ll see how quickly the story advances and how thick the plot is, but I’m sure it will be great whatever happens.

toaru_hikuushi_e_no_koiuta-01-kal-pilot-goggles-cap-cockpit-panic-wind-flying toaru_hikuushi_e_no_koiuta-01-ariel-copilot-happy-carefree-cheerful-friend



hamatora-01-murasaki-nice-duo-private_investigators-detectives-cool-poseHamatora isn’t the best anime I watched or even a favorite of mine, but it’s a solid anime that’s worth watching.  The series is brimming with positives, ranging from its colorful cast to its appealing set-up as detectives to the striking and vibrant art style to the use of various superpowers to augment the action.  But perhaps the best thing about this anime is its potential.  There are so many things that this anime can do that it can really branch out in any direction and be an engaging and fun anime.  The cast of characters, the set-up and the setting can literally turn this anime into anything it wants, and I’m excited to see where it will go.  And given the episode nature of this first episode, I can see this anime dipping in various genres like comedy, drama, mystery and even adventure.  I can’t say that I’ll always like where this story goes or what the characters are doing, but I think I’ll enjoy this anime more often than not.  And it’s for that very reason why I’m keeping Hamatora this season.

hamatora-01-murasaki-colors-psychedelic-taser-electricity-superpower-glasses hamatora-01-art-police-smile-handsome




nobunagun-01-shio-pointing-finger_gun-smile-bangNobunagun was actually one of the anime I felt highly of before the season began.  From what I saw in its previews were some brilliant and creative uses of colors, a crazy yet charming main character and a story that seemed to enjoy itself for being silly.  Then the first episode came along and I began to have my doubts over this anime.  While it delivered in terms of its directing, using a dazzling array of colors and overlaying patterns on the characters, the art and animation were a subpar and I’m beginning to think the use of diverse colors is a way to mask the low budget.  Still, anytime an anime can utilize various colors for an artistic or dramatic effect is a strong positive for me.  The little words that kept popping out and describing stuff was a nice, unique touch, but it did feel a bit excessive at times and I wonder if I will tire of it before the series is over.  The main character is wonderful with her awkward and innocent personality but she’s the only one I think and the only one I think I’ll like as the series moves forward.  I’m not sure if she can carry the anime on her own if I decide to keep it but she might.  The story is silly but only somewhat entertaining since it seems to want to take itself seriously with this first episode feature some questionable drama.  I hope the series realizes how crazy it is and just goes nuts with its story, not caring for how brainless it is, but that’s not what I saw with the first episode.  The anime reminds me quite a bit of Symphogear, another anime I felt heavily conflicted about.  Considering that I’m already watching a dozen anime, I won’t feel bad if I drop this is the second episode is another disappointment.  Otherwise, I think I’ll keep this anime.

nobunagun-01-shio-smile-happy-friendship-flowers-texture-artistic_motif-colors-emotional nobunagun-01-shio-shock-scared-fear-emotion-colors-blue


Hoozuki no Reitetsu

hoozuki_no_reitetsu-01-hoozuki-calm-serious-stoic-sternHoozuki no Reitetsu will be a hit-or-miss anime for me.  Some of the skits will hit; some of the skits will miss.  The question becomes, will there be more hits or misses for me with Hoozuki no Reitetsu?  Or rather, will there be enough hits for me to warrant keeping the anime for the entire duration of its run?  That’s what I hope to find out with the second episode of Hoozuki no Reitetsu after the first episode was a hit followed by a miss.  While I am interested in the setting and find a subtle charm in the stoic, hard-ass nature of Hoozuki, the second half of the first episode felt entirely listless and monotonous despite a few jokes I smiled at.  I do realize that Hoozuki is supposed to be a bit boring in his personality and nature, but it doesn’t help when that bored radiates all the way from Japanese Hell and affects me, too.  Still, the first episode had more positives than negatives, particularly on its unique art and style, so I’m thinking I’ll be keeping it.  It really depends on how the second episode performs and whether there are enough hits to justify keeping it around.  If the second episode is a couple of misses for me though… well, let’s just say I won’t miss it.

hoozuki_no_reitetsu-01-hoozuki-stare-pondering-lost_in_thought-goldfish_plants hoozuki_no_reitetsu-01-hoozuki-enma-animals-ferocious-red_eyes-scary



Nothing new has been dropped, though I did scan through Super Sonico and Wake Up, Girls! just to see what they were like.  I never had any intention of keeping them, so I don’t feel inclined to write about them but both were about what I thought they be.  Didn’t expect there to be so many panties in Wake Up, Girls!, so I wonder if that was some “first-episode fanservice” to bait and hook an audience and then have nothing sexy later on (besides maybe some skimpy idol outfits).

Filed under: 2014 Winter, Anime, First Impressions Tagged: Action, Art, Characters, Clichés, Colors, Comedy, Emotion, Entertainment, Favorites, Fighting, First Impressions, Girls!, Hamatora, Hit or Miss, Hoozuki no Reitetsu, Last Exile, Mystery, Nobunagun, Observations, Opinions, Personalities, Perspective, Potential, Romance, Senhime Zesshou Symphogear, Serious, Setting, Steampunk, Story, Super Sonico, Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta, Wake Up

Winter 2014 – First Impressions (Part 3)


sekai_seifuku_bouryaku_no_zvezda-01-kate-venera_sama-mask-leader-pointing-shouting-declaration-cuteThis post reviews: No-Rin, Sakura Trick, Nisekoi, Sekai Seifuku – Bouryaku no Zvezda, Wizard Barristers – Benmashi Cecil, and Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha.

Decided to wait until all the shows aired before wrapping up the final of my First Impressions with Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha being the last.  Since I never did post a Season Preview, I suppose all the anime I reviewed during the First Impressions is a surrogate for the shows I decided to watch besides Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren and Silver Spoon S2 which are sequels to shows I’ve watched and liked.  So with that, onto the last remaining anime of Winter 2014!



Sekai Seifuku – Bouryaku no Zvezda

sekai_seifuku_bouryaku_no_zvezda-01-kate-venera_sama-proud-happy-cute-bicycle-training_wheelsI don’t think Sekai Seifuku – Bouryaku no Zvezda is particularly good or intriguing or thought-provoking or anything of that nature, but I was thoroughly entertained with this first episode and it left me wanting more.  That being said though, I’m not sure what other merits this anime has besides its amusement.  The characters are all too one-dimensional and they’re all based off silly or outrageous features which means the cast is going to suffer in this one.  Yes, that even includes our deceivingly attractive male lead (yes, imagine if he were actually a girl, you’ll understand) Jimon and super-loli super loli Kate.  The story might be fun or intriguing depending on how it’s played out, and I’d enjoy it better if they struggled and failed often (a la Team Rocket style) but the fight at the end of the first episode convinced me otherwise.  It’ll probably be a series of minor skirmishes that escalate and build up as they begin to control more of the world which… is meh at best and deplorable at worst.  However, I did find myself entertained by this anime and by the antics of Kate, or Venera-sama as she’s dubbed herself.  Whether this proves to be entertaining throughout or discovers some other worthwhile merits will remain to be seen.  That being said, I’ll be around to see it since I have no plans of dropping this any time soon.

sekai_seifuku_bouryaku_no_zvezda-01-jimon-dva-protagonist-cute-would_be_even_cuter_if_he_were_a_girl sekai_seifuku_bouryaku_no_zvezda-01-itsuka-plamya_sama-helmet-eye_patch-katana-general


Wizard Barristers – Benmashi Cecil

wizard_barristers_benmashi_cecil-01-cecil-lawyer-wud-salute-introduction-energeticOne of the more impressive anime this season, Wizard Barristers is a complete anime that combines a stimulating plot with plenty of satisfying action, a hint of delicate comedy, and set in a pulsating, incredible world with the refined and iconic art style from Yasuomi Umetsu (Mezzo Forte, Kite).  What I enjoyed the most out of Wizard Barristers that it’s dynamic.  And I’m not just talking about the powerful and exciting action, like the opening scene with the Wud (wizard) going ballistic on the train, but rather the emotion and enthusiasm of its characters, like Cecil’s ambition to take a client despite still being a rookie or Moyo’s obsession over Cecil.  I love this energy and passion that’s oozing from this anime and I’m thankful there’s plenty of action, too.  The cast hasn’t been fully introduced yet, but they show promise in their limited time thus far.  Cecil is spirited and can carry the show on her own, but I’m hoping someone else will step up and that it will be someone in addition to her budding rival, Hotaru (because you know she’ll step up).  That being said, the character designs for this anime are sensational, especially Ageha with her butterflies and Seseri with his vivacious, blue hair.  Although the pacing was slow in the first episode, it was never lethargic and stuff was always happening, meaning I never felt bored.  You could even say the pacing was set to such a pace to keep the story thorough and detailed, but I’m anticipating it was done so to finish this little story arc by the end of episode 2.  Really, I have no qualms with Wizard Barristers at this point and figure that this will be one of the top anime of the season for me.  Where it will end up at the end of the season will depend on how well this series performs from here on out.

wizard_barristers_benmashi_cecil-01-quinn-police-radio-action-awesome wizard_barristers_benmashi_cecil-01-seseri-lawyer-blue_hair-yellow_eyes-crazy-awesome-hair_curls-suit


Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha

inari_konkon_koi_iroha-01-inari-happy-excited-bubbles-sparkles-cute-romantic-lovely-pe_jerseyPerhaps the biggest surprise of the season thus far is a simple anime called Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha.  This delightful and charming anime centers on a timid and simpleminded schoolgirl, Inari, who has an innocent crush on one of the most popular male classmates.  And while it sounds dull, unoriginal and unimpressive, it’s really Inari who makes this anime great.  No, it’s not because of her newly acquired shape-shifting ability and all the potentially hilarious and heartwarming stories that will unfold but because her character is a blank slate for which to construct a magnificent character from.  What I love most about this anime is that Inari is a cheerful and compassionate girl who has her share of troubles.  What this anime will be about will be Inari maturing as a character and growing as a person, overcoming her deficiencies and correcting her mistakes and becoming a shining person that makes everyone around her happy and not awkward.  And with her metamorphosis ability granted by Ukanomitama-no-kami, the anime will be able to explore her character and demonstrate her growth through a variety of hilarious and heartening ways.  The romantic angle is also encouraging to me (what’s this, two romance anime I like in one season??) since it was naïve and innocent, ranging from pulling down her crush’s pants to crying over learning he has a girl he likes besides her.  The romance feels genuine and not forcefully one-sided or with a clueless character, so I thank Inari for being smart with its romance.  Beyond that, the anime does a number of other things well, too.  The art style is aggressively cute which matches Inari’s personality perfectly.  The mysticism is a pleasant touch, though I wonder what role Ukanomitama-no-kami will play going forward.  I also found the jokes to be sweet though not very humorous.  All in all, the anime is one of the better ones this season.  I can only hope that this anime delivers with its character development of Inari since that is what I’m looking forward to the most with Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha.

inari_konkon_koi_iroha-01-ukanomitama_no_kami-uka-foxes-shinto-deity-light-clouds inari_konkon_koi_iroha-01-inari-cute-comedy-looking_up-reaction-blush-in_love



Nothing in this section, which means the other three anime are…




no_rin-01-kusakabe_yuka-idol-uniform-singing-stage-lightsShin Oonuma is my favorite director (and he should be your favorite director, too) and his vivid, exhilarating and colorful style shines brightly in this anime, though it’s not enough to illuminate the abysmal source material that he’s working with in No-Rin.  The style reminds me heavily of Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu with its frequent cutaways to chibi comedy, pastel coloring, dramatic cinematography and enthusiastically animated characters.  But the major difference between that and this are in its story and its characters.  Unfortunately for No-Rin, it’s an F-class in both.  It’s bad enough when I don’t like the story, but when I don’t like any of the characters either, it’s impossible for me to enjoy, let alone watch, an anime.  The idiotic story and uninteresting characters of No-Rin are more than enough for me to drop it, even after going through the brilliant mind of Shin Oonuma.  Then again, the only reason why I wanted to watch this anime was because his name was attached to this title.  I never thought I’d enjoy the story or the characters and was more curious to see what kinda magic Shin Oonuma would work with this material.  Turns out that his work is still phenomenal but not phenomenal enough to keep me invested and make watching a full season of this worthwhile.  That being said, I’ll eagerly await his next anime and hope for better results.

no_rin-01-minori-classmate-friend-blush no_rin-01-ringo-transfer_student-glasses-look_a_like-not_an_idol


Sakura Trick

sakura_trick-01-haruka-yuu-yuri-kiss-romance-passion-innocent-friendshipAlthough the visual style of Sakura Trick is a delightful array of soft and gentle colors, the characters and plot could not have been more boring.  Yes, it’s sweet and innocent yuri love but that being the only thing in this anime is a pathetic excuse for a story.  I wouldn’t mind if it were a subplot or maybe something important to explain or explore the characters with, but when that’s the only thing going on in the show, what’s the point? There really is none, is there?  Unless you’re a diehard yuri fan, I can’t see how anyone could find this show enjoyable, especially after one episode.  It’s cute and colorful and lighthearted but it’s clearly not for me.

sakura_trick-01-kotone-shizuku-thinking-staring-friendship-yuri sakura_trick-01-kaede-yuzu-chibi-comedy-yakisoba_pan-noodle_sandwich



nisekoi-01-chitoge-blonde_half_japanese-angry-tearing_handkerchief-chewing-comedyI want to like Nisekoi, but I can’t.  There are a number of reasons why I want to watch this show, but I won’t.  It’s successful in its comedy, has a magnificent visual style, and features two effective characters as its male and female leads.  But that’s still not enough.  What’s keeping me from watching and enjoying Nisekoi is Onodera.  I cannot stand characters like her.  I hate characters like her.  She is literally the key that’s keeping this anime locked for me and it’s because of that stupid key why I hate her character.  The whole childhood romance, ‘let’s-remember-each-other-in-the-future-and-get-married’ bullshit was bad enough but the fact that she refuses to reveal her identify to Ichijou is painful to watch.  Not only that but she still has a crush on him.  What a miserable excuse for a character she is.  And the fact that she’s the other lead female in this anime is appalling.  If it were just Raku and Chitoge, I’d be singing the praises of this anime since those two were actually enjoyable, featured a decent romantic story, had wonderful comedy and made the anime fun to watch.  But the fact that Onodera will be back and will be important to the anime destroys everything about this anime for me.  You might be thinking I’m unreasonable but her character archetype in this type of anime is unforgivable.  That being said, I’d gladly watch the anime if she were to die in the next episode.  Or maybe if someone edited the entire series to remove her, that could work, too.  Otherwise, I’m done.

nisekoi-01-ichijou-lead-protagonist-chain-locket-pendant-looking_up nisekoi-01-chitoge-blonde-half_japanese-comedy-reaction-cute-adorable


And with that, we’re done reviewing my initial thoughts, opinions and reviews for the first episodes of the anime of Winter 2014.  Seeing as we’re already into the second week of the season and transitioning into the third, I’ll be back to my regular Weekly Anime posts again shortly.  In the meantime, I’d like to thank you again for stopping by and reading my First Impressions posts for this new anime season.  I can only hope you enjoy this season as much, if not more than, I plan on doing.

Filed under: 2014 Winter, Anime, First Impressions Tagged: Animation, Art, Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu, Characters, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!, Cinematography, Colors, Comedy, Direction, Disappointment, Entertainment, Expectations, First Impressions, Idol, Inari, Kite, Koi Iroha, Konkon, Mezzo Forte, Nisekoi, No-Rin, Observations, Opinions, Perspective, Romance, Sakura Trick, Sekai Seifuku - Bouryaku no Zvezda, Setting, Shin Oonuma, Silver Spoon, Story, Wizard Barristers - Benmashi Cecil, Yuri

Winter 2014 – Week 2 Anime Review


noragami-02-hiyori-out_of_body_experience-comedy-gag-panic-cat_tail-soul-body-sleepingLast week: the reasons why Inari will have phenomenal character development in Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha, the diversity of applications and meaning of a catgirl’s tail in Noragami, how Vice President’s Dog is replacing Pork Bowl’s role in Silver Spoon S2, and appreciating the many comical references in Hoozuki no Reitetsu.

Best episode of the week: KILL la KILL

Anime trending up this week: Hoozuki no Reitetsu

Anime trending down this week: Magi: The Kingdom of Magic (S2)


Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren (Episode 2)

chuunibyou_demo_koi_ga_shitai!_ren-02-rikka-eye_patch-confused-comedyI’m sure people have wondered this many times before, but with the second season of Chuunibyou premiering, I figured it’d be worth revisiting.  Imagine how difficult and annoying it must for Rikka to wear that eye patch all day every day.  Sure, she’s cute for wearing it, but from a practical standpoint, it must be problematic for her to lose about 40% of her vision and be completely blind on her right side.  It also makes ordinary activates unnecessarily demanding, too, like checking for traffic when crossing a busy street or tracking a fast moving object.  Additionally, I’m surprised the anime doesn’t play off this character trait more often, such as sneaking up to Rikka from her right side and surprising her or even something as simple as always tapping her on her right shoulder.  Then again, the novelty of the eye patch wore off back in the first season, so it’s probably fair that they’re not returning to the well too many times for one joke.  Still, it’s one of the most distinguishable aspects of Chuunibyou, which is why it’s worth revisiting at the start of this new season.

chuunibyou_demo_koi_ga_shitai!_ren-02-rikka-yuuta-romance-playing-pretend-sunset chuunibyou_demo_koi_ga_shitai!_ren-02-nibutani-pajamas-shower-towel-phone-gossip


Hamatora (Episode 2)

hamatora-02-nice-bandages-poor-scratching_behind_headSo, is everyone poor or is it just Nice?  The reason being is that all the poor jokes revolve around him and only him while all the other characters seem to be immune to being cheap (unless you count Hajime, too).  Maybe the other characters are also poor but not as poor?  Or maybe it’s a character trait of Nice that we’re supposed to sympathize with him or that we can relate to him?  Or maybe it’s his only joke since all those instances are meant to be humorous and not a critical analysis of his monetary habits?  Well, whatever it is, it’s pretty lame and doesn’t seem to amount to anything.

hamatora-02-murasaki-glasses-handsome-clever-smart hamatora-02-art-police-suit-tie


Hoozuki no Reitetsu (Episode 2)

hoozuki_no_reitetsu-02-nasubi-lum_invader-reference-tiger_patterned_underwear-comedyThe visual references in Hoozuki no Reitetsu are outstanding in how they supplement the humor in this budding anime.  Whether it’s Lum Invader from Urusei Yatsura appearing during the tiger-patterned underwear segment, the image of Cloud (Final Fantasy VII) and others during the calm, stoic, Japanese-stereotype analogy or even the Phillips CD-i Luigi (dressed in Mario’s colors) in the background of the Italian song explaination, Hoozuki no Reitetsu has done an exceptional job with its visual humor through subtle but amazing references.  The comedy exploded in this episode thanks to some better writing and funnier scenarios but the perceptive pop-culture references took the humor to an even higher level.  If this anime keeps up with these little tidbits and cameos, then this might grow into one of my favorite for this season.

hoozuki_no_reitetsu-02-enma_daiou-king-happy-friendly-talkative-stupid hoozuki_no_reitetsu-02-hoozuki-sushi_chef-japanese-art-comedy-impressive


Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha (Episode 1)

inari_konkon_koi_iroha-01-inari-character_development-timid-shy-nervous-cheerful-passionate-hope-gym_uniformInari’s character has magnificent potential as a character to grow and mature.  Not only do I foresee her having some of the finest and most remarkable character development of the season, but even having a chance to be my favorite new character of Winter 2014 as a result.  But this potential is not due to her shapeshifting/transformation ability or what that entails of her adventures.  No, why I believe she’ll have the best character growth of the season is because of her current state.  Right now, Inari is incredibly flawed as a character with her shy, timid, pessimistic crybaby self.  She’s pretty much an empty canvas or a blank slate.  But she’ll more than that.  Her happy, cheerful and innocent self are the bright, passionate colors that turn this white canvas into a beautiful portrait of Inari’s true character.  It just so happens that the shapeshifting/transformation ability will be a tool to aid in this process, but it’s what Inari is now that will dictate the breadth and extend of her growth.  It will be delightful to see just how much Inari has grown when the final episode rolls around and we can compare and contrast her character from this episode to that.

inari_konkon_koi_iroha-01-kouji-akemi-inari_shapeshifting-romance-looking_back-awkward inari_konkon_koi_iroha-01-ukanomitama_no_kami-deity-god-magic


KILL la KILL (Episode 14)

kill_la_kill-14-ryuuko-gym_uniform-senketsu_scarf-yellow_sunglasses-motorbike-badass-awesome-sexy-adventureIt’s amazing how Ryuuko looks good in everything she wears and how everything she wears is unique to her character.  Whether it was her original school uniform from when she transferred, to her irreplaceable Senketsu (all versions), to her hand-me-down pajamas, to her striped underwear and now to her sexy gym uniform (which for some reason has sweatpants and not buruma), Ryuuko always looks impressive and stands out from the cast.  There’s always that style, personality and sex-appeal to everything she wears, and it’s always unique and distinguishable, too.  Even with something as common as her gym uniform, there’s a little bit of Ryuuko to it.  With her giant Senketsu scarf around her neck, her yellow shaded sunglasses on and her sexy midriff showing thanks to a short shirt and her typical suspenders, you can tell this outfit was made for Ryuuko and Ryuuko only.  For a anime that puts such emphasis and importance into clothing and sex-appeal, KILL la KILL does a phenomenal job with all of Ryuuko’s outfits.

kill_la_kill-14-mako-takoyaki-eating-happy-food-comedy-cute kill_la_kill-14-satsuki-student_president-stoic-serious-glimmering_light-announcement-fight-war


Magi: The Kingdom of Magic (S2) (Episode 14)

magi_the_kingdom_of_magic_s2-14-titus-marga-together-imagination-cityIt’s always fun to see characters enjoy the simpler things in life.  Whether it was Titus enjoying the ordinary lives of townsfolk or Marga impressed with the fake city, the episode was full of heartwarming moments seeing the characters find pleasures and delights in stuff we might take for granted.  It really instills some personality and humanistic qualities to the characters and the anime, especially since the series is often idealized or romantic in its adventures and battles.  It’s a nice touch for any anime but it had a stronger effect in Magi thanks to its lack of these qualities of late.

magi_the_kingdom_of_magic_s2-14-sphintus-heliohapt-roommate-laughing-happy magi_the_kingdom_of_magic_s2-14-marga-happy-excited-clapping-underground_city-dying-tears


Noragami (Episode 2)

noragami-02-hiyori-soul-cat_tail-cat_ears-bubbles-bath-playing-happy-naked-cuteOften times, a catgirl’s tail is nothing more than a little piece of fanservice that wiggles around to hypnotize the eyes of its captivated audience.  For Noragami, the Hiyori’s cat tail does that… and a whole lot more.  With the story of her character’s soul slipping in and out of her body, her cat tail is a symbol of her lifeline that connects her soul to her body when she’s in these out-of-body experiences.  It’s a sign that she hasn’t died yet, but it provides us with the symbol to differentiate between human Hiyori and spiritual Hiyori (along with a hilarious joke each time).  Furthermore, the cat tail does well to reflect Hiyori’s personality.  Rather than having something generic like a rope/string or a ghostly shadow, the cat tail represents energy, passion, inquisitiveness and playfulness.  Likewise, the tail can be used to augment her current emotions, such as being an angry cat tail, shocked cat tail, or sad cat tail.  And on top of all that, if Hiyori loses her cat tail, her soul will be disconnected from her body for good.  It’s rather amazing, all the importance and significance they have crammed into that traditional piece of fanservice, but it’s a success for Noragami.  Hiyori’s cat tail is one of the best aspects of Noragami for what it’s able to do to the story and to her character.  Now if only everyone in this anime had cat tails…

noragami-02-hiyori-soul-cat_tail-catgirl-playful-curious-looking_around-blue_sky noragami-02-hiyori-out_of_body_experience-faint-sleeping-spotlight-forgotten-comedy-streetlight


Samurai Flamenco (Episode 13)

samurai_flamenco-13-hazama-tuxedo-reception-smile-nervous-uneasyThe only thing that’ll save Samurai Flamenco for me is if Hazama wakes up in an alley somewhere and realizes this that everything in this anime was in his head.  He’ll realize he’s homeless, suffering from psychosis and that everyone he’s talked to is someone on the street (his modeling agent, Sumi Ishihara) or from television (Jouji Kaname) or advertisements (Mari Maya and the other idols).  A bonus would be that Gotou is actually a police officer who helps him from time to time and talks to him when he’s harassing people and causing trouble in the streets ‘in the name of justice’.  Otherwise, what’s the point of watching this bad, bad parody?

samurai_flamenco-13-ishihara-formal-necklace-friend-surprised samurai_flamenco-13-mari-surprised-angry-wet-shower


Silver Spoon S2 (Episode 2)

silver_spoon_2-02-vice_presidents_dog-puppy-small-looking_backPork Bowl was arguably the most significant and influential character in the first season of Silver Spoon.  After all, no character grew and matured as much as Pork Bowl did, outpacing the character development of Hachiken and everyone else combined, and S1 did culminated at the point where the other characters killed him and ate his flesh.  Definitely a first in anime where all the minor characters kill and eat the most important one… but I digress.  Perhaps the most important thing that Pork Bowl did was create a role where his cuteness and charm would sooth the hearts of the audience and grew to be a dependable character in the cast.  However, with his inevitable trip to the slaughterhouse, a void was created that needed to be filled with something small, cute and cuddly.  Enter Vice President’s Dog, the new and improved ‘Pork Bowl’ for S2 of Silver Spoon.  Not only will this adorable puppy dog fill the cuteness void created by Pork Bowl but it will likely remain its diminutive size and, more importantly, not end up being eaten by the cast.  Vice President’s Dog is the permanent replacement for Pork Bowl and probably a better one, too, in terms of its potential.  While Pork Bowl served as a source for cuteness (second only to Mikage) and provided the only touching story of S1, Vice President’s Dog possesses a semi-humanistic personality in how it reacts, response and performs with the cast around it.  It’s able to function as more of a character than Pork Bowl ever could and fulfills the role of the cute, cuddly mascot character of the series.  No whether Vice President’s Dog will have the same impact on the series as Pork Bowl did will remain to be seen but I feel comfortable with this young pup stepping in for the role of Silver Spoon’s #1 animal character.

silver_spoon_2-02-vice_presidents_dog-puppy-running-playing-small-cute silver_spoon_2-02-mikage-happy-laughing-smiling-friendly


Space Dandy (Episode 2)

space_dandy-02-dandy-angry-passionate-yelling-colorful_background-awesome_animation-throwing_phoneThe bad cook/bad food trope in anime is a tired stereotype that… actually, you know what… I enjoyed the bad looking food in this episode of Space Dandy.  The first and probably the most important aspect for me enjoying this old cliché is that the visual gag was played straight this time and the bizarre foods tasted as wide and diverse a range as their appearances.  It wasn’t that dichotomy of ‘this is the worst thing ever’ or ‘this is the best thing ever’ but the responses were actual critiques or opinions on the food being eaten.  Wow, imagine that, some originality in an anime joke.  Furthermore, the appearances of the ‘bad’ foods weren’t really all that bad.  Instead, each bowl was a new palette of colors and textures that brought out a new feeling with each ramen.  Each looked different from the other and, although most were unappetizing, I must say that each was visually interesting.  I’m not sure if I can chalk this up to being in the same realm as all the other bad cook/bad food tropes in anime since it different than anything before it… but if not, then this will be the first time I appreciated this joke in an anime.

space_dandy-02-scarlett-sexy-glasses-lipstick space_dandy-02-meow-betelgeusean-cat-alien-realize_something-electricity-colorful_background


Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta (Episode 2)

toaru_hikuushi_e_no_koiuta-02-kal-claire-romance-laughing-happy-blush-together-cutePerhaps the best aspect of the romance in Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta is that there are no conflicts, misunderstandings or love triangles.  Without any of those three aspects to annoy, irritate or frustrate me, I’m actually enjoying the romantic aspects between Kal and Claire.  That being said, Ariel’s lack of jealousy is a major contributor to why I’m enjoying the anime, even bringing me to the point where I’m delighted to see her supportive of Kal and Claire despite her close relationship to Kal.  If the anime can continue like this with a genuine and innocent (and doomed) romance, this will probably end up as one of my favorite romance animes of all-time.  Then again, given my history with romance anime, that bar is set pretty low.

toaru_hikuushi_e_no_koiuta-02-fausto-crowd-angry-disrespected-noble toaru_hikuushi_e_no_koiuta-02-nanako-gasp-shocked-scared-commoner


Wizard Barristers – Benmashi Cecil (Episode 1)

wizard_barristers_benmashi_cecil-01-ageha-glasses-hair_ties-butterflies-lawyerThe character designs of Wizard Barristers is impressive, from their broad, overall appearance to the minor details and quirks that are unique to these characters.  Starting with the broad, you have delightful character designs like Cecil, Quinn and Natsuna who all fit into different styles that reflect and express their personalities.  These general appearances do well in establishing character traits and personalities early, especially between Cecil’s naïve and outgoing personality, Quinn’s professional and business nature, and Natsuna’s mature and formal disposition.  On the other end of the spectrum are all the character details that help distinguish the characters further.  For Seseri, you have his wildly swirly blue hair and prevailing yellow eyes.  For Ageha, you have her butterfly thingies in her hair.  And for Nanajinyi, Cecil’s frog familiar, you have… everything about it.  Just the visual representation of every character is remarkable when you have the chance to weigh everything and analyze every bit and detail.  There is an unquestionable amount of effort put into these characters and they’ve been brilliant in this anime thus far.  I can’t help but wonder what other amazing character designs we’ll see later on when the series advances passed this first story arc.

wizard_barristers_benmashi_cecil-01-cecil-lawyer-panic-excited-nervous-first_day-braids-hair_ties wizard_barristers_benmashi_cecil-01-natsuna-lawyer-mature-professional-glare-resentment

Filed under: 2014 Winter, Anime Tagged: Analysis, Animals, Art, Catgirl, Characters, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!, Clichés, Clothing, Colors, Comedy, Contrast, Development, Differences, Dog, Favorites, Final Fantasy VII, Food, Future, Hamatora, Hoozuki no Reitetsu, Inari Konkon Koi Iroha, Innovative, KILL la KILL, Magi, Money, Noragami, Observations, Opinions, Panties, Personalities, Perspective, Positives, Potential, Psychosis, Questions, References, Romance, Samurai Flamenco, Setting, Silver Spoon, Space Dandy, Story, Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta, Transformations, Unique, Urusei Yatsura, Weekly Anime, Wizard Barristers - Benmashi Cecil, Writing

Winter 2014 – Week 3 Anime Review


nobunagun-03-shio_clones-opponents-blank-stare-jersey-gym_uniforms-training-gunsThis week: focusing on the main character for its story being the right move for Nobunagun, genuine relationships as a strength for Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta, determining Satone’s role in Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren, and quietly building hype for Natsuna’s character in Wizard Barristers – Benmashi Cecil.

Best episode of the week: KILL la KILL

Anime trending up this week: Noragami

Anime trending down this week: Hamatora


Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren (Episode 3)

chuunibyou_demo_koi_ga_shitai!_ren-03-satone-sophia_ring_sp_saturn_vii-childhood_friend-delusional-cuteWith the arrival of Satone to all the chaos and fantasy of Chuunibyou, one has to ask where this newcomer fits into the series.  Without a well-defined role as of yet, unless you count love rival one of the essential roles missing from Chuunibyou S1 (which it isn’t), Satone is stuck in a bit of a limbo.  She’s not filling in for anything that was absent from S1 which featured a respectable and balanced chemistry.  The series didn’t really need anyone to antagonize or encourage Rikka’s chuunibyou since Dekomori fulfilled that role and the switch from a romantic couple to a love triangle probably won’t do too much in terms of improving or augmenting the comedy.  It’s like they’re doubling Dekomori but adding in a love interesting and taking away her exceptional relationship with Nibutani.  And if that’s the case, how does her character impact Dekomori and her screentime?  So while Satone is an essential character to the manga version of Chuunibyou, I have to wonder what role she’ll play here in the anime.  With S1 of the anime being successful without her, you really have to wonder if her inclusion will actually make the series better considering there’s no well-defined role for her to fit in now.

chuunibyou_demo_koi_ga_shitai!_ren-03-satone-yuuta-childhood_friends-laughing_it_off-awkward-reunion chuunibyou_demo_koi_ga_shitai!_ren-03-yuuta-satone-childhood_friends-romantic_interest


Hamatora (Episode 3)

hamatora-03-birthday-ratio-yes_their_names_are_birthday_and_ratio-no_i_don't_know_why_their_names_are_birthday_and_ratioSo what do the rest of the cast members do?  After three episodes of Nice, Murasaki and Art, all I know about this anime is Nice, Murasaki and Art.  The rest of the cast has yet to do anything besides eat food, complain, hit on girls or do anything of relevance.  Do these characters also have super powers?  If so, what do they do?  And how will they help out Art, Murasaki and Nice?  I’m really beginning to wonder what type of role or purpose these other characters have considering they’ve been present but failed to participate in anything of merit.  Hopefully this changes soon because I really don’t like dead weight in anime.

hamatora-03-koneko-nice-catgirl-receptionist-smile-glasses hamatora-03-hajime-quiet-hungry-eating-visor


Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha (Episode 2)

inari_konkon_koi_iroha-02-inari-crying-bruised-tears-scared-friendshipAlthough Inari’s brother has had a minimal amount of screentime, I find his character fascinating.  Not only did he have an intriguing moment at the end of the first episode, staring down Uka-no-mitama-no-kami but his sudden outburst against her in protection of Inari sparked a unique subplot that’s certain to be captivating.  His antagonistic qualities against Uka-no-mitama-no-kami will certainly put Inari in a bind, considering she loves both characters and will be split by their differences.  It’ll be interesting to see why he’s against Uka-no-mitama-no-kami since she seems like a fine and fun character and one that truly cares for Inari.  That and I’m curious to see how Inari will react since this will be a basis of some appealing character growth.

inari_konkon_koi_iroha-02-inari-nervous-cautious-anxious-timid-cute inari_konkon_koi_iroha-02-inari-determined-serious-decisive-awesome


KILL la KILL (Episode 15)

kill_la_kill-15-satsuki-junketsu-kamui-bakuzan-katana-sword-defeat-tricky-attackSatsuki doesn’t appear to be that great of a fighter… though that speaks volumes of how excellent of a fighter Ryuuko is.  But the point is still the same, Satsuki hasn’t won a fight in the present of KILL la KILL.  Even though Satsuki is revered and towers above the students of Honnouji Academy, she’s never decisively defeated Ryuuko in battle with this episode showing a pivotal defeat in her part.  In fact, the only other battles we’ve seen her in have been flashbacks and other memories where she’s decimated the competition and had much more impressive victories against Gamagoori, Inumata and Sanageyama than Ryuuko.  But still, from what we’ve seen, Satsuki has been less than remarkable since the moment Ryuuko showed up.  And considering some of the other players in this series, it’ll be interesting to see how she ranks when the series is over, especially if she’s not able to overcome her mother or some of the other unknown fighters in this series.

kill_la_kill-15-satsuki-seki_tekkou-red_gauntlet-glove-smile-antagonist-villain-thief kill_la_kill-15-mako-scissor_blade-safeguard-fume-pouty_face-cute-badass


Nobunagun (Episode 3)

nobunagun-03-shio-jersey-gym_uniform-training-practiceAlthough Nobunagun promises an extensive cast with ~14 characters featured in its OP, the series has decided to focus solely on its main character, Shio.  And because of this emphasis on developing the main character (before throwing her in the fire), the audience has had a chance to develop an understanding and rapport with our protagonist.  As a result, we’re seeing that this anime is about her and her character rather than about aliens or DOGOO or other secret organizations or everyone else.  Really, I couldn’t care less about that stuff since it’s basically what you get in any other anime.  In fact, if that’s what Nobunagun were about, I’d probably drop this anime.  But since Nobunagun has been about Shio and only Shio for three episodes, I’m enjoying the anime.  Of course, this might change as she powers up and joins the other fighters but, for now, I’m pleased with what we’ve been given.  And as long as Nobunagun is about Shio for the most part, this anime will grade out pretty well.

nobunagun-03-shio-alternate_colors-fighting-life_or_death nobunagun-03-shio-tired-rest-bed-worn_out-school_uniform


Noragami (Episode 3)

noragami-03-hiyori-spirit-soul-catgirl-cat_tail-unhappyWho is the main character of Noragami?  Is it Yato or Hiyori?  You could make an argument for either the male lead or the female lead being the main character of this anime, but neither is strong enough to win out and they counter each other with seemingly equal force.  With Yato, you’re dealing with the story about a minor god who dreams of making it big and has his own sidekick in the form of a Shinki named Yukine.  We’ve been with Yato since the start of the series and it’s up to his character where we go, who we see and what happens.  With Hiyori, you follow her character around more than Yato, you’re able to listen to her thoughts and see her alone more often than we’re alone with Yato.  Furthermore, her story could be viewed as the main storyline, too, since it’s about her recovering from her accident and ending these catgirl Astral Projections when her soul leaves her body.  It’s never quite clear with Noragami on who the true main character is since the two leads share the qualities usually reserved for the lone protagonist of an anime and that they’re together more often than not.  So, with that said, who is the main character of Noragami?  With it rather unclear and ambiguous at this point, it’s difficult to say.  That being said, how the series develops might provide us with enough context and material to show a change in the anime and lead us to make a decision on this tricky question.  But for now, there really is no main character… or is there?

noragami-03-yato-delivery_god-god_of_war-minor_god-unhappy noragami-03-hiyori-coffee-bored-tired-looking_away


Samurai Flamenco (Episode 14)

samurai_flamenco-14-hazama-flamenco_red-sentai_parody-aliens-monsters-mt_fujiAlthough I’m still furious and loathing the decisions and direction of Samurai Flamenco, I… I hate to admit it, but I am curious to see where it’ll go.  I’ve reached the point where I’m finally over all the terrible, terrible offenses that Samurai Flamenco has committed since it decided to be a bad parody of the Sentai genre… that doesn’t mean I’ve forgiven the series, but I’ve accepted that this is wants to do and this is where it’s going.  And because of that, I’m curious where it is going.  I’ll admit I’m still intrigued by what this series has to offer since it’s still full of twists and turns that make it entertaining, and I’m wondering what it all will mean when the final episode rolls around.  So while I’m still not happy with Samurai Flamenco, I’ll probably stick with this series to the end.

samurai_flamenco-14-hazama_brother-from_beyond-twist-mystery-whatever samurai_flamenco-14-hazama-flamenco_red-setnai_leader


Silver Spoon S2 (Episode 3)

silver_spoon_2-03-aki-equestrian-helmet-horse_jumping-competitionWhat would Silver Spoon be like without Aki?  Not only does Aki’s character fulfill the romantic interests of Hachiken, but she’s a driving force that moves the anime forward and leads Hachiken toward new, unknown frontiers.  Or when it’s Hachiken taking the initiative with something new or strange, it’s usually Aki who teaches him or assists him where he’s inexperienced.  Aki’s character acts as a mentor to Hachiken and helps him get from point A to point B.  Without her, there’d be a void in Silver Spoon.  Although the other characters could step up and help Hachiken, there wouldn’t be that one character that he depends on like he does with Aki.  Furthermore, there aren’t any other girls who turn Hachiken on like Aki does.  And while the romance in Silver Spoon has stagnated like an old tractor that’s on the last days of its life, it’s a nice touch to have for Hachiken’s and Aki’s characters moving forward.  I couldn’t imagine Silver Spoon without Aki’s warm personality and, considering her irreplaceable impact to Hachiken, I’m not sure what Silver Spoon would be without her.

silver_spoon_2-03-hachiken-aki-laughing-embarrassed-comedy-cute-romance silver_spoon_2-03-aki-yelling-tutor-caring-equestrian


Space Dandy (Episode 3)

space_dandy-03-qt-cleaning_robot-human_personality-reaction-shocked_eyes-dislocated_wheelI love how QT is a robot that expresses human emotions and reactions.  Whether it’s looked distressed after dodging an errant laser beam, expressing anger over Dandy’s and Meow’s antics or just changing its eyes and voice in response to whatever, QT expresses a wide array of diverse emotions much like any human would.  It’s remarkable to see a robotic character perform this well since they usually act robotic or monotone in this form or, if they’re to have human emotions, they actually look like a human.  Instead, QT looks like a classic cute robot but functions like any human sidekick would.  She’s not the best robot or the most capable robot but her pairing with Dandy aboard the Aloha Oe is ideal.

space_dandy-03-dandy-pose-laser_gun-space_suit-awesome_background space_dandy-03-dandy-wulongs-money-cash-smile-happy-payday


Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta (Episode 3)

toaru_hikuushi_e_no_koiuta-03-everyone-ariel-chiharu-nanako-sharon-wolfgang-noriaki-benjamin-mitsuo-kal_el-friendship-happy-dinnerOften times, relationships in anime feel artificial or forced.  In The Pilot’s Love Song (or whatever the English title is), the relationships feel genuine, like they’re between two humans rather than two anime characters.  There’s no ‘he’s-my-brother-but-we’re-not-blood-relationed-so-it’s-okay’ incest, oblivious male lead in harem, stupid love triangle or perverted male otakus in this anime.  Instead, the characters feel like people and act like people.  Whether it’s the familial relationship of Kal-el and Ariel, the romantic relationship between Kal-el and Claire or any of the numerous friendships that have developed recently, these bonds feel natural and authentic.  Of course, there are times where they feel a bit anime-ish, but for the most part the relationships and chemistry of this anime mirrors real life.  What makes these relationships feel appropriate is that they’re born through seemingly plausible events, sincere personalities and a feeling of camaraderie born through people working together and living together.  The bonds between the characters have been outstanding thus far in this anime and have helped elevate this anime to the top of the season for me.  Furthermore, I’m interested to see how these relationships will change as the series continues and Kal-el’s identity and Claire’s identities are discovered by each other and everyone else.

toaru_hikuushi_e_no_koiuta-03-ariel-kal_el-siblings-family-rivarly-older_younger-gritting_teeth-comedy toaru_hikuushi_e_no_koiuta-03-nanako-surprised-blush-embarrassed-twintails-cute


Wizard Barristers – Benmashi Cecil (Episode 2)

wizard_barristers_benmashi_cecil-02-natsuna-lawyer-stare-serious-rivalBesides Cecil, the only character building any hype is her rookie counterpart, Natsuna.  The other first-year lawyer seems to always carry a bit of focus away from Cecil when they’re in the office together, largely due to their similarities as novices and that Natsuna holds a grudge against Cecil for already being better than her despite her personality and behaviors.  With this, you can see some pressure or exciting developing for Natsuna’s character despite having done little to nothing yet.  And with this rivalry brewing, you wonder if Natsuna’s antagonistic qualities will drive her away from the Butterfly Law Offices and over toward the prosecution where she can go against Cecil head-to-head.  And while that’s the predictable outcome, I’d rather see Natsuna’s character mature and learn to accept Cecil for who she is and what she does… seeing them work together would be a start, but I’d love to see the two characters become friends before the series is over.  But before that can happen, we’ll need to see what Natsuna’s all about and hopefully we’ll see her in court sometime soon.

wizard_barristers_benmashi_cecil-02-cecil-fanservice-bathing-naked-tired-rest-boobs-somehow_there's_cleavage wizard_barristers_benmashi_cecil-02-judge-gavel-magic_circle-sentencing-moustache

Filed under: 2014 Winter, Anime Tagged: Catgirl, Characters, Chemistry, Childhood Friend, Chuunibyou, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!, Development, Direction, Entertainment, Fighting, Flashback, Friendship, Hamatora, Inari Konkon Koi Iroha, Incest, KILL la KILL, Love Triangle, Memories, Mystery, Nobunagun, Noragami, Observations, Opinions, Personalities, Positives, Protagonist, Purpose, Questions, Real World, Religion, Romance, Samurai Flamenco, Silver Spoon, Space Dandy, Story, Storytelling, Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta, Weekly Anime, What If, Wizard Barristers - Benmashi Cecil

Winter 2014 – Week 4 Anime Review


space_dandy-04-zombies-nurses-blood-horror-boobies-cleavage-fanservice-black_comedyThis week: how the subject of ‘change’ has resulted in no change or progress with Nagi no Asukara, why the disappointing fights mean a disappointing anime overall with Nobunagun,  the pleasant but subtle details of food in Wizard Barristers – Benmashi Cecil, and why zombie Dandy is smarter than regular Dandy in Space Dandy.

Best episode of the week: Space Dandy

Anime trending up this week: Noragami

Anime trending down this week: Sekai Seifuku – Bouryaku no Zvezda


Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren (Episode 4)

chuunibyou_demo_koi_ga_shitai!_ren-04-dekomori-nibutani-yuuta-boke-tsukkomi-comedy_duo-funny_guy-straight_man-bang_headsWhat’s fun about the comedy in Chuunibyou Ren is that there are some characters you feel bad for and there are others you don’t.  Usually in comedies, there’s only one tsukkomi/‘straight’ character while the rest are loony or goofy or insane.  Or you have one boke/‘funny’ guy who takes over all the humor at the expense of the other characters.  But with Chuunibyou Ren, you have a pair of tsukkomi (who even play off each other from time to time) and pretty much an equal amount of humor from the boke characters, like Rikka, Demomori and Kumin.  The result is a well-balanced comedy act that never tires a topic or character out or depends solely on someone’s crazy antics.  Rather, the chemistry and relationships in Chuunibyou are ideal as they are, which is a strength of the writing for an anime like this.  Furthermore, Satone’s brief appearances have had an amusing effect too, particularly when Rikka is fluttered and flustered over her behaviors around Yuuta.  And considering that the comedy is my favorite aspect of Chuunibyou S1, I’m thrilled to see the humor and entertainment remain delighting in Chuunibyou Ren.

chuunibyou_demo_koi_ga_shitai!_ren-04-nibutani-tsukkomi-straight_man-comedy-serious chuunibyou_demo_koi_ga_shitai!_ren-04-dekomori-boke-funny_guy-silly-happy_go_lucky-comedy-smile


Hamatora (Episode 4)

hamatora-04-nice-sonic_minimum-hero-superpowers-private_investigatorSo let me get this straight.  Pretty much everyone with superpowers in Hamatora are either lazy, underemployed detectives that struggle to even make a penny or are criminals?  The only exception to this rule is that Honey and Three seem to do freelance work and Ratio who is a doctor, but you wonder how people with such extraordinary powers and brilliant minds would find themselves in such a situation.  Take Nice as a perfect example with his Sonic Minimum, and think about all the possible careers he could pursue.  He would be a phenomenal first responder, whether it be in the field of police, firefighting or EMS (emergency medical services) and use his ability to save lives.  If he really wanted to be a PI, he could do that as a side job considering he spends most of his day worrying about his uninhabited wallet.  Murasaki could find himself a handsome position in construction or something similar considering his ability.  And Honey, with her ability to see into the future, would make a killing playing the stock market or at a casino or anywhere really.  So why all these characters aren’t wealthy and successful is beyond me.  Then again, I often forget that I think about these things much more than the original authors do, so maybe the anime is intended to be about PIs with superpowers and nothing more.

hamatora-04-murasaki-angry-yelling-glasses-minimum_holder hamatora-04-honey-precious-hug-love-minimum_holder


Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha (Episode 3)

inari_konkon_koi_iroha-03-ootoshi_no_kami-inari-transformation-doppelganger-comedy-serious-nervous-cute-adorableWell, that was unexpected.  Considering the novelty and sacredness of Inari’s transformation ability, who would’ve guessed we’d see another shapeshifter as soon as the beginning of episode 3?  What’s more, who would’ve thought we’d see someone transform into Inari and use her body to hit on girls, peep on girls changing and cause great embarrassment to Inari.  We had already prepared ourselves for Inari to transform into other people and use her ability to change, reshape or simply affect the lives of others but I never expected to see someone turn themselves into Inari.  And to top it off, the scene was both hilarious, a perfect opportunity to capitalize on an unexpected twist with genuinely funny comedy at the expense of our protagonist, Inari.  What an outstanding sequence that was.  And to finish the episode with Inari beginning to understand and appreciate the power that Uka bestowed upon her gave the episode some meaning and progress to go along with the amusement and entertainment from the first half.  The more of this anime I see, the more impressed I am with Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha.

inari_konkon_koi_iroha-03-ootoshi_no_kami-grain_god-shinto-transformation-japanese_background inari_konkon_koi_iroha-03-miya-oomiyanome_no_kami-business_prosperity_god-miko-shrine_maiden-happy-friendly-normal


KILL la KILL (Episode 16)

kill_la_kill-16-ryuuko-different_art_style-shaded-dramatic-thinking-awesomeIsn’t it amusing, or maybe even amazing, that the fight between Ryuuko and Satsuki traces its origins back to when Ryuuko’s father, Isshin, rebelled against Satsuki’s mother, Ragyuou and the Life Fibers?  Although the motives are different, it was Isshin’s departure and subsequent research against Life Fibers that drew the interest of Nui who, under Ragyou, assassinated Isshin.  It was with that murder that drove Ryuuko to find her father’s killer which eventually led her to Satsuki in search of information.  And with Satsuki knowing the identity of the murderer, it began a secondary fight between the Matois and Kiryuuins that outclasses and outmatches the first.  Or it could be a transition, with the fight falling down one generation with Isshin no longer able to stand up against the Kiryuuin family.  So as we gear up and get ready for the School Festival arc, it’s worth noting the relationship between Ryuuko and Satsuki is an intertwined and complex bond that began when their parents began to oppose each other.  Or that is to say, it’s their destiny to finish the fight that their parents started.

kill_la_kill-16-isshin-ryuuko's_father-scientist-beard-pervert-sunglasses kill_la_kill-16-ragyou-satsuki's_mother-rainbow_hair-villain-antagonist-crazy_eyes-light-speech


Nagi no Asukara (Episode 17)

nagi_no_asukara-17-sayu-miuna-grown_up-time_skip-middle_school-uniforms-friends-arguement-blushAlthough I’m still enamored with the whole time skip, especially with the fact that some characters aged 5 years and two of the male leads did not, I find myself growing weary and becoming apathetic over the whole subject of ‘change’.  Yeah, I understand that ‘change’ was a significant subject in the first half of Nagi no Asukara with the main quartet wanting to stay together and enjoy their lives without change but bringing it up at every opportunity has really stagnated the series in this second season.  Rather than moving the story along, pushing the characters forward and forcing them to develop further, Nagi no Asukara seems content to focus on the past with each episode and how some characters have changed and how others haven’t.  And while that’s fine for an episode or two, it seems to be the sole subject these past three episodes without any significant progress besides Miuna’s pleasant surprise.  I hope that with Kaname’s awakening that the series will finally begin to move forward, but I’m concerned that it’ll be his turn to overanalyze his perception of change for the next three episodes.  Or until he decides to assault Tsumugu for living with Chisaki for five years because you know that’ll happen eventually.

nagi_no_asukara-17-sayu-grown_up-time_skip-romance-troubled-emotional-stressed-pressure-anxiety nagi_no_asukara-17-manaka-time_skip-smile-friendly-romance-change-difficult


Nobunagun (Episode 4)

nobunagun-04-capa-shio-gun-fightingWhat’s lacking in Nobunagun are the fights.  The series features a good lead character, a decent secondary cast, a suitable scenario for an anime and a distinct array of superpowers based on historical figures.  So based on that, the anime sounds alright.  But with that said, you realize that with a story like this and different combat abilities that the fights are an integral component to the success of the anime.  And that’s where you realize Nobunagun is a disappointment.  There have only been two fights (three if you count the montage training session) in Nobunagun and neither have been impressive.  The action has been portrayed poorly, often with Shio firing away at opponents with little to no movement or creativity.  There’s nothing exciting about watching someone sit in one place and fire away at an opponent.  There needs to be some movement, some engagement to be interesting.  Additionally, all the monsters are dead in one hit.  And while that’s ideal when playing a video game, it makes for a poor story.  Why not have the monsters take damage, fight back and create a struggle.  It isn’t very interesting when all you have is an opponent that just flies in a hurricane and drops eggs.  There’s really no danger or exhilaration to be gained when your opponent is as harmless as garbage bag in a windstorm that might spill its contents.  Really, Nobunagun needs to improve significantly on its fights and those previous assertions are measures for which to monitor progress and improvement.

nobunagun-04-adam-jack_the_ripper-fighting-attack nobunagun-04-galileo-googles-armor


Noragami (Episode 4)

noragami-04-yukine-yato-hiyori-yuusuke-falling_off_tall_building-comedy-hilarious-long_fall-holding_skirt_downWhat I find most endearing about Noragami is its charming and engaging comedy.  Although most anime contain some elements or traces of comedy, Noragami uses it predominantly in its downtime or anytime the anime is moving slowly.  Not only does it mitigate these disadvantages inherent with any story, but it turns these scenes into advantages with some entertainment value to go along with its character building or storytelling.  It turns something simple like meeting Kofuku into something enjoyable and makes the whole sequence with Yuusuke (the guy jumping off the tall, tall building) into easily the funniest scene this entire anime season.  Really, not even the dedicated comedy anime can compete with that gold.  It really adds a whole new layer to everything going on in Noragami, especially when it’s incorporated into events like these that would otherwise be mundane or boring without this intense infusion of fun.  And while I do expect the comedy to drop as the anime progresses and moves toward its climax, I feel reassured that the comedy is an integral part to Noragami and won’t disappear or diminish any time soon.  And considering how phenomenal the comedy has been, this bodes well for Noragami to be one of the top anime of the season depending on how the story turns out.

noragami-04-kofuku-yato-god_of_poverty-god_of_war-major_god-minor_god-shinto-couple-comedy-romance noragami-04-yukine-hiyori-comedy-reaction-blank_stare-dumbfounded-speechless


Silver Spoon S2 (Episode 4)

silver_spoon_2-04-hachiken-equestrian-horseback_riding-jumping-sports-nervousWhen did Silver Spoon become a sports anime?  Although the new season is rather young, it seems the only major topics presented in this sequel are baseball and equestrian events.  And with this episode’s focus entirely on the Equestrian Club’s first competition, it’s about time to highlight this significant change in content within Silver Spoon.  I would’ve figured that these two subjects would be spread a little more evenly throughout, but I do suppose the series is at a time when Spring has arrive, the Hokkaido snows have thawed and everyone is excited to do something fun outdoors.  But this used to be an anime about an agricultural school and Yugo developing in such a unique setting.  Then again, the baseball and equestrian teams are related to the school, so it’s not so much that this isn’t a school anime, but it’s less about agriculture and lessons and more about fastballs and finish lines.  Then again again, this is probably what agricultural schools focus on when they’re not busy learning about animal husbandry and business economics.  Without much in the way of entertainment and activities in these rural communities, maybe it is sports that keep them entertained during their free-time.  Still, Silver Spoon has transitioned into a sports anime from a school anime rather suddenly.  And it’s not like I’m complaining since sports anime are typically better than school anime.  That and I’m enjoying these episodes more than the normal school ones.

silver_spoon_2-04-minamikujou-west_shimizu_high-equestrian-rich-snobby-snooty-pride silver_spoon_2-04-mikage-equestrian-horseback_riding-jumping-competition-uniform-helmet-she_is_so_hot_in_that_outfit_and_that_smile


Space Dandy (Episode 4)

space_dandy-04-dandy-zombie-blank_stare-emotionless-smarter-comedyDid anyone else notice that Zombie Dandy got all the brains?  No, no, I’m not talking about Zombie Dandy eating brains or anything stereotypical like that but rather that he became smarter as a zombie.  Think about it.  Dandy isn’t known for his cunning and clever nature and hardly takes care of himself or others.  But when he became a zombie, his life began to change… in more ways than one.  He began to question the emptiness in his purpose and sought out help from others.  The Dandy we’ve grown to know and love would never do either of those things, unless of course it involved Boobies or boobies.  And his answer was rather insightful, especially for a character that lacks emotion and discernible, coherent speech patterns.  Zombie Dandy began to take care of himself better, especially when switching from meat to yogurt.  He even found a better way to make money than his current methods and enjoyed his life with his friends rather than being selfish and greedy and keeping it all to himself.  Furthermore, Dandy didn’t get himself killed while he was a zombie, which is certainly a first for this series.  And when you add all these details up, there’s no question that Zombie Dandy is smarter and more resourceful than regular Dandy.  Kinda makes you feel bad for the guy when you realize that the best times in his life were when he was a mindless zombie…

space_dandy-04-meow-zombie-blood-horror-scary-mouth_open space_dandy-04-qt-zombie-robot-funny_face-comedy-cute


Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta (Episode 4)

toaru_hikuushi_e_no_koiuta-04-claire-pilot-goggles-uniform-rays_of_light-clouds-sunset-romantic-happyToaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta has relied heavily on flashbacks as a means of explaining and exploring the characters through their rich backstories, and this is an underrated method of storytelling that I extremely, extremely adore.  Flashbacks like these have their advantages and disadvantages with the disadvantages mainly being attributed to breaking up the continuity of the series and being somewhat distracting.  However, with The Pilot’s Love Song, these flashbacks are incorporated at slow moments where it’s appropriate for the characters to explain something.  And with any visual media… “show, don’t tell”.  Pilot’s Love Song does exactly that with showing us these stories rather than having a character read some lines and show some slow pans across character faces.  It’s a beautiful method of storytelling and is being utilized to its advantages.  Furthermore the flashbacks in Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta have really helped explore the complexity and depth these characters possess without requiring them to prove it in the present.  It fits the setting and storytelling to have these traits and qualities explored through flashbacks instead of trying to unite details of their past with events in the present.  It’s not like we need to prove Karl had a traumatic childhood by showing him become upset when hearing how his country was overthrown and his parents killed… and when presented with that opportunity, we witnessed the resolve and pressure he’s under by laughing it off, only to observe these sequences at a later point during a flashback.  Really, Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta has a gorgeous and engaging method of storytelling which is why the anime is one of my favorite this season.  As long as this continues and the story develops appropriate, I wouldn’t be surprised if this ends with the second highest grade of the season (obviously behind KILL la KILL).

toaru_hikuushi_e_no_koiuta-04-karl-flashback-memories-childhood-flying-sky-clouds-copilot toaru_hikuushi_e_no_koiuta-04-ariel-flashback-memories-childhood-younger


Wizard Barristers – Benmashi Cecil (Episode 3)

wizard_barristers_benmashi_cecil-03-cecil-itadakimasu-hands_together-saying_grace-eatingFood is always interesting in anime and seems to be a particularly omnipresent in Wizard Barristers.  Whether it’s Moyo’s absurd appetite, Nanajinyi cooking dinner for Cecil (and let’s not forget his sexy lunch complete with naked anime babe), or the characters chit-chatting over lunch in a restaurant or tea in the office, the episodes always seem to revolve around food in one way or another.  I believe every episode has had at least two meal/snack times with this one reaching as high as six.  That’s quite a bit more food/drinks than you see in most other anime… and it’s a welcome change for anime with Wizard Barristers taking this unique approach.  It’s always nice to see the characters do something when they’re talking and munching away on food is always a good option to use.  The food doesn’t have to take the focus of the scene or be the subject of discussion (unless you’re eating with Moyo), but it’s an activity for the characters to do that beats walking and talking, sitting at school desk and talking or riding in a car/on a bike/on a train/etc. and talking.  And it’s not like this minor detail is anything imperative or essential besides a joke or two, but it’s a pleasant detail to include nonetheless.

wizard_barristers_benmashi_cecil-03-quinn-shizumu-police-watching_trial-blue_light wizard_barristers_benmashi_cecil-03-hachiya-lawyer-wizard_circle-spell-magic

Filed under: 2014 Winter, Anime Tagged: Action, Agriculture, Analysis, Animation, Baseball, Characters, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!, Comedy, Destiny, Development, Direction, Disappointment, Entertainment, Family, Fighting, Flashback, Food, Hamatora, Inari Konkon Koi Iroha, Intelligence, KILL la KILL, Mystery, Nagi no Asukara, Nobunagun, Noragami, Observations, Opinions, Positives, Questions, Religion, Romance, School, School Club, Setting, Silver Spoon, Space Dandy, Sports, Story, Storytelling, Time Skip, Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta, Transformations, War, Weekly Anime, Wizard Barristers - Benmashi Cecil, Writing, Zombie

Winter 2014 – Week 5 Anime Review


nagi_no_asukara-18-shioshishio-hibernation-winter-snow-ice-frozen-silent-sleepingA couple weeks ago: wondering which side to root for in KILL la KILL, examining the biggest problem in Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta, curious decisions made about Kumin in Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren, and enjoying Hoozuki no Reitetsu for its aesthetics.

Best episode of the week: KILL la KILL

Anime trending up this week: Nagi no Asukara

Anime trending down this week: Wizard Barristers – Benmashi Cecil


Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren (Episode 5)

chuunibyou_demo_koi_ga_shitai!_ren-05-kumin-pillow-awake-cuteEven though this episode focused on Kumin and her theme, there was relatively little to no character development for Kumin since it focused on the silly napping club instead of giving her character the opportunity to mature.  Most of the time character episodes resolve a problem or reveal a new trait for which the character can evolve, but this episode did nothing for Kumin.  Although it was cute and fun, it’s somewhat of a missed opportunity, especially since Kumin is the least developed of the main characters in Chuunibyou.

chuunibyou_demo_koi_ga_shitai!_ren-05-kumin-nibutani-dekomori-rikka-yuuta-nap_club-futons-sleeping chuunibyou_demo_koi_ga_shitai!_ren-05-kumin-dekomori-nibutani-sleepover-sleeping-party-happy


Hamatora (Episode 5)

hamatora-05-honey-birthdayIs it bad that my favorite episode of this series was a comedy/fanservice(?) one unrelated to the main story except for the end?  It probably doesn’t bode well for an anime that takes itself seriously, like Hamatora, but it is for me since it leaves a positive impression on me and gives me hope that the comedy will resurface again in the series… and hopefully with the same results.

hamatora-05-hasuda_arata-minimum_holder-sit_ups-sweat-muscles-gay-comedy hamatora-05-hajime-angry-serious-fighting-candy-power_up


Hoozuki no Reitetsu (Episode 5)

hoozuki_no_reitetsu-05-hakutaku-hoozuki-rivals-competition-pinching_cheeksI don’t believe I have ever watched an anime just for its aesthetics (don’t lie, Avv), but the aesthetics and visual appeal seem to be the main reason why I’m continuing to watch Hoozuki.  I am less than impressed with the characters, the story, the comedy and the setting, but the style and presentation are so unique and distinctive that I find myself enjoying most of the episodes because of it.

hoozuki_no_reitetsu-05-shiro-dog-blood-cutting_board-happy hoozuki_no_reitetsu-05-hoozuki-megaphone-straightface-gloomy-depressing-dark-comedy


Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha (Episode 4)

inari_konkon_koi_iroha-04-inari-kouji-romance-holding_hands-alone-together-yukata-matsuriWith the romance between Inari and Kouji being somewhat straightforward and effortless, I find myself turning to the relationships between the Inari and her three best friends, Keiko, Chika and Akemi, to be the most interesting aspect of this anime.  Not only is this storyline desirable since it already presents conflict but Inari’s neutral perspective will require her to play peacekeeper between these three girls and I’m curious how she’ll go about to preserve these friendships and help resolve the resentment that emanates from Chika (and anything else that arises as a result).

inari_konkon_koi_iroha-04-inari-yukata-kimono-matsuri-festival-confused inari_konkon_koi_iroha-04-chika-keiko-akemi-friends-festival-matsuri-pause-comedy


KILL la KILL (Episode 17)

kill_la_kill-17-satsuki-bloody_rain-angry-serious-revolutionWith Satsuki revealing her intentions to overthrow the Life Fibers, we now have two factions against the big, bad evil organization at the heart of KILL la KILL.  But which side is better?  Or rather, are we projected to begin to root for Satsuki and her ideals now that we know she’s fighting against evil or are we supposed to side only with Ryuuko and Nudist Beach?  It’ll be interesting to see how these sides evolve as the finale draws closer, but hopefully Ryuuko and Satsuki never join forces since they are natural born enemies.

kill_la_kill-17-nudist_beach-aikurou-tsumugu-ryuuko-mako-comedy-light-blush kill_la_kill-17-ragyou-mother-rainbow_hair-evil-villain-flamboyant


Magi: The Kingdom of Magi (S2) (Episode 18)

magi_the_kingdom_of_magic_s2-18-aladdin-titus-rukh-friendship-wizards-robesThere are two ways that each side could’ve won the war for Magnostadt.  Reim should have turned the war into one of attrition and stalled Magnostadt’s armies until it began to drain its resources, specifically its magoi and then go from there (yes, I know, easier said than done).  For Magnostadt, they should’ve used their barriers in creative ways and used it to pinch the army between two barriers and focused on the real fighters thereafter.  Sure, it takes a while to generate a barrier, but they could’ve used a series of weaker barriers until they could produce another impenetrable barrier on the opposite side of the army to trap them.

magi_the_kingdom_of_magic_s2-18-scheherazade-reim-magi-serious-war magi_the_kingdom_of_magic_s2-18-muu_alexius-reim-fanalis_army_corps-general-candidate-handsome-smile


Nagi no Asukara (Episode 18)

nagi_no_asukara-18-manaka-hibernation-asleep-frozen-ice-protected-enaI always love to see a familiar setting change, whether it be through growth, destruction or something simple like a change in seasons with ice and snow covering the sleepy hillside village of Shioshishio.  Of course, I have a favorite among the diversity of changes and winter/snow/silence is always one of my favorites, especially since Shioshisho is already unique and unusual in that it’s an underwater town.

nagi_no_asukara-18-tomoru-father-hibernation-asleep-snow-ice-frozen-beard nagi_no_asukara-18-uroko-bored-god-scales


Nobunagun (Episode 5)

nobunagun-05-galileio-angry-fire_in_eyes-comedy-cuteNobunagun really needed someone like Galileo.  She has quickly become the best part of this anime thanks to her contagious personality, her energetic comedy and her cute and compelling emotions and expressions.  With everyone else in the anime, save for Shio, one level of boring or another, it’s refreshing to see someone like Galileo pop up, bring some vitality and make the anime fun again.

nobunagun-05-galileio-sad-depressed-cute nobunagun-05-galileio-happy-tears_of_joy-cute


Noragami (Episode 5)

noragami-05-yato-hiyori-sleeping-carrying_body-comedy-seriousEven though it’s the same joke over and over, I will never get tired of Hiyori’s soul leaving her body in Noragami.  Not only are these scenes some of the most amusing in Noragami, due to Hiyori’s reactions, but that they also signify a change in the series when Hiyori goes from the normal, boring world into one that can interact with the supernatural.  These moments possess a duality, with one being comedy and the other signifying that the series will soon have some action or development of sorts.

noragami-05-yukine-naked-bathing-wondering-thinking-steam noragami-05-hiyori-soul-cat_tail-cat_ears-shocked-scared-eyes-comedy


Samurai Flamenco (Episode 16)

samurai_flamenco-16-moe-bag_over_her_head-cute-crying-loveYou realize that the only thing left for Samurai Flamenco is to go into space now.  And to be honest, I’m actually kinda looking forward to seeing what this anime will be like in space once we get there. (Note: this was written before seeing the preview for episode 18.)

samurai_flamenco-16-jouji-criminal-arrested-mask samurai_flamenco-16-gotou-police_officer


Space Dandy (Episode 5)

space_dandy-05-adelie-alien-little_girl-pout-looking_up-cuteEven though Kana Hanazawa is one of my favorite voice actresses, I was actually disappointed to hear her voicing the little, lost alien in this episode of Space Dandy.  Maybe it’s a bit of oversaturation or that I associate that voice with too many other characters already, but it just didn’t feel all that special to me.  That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy her work in this episode, just that I think I would’ve enjoyed it better had this role been played by a new or upcoming voice actress than one who is at the top of the industry.

space_dandy-05-dandy-sleeping-drawn_on_face-comedy space_dandy-05-adelie-alien-bite-comedy-escape-cute


Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta (Episode 5)

toaru_hikuushi_e_no_koiuta-05-kal-claire-romance-swimsuits-fall_and_land_on_top_of_girl-awkwardThe one major flaw with Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta is its artwork and prime example would be the overly simplified swim trunks for all the guys.  While the girls’ swimsuits were decent at best (you figure animators would draw the girls better than the guys), the swim trunks were all flat, monotone, and artificial.  At times, it even resembled the feeble efforts of Cartoon Network to censor the nudity in shows like Dragon Ball Z or Outlaw Star by drawing shorts and things over the naked character’s bodies.  I never thought I’d see the quality of artwork drop that low in an anime before but it certainly has with Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta.

toaru_hikuushi_e_no_koiuta-05-ariel-claire-swimsuits-sukumizu-playing-water toaru_hikuushi_e_no_koiuta-05-claire-nina_viento-figurehead-governor-white_hair


Wizard Barristers – Benmashi Cecil (Episode 4)

wizard_barristers-benmashi_cecil-04-moyo-serious-badass-magicIf wizards like Koromo can perform divinations, then why don’t they utilize this phenomena in their investigations, trials and even preventing crimes from occurring?  I suppose if that were the case, then everything about the magic court would be broken, but it does beg the question of why to include it for one scene when it would be useful in every case that comes to the Butterfly Law Offices.

wizard_barristers-benmashi_cecil-04-koromo-laughing-clerk-paralegal-sexual_innuendos wizard_barristers-benmashi_cecil-04-cecil-lawyer-helmet-goggles

Filed under: 2014 Winter, Anime Tagged: Analysis, Art, Awkward, Background, Blood, Censorship, Characters, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!, City, Clothing, Comedy, Development, Disappointment, Dragon Ball Z, Entertainment, Evil, Fantasy, Favorites, Friendship, Hamatora, Heartwarming, Hoozuki no Reitetsu, Inari Konkon Koi Iroha, Justice, Kemonomimi, KILL la KILL, Magi, Nagi no Asukara, Nobunagun, Noragami, Opinions, Outlaw Star, Questions, Romance, Samurai Flamenco, Seiyuu, Setting, Sound, Space, Space Dandy, Story, Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta, War, Water, Weekly Anime, Wizard Barristers - Benmashi Cecil

Winter 2014 – Week 6 Anime Review


noragami-06-kofuku-binbougami-kokki-fan-attack-stormsThis week: why the self-indulgent nature of anime and manga is mitigated in Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha, how the art style of KILL la KILL exhibits importance and extravagance, curious about the ending for Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren, and why 12 episodes is too short for an anime like Noragami.

Best episode of the week: KILL la KILL

Anime trending up this week: Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha

Anime trending down this week: Sekai Seifuku – Bouryaku no Zvezda

Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren (Episode 6)

chuunibyou_demo_koi_ga_shitai!_ren-06-rikka-yuuta-kiss-romanceConsidering the direction and progress in this season of Chuunibyou, one might beg the question if or when Rikka will ever outgrow her playful, delusional state.  With Satone appearing to make a terrible love triangle and the romance actually progressing for once, I figured we’d see Rikka mature significantly in this season but it’s actually been the opposite.  In fact, it’s Yuuta’s character who’s changed the most with him becoming more comfortable with Rikka’s antics (notice how frequent he hits her compared to season 1) and even playing along now.  Whereas I thought the finale would be a mature Rikka and Yuuta spending their days happily together, I now foresee an ending where both are obsessed with their made-up fantasies.  Although I’d prefer the former, I feel as though the latter is the more likely outcome at this point.

chuunibyou_demo_koi_ga_shitai!_ren-06-rikka-yuuta-romance-close-bed chuunibyou_demo_koi_ga_shitai!_ren-06-rikka-bed-awake-sleepless


Hamatora (Episode 6)

hamatora-06-drawing-pencil-sketchWhen anime characters draw anime-like characters… are they actually drawing anime characters or are they drawing what they see as real people?  And if the second point is true, how would an anime character draw an anime character?  Or how would they draw real people without it looking incredibly strange to them?  I’d love to see the rationale behind both sides of this conundrum.

hamatora-06-ratio-minimum_holder-eye_patch-doctor hamatora-06-chiyuu-artist-calm-sad


Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha (Episode 5)

inari_konkon_koi_iroha-05-keiko-akemi-chika-inari-swimsuits-bikini-beach-friendsAnime and manga are self-indulgent media based on how frequent you see these media refer to each other or borrow ideas and trends from one another.  Not only do you see characters talk about anime or manga or games but you’ll revisit common themes, patterns of storytelling and other novelties, like school swimsuits and idols and chuunibyou.  And while Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha is guilty of being self-indulgent, it doesn’t bother as much as most other anime.  These references and tributes seem more honest or genuine than most, perhaps largely because they seem to be cameos rather than points of emphasis.  You hear that Marutamachi draws manga and Inari’s father is a manga artist, but we haven’t spent much time on that besides pointing out a similarity.  Then you have Marutamachi wearing her school swimsuit, but you don’t have anyone obsessing over her wearing it (thank God for that).  I suppose that what makes Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha so great is that its flaws are minimized or negligible.  Without these being major concerns, every episode has been a continuous series of positives and other strong points.

inari_konkon_koi_iroha-05-inari-happy-friendly-joy-cute inari_konkon_koi_iroha-05-inari-akemi-transformation_into_keiko-awkward-yuri-romance-hug


KILL la KILL (Episode 18)

kill_la_kill-18-ragyou-villain-antagonist-mother-rainbow_hair-light-smug-smileKILL la KILL is a brilliant and dazzling anime thanks to its dramatic visual style and appropriate level of detail and aesthetics.  Although the comedy scenes often rely on a minimalistic style and presentation for effective entertainment, the serious scenes and the fighting scenes demonstrate magnificent cinematography, outstanding lighting effects, and marvelous textures (for lack of a better term, those thin, short black lines often seen on character faces and in backgrounds) to stress the importance and grandiose style of KILL la KILL.  Really, the meat of the series is found in these scenes, and the visual style and aesthetics display them with such flavor and richness that every bite is more irresistible than the last.  With such passion and enthusiasm, the art of KILL la KILL brings out the best in this series and is a significant reason why it’s one of my favorite anime of all-time.

kill_la_kill-18-uzu-blade_regalia_mk_3-shinai-transformation-bamboo_sword kill_la_kill-18-ryuuko-seki_tekkou-red_gauntlet-teeth-transformation


Magi: The Kingdom of Magi (S2) (Episode 19)

magi_kingdom_of_magic_s2-19-fanalis_corps-muu-myron-rohroh-reim-warHow does pushing the Reim army back to the ocean correlate with the army withdrawing and retreating?  Wasn’t the army largely useless and the Fanalis corps doing all the work?  Why not just have the army stay at the beach and have the Fanalis army break through the barriers and then open a pathway for the normal soldiers to march through later?  I mean, just have everyone gang up on Aladdin and the war is over.

magi_kingdom_of_magic_s2-19-aladdin-magi-rukh magi_kingdom_of_magic_s2-19-myron-fanalis-warrior-magic_vessel-strength_magic


Nagi no Asukara (Episode 19)

nagi_no_asukara-19-manaka-asleep-hibernation-bedIs it just me or does Shioshishio going into hibernation seems rather dumb and silly by now?  After five years of sleeping with the fishes, the argument between Shioshishio and Oshiooshi seems rather trivial, especially when putting the magnifying glass over the relationships and families affected by their petty bickering.  And knowing that when the residents of Shioshishio wake up, the arguments will still be fresh in their minds, just like it was yesterday and will likely resent the residents of Oshiooshi for it, despite these people having moved on for five years since.  It just seems silly at this point that such an argument lead to such a drastic and unnecessary outcome.  It’s really hard to justify why the whole village of Shioshishio went into hibernation and makes you wonder if they overreact to every little thing that happens in their village.

nagi_no_asukara-19-chisaki-blush-embarrassed-clumsy-comedy nagi_no_asukara-19-chisaki-non_alcoholic_plum_wine-pretend_drunk


Noragami (Episode 6)

noragami-06-yukine-sekki-spirit-conflicted-unhappyWhat’s hard about anime like this with a lengthy and developed story, an extensive and enjoyable cast and a relatively warm and positive reception is that 12 episodes are nowhere near long enough to be satisfying.  Although I’m thrilled a manga of this caliber was adapted into an anime, I know that by the time the 11th and 12th episodes roll around, I’ll be left unsatisfied by the incompleteness of the story and the characters… or worse, be left fuming at an anime original ending.  It’s difficult to watch a series like this knowing that the anime will be too short and that if a sequel is produced, if we’re lucky, that there will have been too long of a lull between the two and the enthusiasm and excitement will likely be lost.  Then again, it’s difficult to know which anime will be a success or not during the early production phase, but I do wish anime that were good like this were at least 24 episodes to start instead of the somewhat standard 12 to 13.

noragami-06-hiyori-kofuku-cat_tail-spirit-binbougami-hug-friends noragami-06-bishamon-god_of_war-antagonist-revenge-blonde


Silver Spoon S2 (Episode 6)

silver_spoon_2-06-aki-equestrian_club-riding_uniform-explaining-cuteI have nothing intelligent to say about this episode except that Aki is incredibly hot in her Equestrian Club uniform and I’m using this space to show a few screencaps.  Yup, that’s all for this week.

silver_spoon_2-06-aki-equestrian-riding_uniform-horse_jumping silver_spoon_2-06-aki-manami-ayame-equestrian_club-riding_uniform-comedy


Space Dandy (Episode 6)

space_dandy-06-dandy-meow-fighting-undies-vests-war-cross_counterWhile Dandy and Meow are thankful to have landed on the appropriate sides of the planetary war between Undies and Vests, I can’t help but wonder how the episode would have progressed if Dandy landed on the Vest’s side and Meow landed with the Undies.  It’s a dynamic that would’ve changed the story of the episode completely, especially if the two were held prisoner and the two aliens tried to use them as leverage in their war.  You can’t help but wonder if things might’ve turned out differently for everyone involved… but I suppose that line of thinking is true for any anime where you change the dynamic that much.  Nevertheless, it’s still fun to entertain the idea of how an anime would be different if you made simple switches like these.

space_dandy-06-meow-alien-cat-shock-comedy space_dandy-06-dandy-shocked-awe-comedy


Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta (Episode 6)

toaru_hikuushi_e_no_koiuta-06-chiharu-mitsuo-partners-friendship-talking-togetherWith the rather surprising amount of school-life episodes in Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta already occurring, I’m hoping this signifies that we have plenty of time to completely explain the war and explore all the characters.  Whereas these school episodes are largely filler material and could be cut if necessary, the war, the character development and the romance are all essentials to the story of this anime.  And considering that we’re about halfway through the series, I figure we’ll have plenty of time to complete all those story elements before the series is over.  I certainly hope the anime didn’t make the mistake of sacrificing these essential elements for more time at school and with friends, but an anime of this caliber and intelligence shouldn’t succumb to such a silly and unfortunate mistake.

toaru_hikuushi_e_no_koiuta-06-ariel-smiling-relaxing-happy toaru_hikuushi_e_no_koiuta-06-claire-waitress-timid-shy-happy-smile

Filed under: 2014 Winter, Anime Tagged: Anime Industry, Anime Original Ending, Art, Characters, Chuunibyou, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!, Cinematography, Clothing, Colors, Development, Differences, Direction, Drama, Entertainment, Friendship, Hamatora, Idol, Inari Konkon Koi Iroha, KILL la KILL, Light, Magi, Manga, Nagi no Asukara, Noragami, Pacing, Perspective, Positives, Questions, References, Romance, School, Sekai Seifuku - Bouryaku no Zvezda, Silver Spoon, Slice of Life, Society, Space Dandy, Story, Storytelling, Style, Swimsuits, Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta, War, Weekly Anime, What If
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